Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Cresswell, Frank B. 1858 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Frank B. Cresswell is a well known figure in insurance circles in his part of
the state, having since March, 1886, occupied the position of general agent for
the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company in southeastern Iowa. He makes his home
in Ottumwa and is numbered among the native sons of the state, his birth having
occurred in Bentonsport, Van Buren county, on the 20th of October, 1858. His
father, Robert Cresswell, was a native of Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, born
May 30, 1827. For many years he followed merchandising in Bentonsport and
ultimately removed to Ottumwa, taking up his abode here in 1884. He acted as
money order clerk in the postoffice while Captain Evans was postmaster and
became widely and favorably known in the county seat during the twenty-three
years of his residence here. He married Elizabeth M. Peters, a native of
Virginia, and both passed away in 1907, the former dying on the 17th of March,
while Mrs. Cresswell departed this life in the month of December. They became
the parents of eight children, all of whom were in Ottumwa to celebrate the
golden wedding of their parents. These are: Anna M.; Mary E., the wife of Dr. W.
E. Lawhead of Burlington; Frank B.; Carrie, the wife of Arthur Stone of
Birmingham, Alabama; Lorena, the wife of George Burke of Salt Lake City; Agnes
J., the wife of Joseph Briggs of Birmingham, Alabama; and Charles P. and Robert
J., both of whom are residents of Ottumwa.

When a lad of six summers Frank B. Cresswell became a pupil in the public
schools of his native town and there continued his education through successive
grades. Eventually he became a salesman in a general store and on the 1st of
May, 1877, he came to Ottumwa, where he has since made his home. He is now
widely and favorably known in this city, where he has lived for thirty-seven
years. He was first employed as a salesman in the store of Robinson Brothers and
later was employed by A. D. Moss and afterward by Israel Brothers, spending six
years in these various clerkships. On the 1st of May, 1883, he engaged in the
fire insurance business and in March, 1886, was appointed general agent for the
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company for southeastern Iowa, since which time he
has occupied that responsible position. He is also engaged in the fire insurance
business with F. W. Grube, and there is no resident of this section of the state
more thoroughly informed concerning everything that bears upon insurance than
Mr. Cresswell.

On the 21st of June, 1883, occurred the marriage of Mr. Cresswell and Miss Emma
F. Scott, who was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a daughter of Mrs. Mary W.
Scott, a widow, now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Cresswell have become parents of a
son, Howell S., who is a graduate of Cornell University of Ithaca, New York, and
who for the past seven years has been in Europe. Mr. Cresswell is a republican,
stalwart in support of the party, yet not an office seeker. He has attained,
high rank in Masonry, belonging.to Empire Lodge, No. 269, A. F. & A. M.; Clinton
Chapter, No. 9, R. A. M.; and Malta Commandery, No. 31, K. T. He has also
crossed the sands of the desert with Kaaba Temple of the Mystic Shrine of
Davenport. In his life he exemplifies the beneficent spirit of the craft. He is
an energetic business man, alert and wide-awake to his opportunities, and
gradually he has worked his way upward by reason of his energy, determination
and capability.

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