Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Courtney, C. J. 1873 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


C. J. Courtney is one of the prosperous agriculturists of Keokuk township, where
he owns a valuable farm of one hundred and forty-seven acres which is largely
devoted to stock-raising. He was born in that township December 15, 1873, and is
a son of Patrick and Mary (Crowley) Courtney, natives of Ireland, the former
coming to America in 1852 and the latter in 1854. They were married in Wapello
county in 1860 and in 1861 moved upon a farm which the father had purchased.
There he continued with unabated success, following the occupation of an
agriculturist until 1910. His widow is now residing in Ottumwa. In their family
were fifteen children, of whom six are living: Daniel; C. J., of this review;
Joseph P.; Nellie, the wife of N. Alderman; James; and Julia, who married
William Arman.

C. J. Courtney was reared upon the parental farm, acquiring his education in the
neighboring schools. After laying aside his text-books he assisted his father in
the operation of the fields until thirty-one years of age, when he removed to
South Dakota in the expectation of profiting by the opportunities which that yet
unopened country offered. There he remained until 1909, when he returned to
Wapello county and bought a homestead of one hundred and forty seven acres. In
addition to general farming he also follows stock-raising, breeding horses and
feeding hogs and cattle for the market. His buildings are in excellent repair
and in the best sanitary condition, while he has installed the latest machinery
in order to facilitate farm labor and to increase the output of his acres. He
studies stock-raising from a scientific point of view and has been successful
along this line because he has made use of a number of new ideas and has applied
new methods, thereby setting an example for other farmers of Wapello county.

In 1913 Mr. Courtney married Mrs. Mary (Deiters) Ripperger, who was born in Iowa
and before her marriage to our subject was the widow of William Ripperger. Both
Mr. and Mrs. Courtney are members of the Catholic church and devoutly attached
to that faith. The former is a democrat, conversant with the policy of his
party, which he stanchly upholds. Although he has not been active politically he
is ever ready to support worthy public enterprises and has contributed to the
development of his district, particularly in regard to agricultural advancement.

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