Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Colt, Henry P. 1851 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Henry P. Colt, a well known representative of the wholesale trade of Ottumwa,
having since 1893 been connected with what is now the Haw Hardware Company, of
which he is treasurer and director, possesses many substantial qualities which
contribute to success, energy, industry and sagacity being numbered among his
salient characteristics. He was born at Rochester, New York, July 1, 1851, and
is a son of Judah and Emma (Brown) Colt, the latter a relative of John Brown,
the distinguished abolitionist, whose labors did so much to bring about the
freedom of the enslaved race. Judah Colt was born in Penfield, Massachusetts,
and the mother in Essex county, New York. His death occurred in Rochester, New
York, on the 4th of September, 1864, while his wife passed away in St. Joseph,
Missouri. In their family were nine children, of whom six are yet living. The
father was a farmer and stock-raiser and thus provided for the members of his
household. Following his death the family removed to the west, settling at
Cameron Junction, Missouri, and in that state Mrs. Colt remained until her
life's labors were ended in death.

Henry P. Colt was but thirteen years of age at the time of his father's death,
and from that period onward he was the support of the family. In 1869 he made
his way to Cameron Junction, where he was employed for a short time and
afterward learned telegraphy on the Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad. He was
employed as agent at Forbs Station on the Kansas City & St. Joseph Railroad and
later he entered the train dispatcher's office at Henderson, Kentucky, where he
continued for a year. He next went to Strong City, Kansas, as an operator and
subsequently was transferred to Ottumwa, Iowa, where he was ticket agent until
1880. In that year he accepted the position of bookkeeper for the First National
Bank, with which he was connected for eleven years, or until the Citizens
Savings Bank was organized. He then went to the new institution, with which he
continued as cashier for two years. He then purchased the South Ottumwa Bank,
which failed in 1893. About the same time he entered the wholesale hardware
house of George Haw & Company and has since been with that establishment, which
is now conducted under the style of the Haw Hardware Company. Mr. Colt is one of
the stockholders and directors and for the past five years has been treasurer of
the company, in which connection he is bending his energies to administrative
direction and executive control. His opinions have constituted a valuable force
in the successful management of the business, and he is widely recognized as a
capable man, forceful and resourceful and thoroughly reliable and enterprising.

On the 22d of December, 1882, Mr. Colt was united in marriage to Miss Carrie J.
Nicholson, who was born in Oneida county, New York, a daughter of John B. and
Mary Nicholson. They are now parents of two children: Mary S., who is a graduate
of the University of Chicago and is the wife of Earnway Edwards, of that city;
and Arthur N., who is a graduate of the Iowa State Agricultural College at Ames
and is now with Swift & Company.

Mr. Colt gives his political allegiance to the republican party and fraternally
he is connected with the Masons, holding membership in the lodge, chapter and
commandery. He is also a member of the First Methodist Episcopal church and his
life, honorable and upright in all of its purposes and principles, has won for
him the high regard, confidence and good-will of his fellowmen. He deserves much
credit for what he has accomplished, for, starting out in life empty-handed, all
that he possesses has come to him through his energy, determination and capable
management. Moreover, his record proves that success and an honorable name may
be won simultaneously.

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