Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Clements, Wilbur Fisk 1849 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Wilbur Fisk Clements, owner of the Agency telephone system, is a business man
notably prompt, energetic and reliable in all his dealings. His activities and
interests have carried him into various sections of the country, and gradually
he has worked his way upward, improving opportunities that others have passed
heedlessly by and winning for himself a place among the substantial citizens of
the county in which he now makes his home. He is a native of Blooming Grove,
Franklin county, Indiana, born November 24, 1849, his parents being Richard and
Elizabeth (Webb) Clements. He has almost a complete genealogical record, showing
direct descent from one of three brothers who came to America in the Mayflower.
His grandfather also bore the name of Richard Clements and was an exhorter in
Indiana when it was a pioneer state, traveling for miles through the wilderness
to a little settlement, where he would preach the gospel. Wilbur F. Clements
traces his ancestry in the maternal line back to the period of the Revolutionary
war. His father was a native of Maryland and his mother of Indiana. After
residing for some years in the latter state following their marriage they came
to Wapello county, where they settled upon a farm, here continuing to make their
home until called to their final rest. They had a family of five children:
Altis, now a resident of Red Oak, Iowa; Wilbur F.; Virginia, the wife of George
W. Fair of Red Oak; and Howard and Mary F., both residents of California.

Wilbur F. Clements pursued his early education in the common schools and
afterward attended a seminary. He was but fourteen years of age when he started
out in life on his own account, and since then he has depended entirely upon his
own resources. He first learned the carpenter's trade, which he followed for
several years, becoming quite expert in that line. He has pronounced mechanical
tendencies, which have been developed until his skill in that direction is
marked. In 1878 he went to Colorado, attracted by the excitement over lead
discoveries, and there remained for two years. He then returned to Wapello
county, where he was again connected with building interests until 1902, in
which year he went to New Mexico. Having taken up the business of mechanical
engineering, he was engaged in the construction of municipal waterworks and in
setting up machinery of various kinds. He built some gold reduction mills and
also was the builder of creamery plants in six different states. Following his
return to Wapello county in 1904 he became identified with telephone interests
and established the Agency exchange. He owns the entire line and in this
connection gives excellent service to the public, at all times striving to
improve the system, which is today recognized as an indispensable factor in the
community. His possessions also include one hundred and sixty acres of land in
Montana and town property in Agency, in addition to the telephone system.

On the 8th of October, 1871, Mr. Clements was married, in this county, to Miss
Rebecca Fair, a native of Maryland and a daughter of John and Rebecca (Fisher)
Fair, who were also natives of that state. They came to Iowa during the early
development of Wapello county, however, and here settled upon a farm, which
continued to be their home throughout their remaining days, in their family were
nine children. To Mr. and Mrs. Clements have been born three children: Avonia
K., now the wife of Rev. W. H. Perdew of Newton, Iowa; Melville F., who married
Minnie Coover and is a civil engineer of Oregon; and Gladys M., the wife of
Lorne Parks of Burns, Montana. The parents are members of the Methodist
Episcopal church, and Mr. Clements gives his political allegiance to the
republican party. He has held numerous township offices, has also been assessor
and a member of the city council of Agency. The cause of education likewise
finds in him a stalwart champion, and he has done effective work in its behalf
while serving on the school board. While his business interests have taken him
into other sections of the country, he has spent much of his life in Wapello
county, where he has a wide acquaintance and an extensive circle of friends.

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