Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Christie, Morris W. 1883 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Morris W. Christie, one of Ottumwa's native sons, is prominently known in
business circles as an insurance, real-estate and loan agent, with offices at
No. 101; North Court street. In this connection he has built up a large and
gratifying business and has won the confidence and good-will of his colleagues
and contemporaries in business circles. He was born April 8, 1883, a son of
William S. Christie, who was a native of Watertown, New York, born July 1, 1849,
came to Ottumwa in 1872 and the following year opened an insurance office, in
which line of business he continued with growing success to the time of his
death, on the 17th of August, 1912. He married Julia Hill Alexander, a
representative of one of the old pioneer families of this city, her birth having
occurred in Ottumwa, April 28, 1848, while on the 10th of May, 1906, she passed
away at the age of fifty-eight years. Her father, John Alexander, came by wagon
from Kentucky to Iowa and aided in the reclamation of Wapello county for the
purposes of civilization. Making investments from time to time, he eventually
became the owner of a large amount of land in this county. Unto Mr. and Mrs.
William S. Christie were born three children: William W., whose birth occurred
May 17, 1878, and who is now a resident of Portland, Oregon; Morris W.; and
Elizabeth, who was born January 24. 1886, and died on the 26th of April, 1889.

At the usual age Morris W. Christie became a pupil in the public schools of
Ottumwa, in which he passed through consecutive grades until graduated from the
high school with the class of 1902. He next entered the University of Minnesota,
in which he spent two years, and later was a student for two years in the State
University of Washington at Seattle. Upon his mother's death he returned home
and soon afterward entered into the insurance business with his father, becoming
his successor. He is now conducting an extensive and profitable business in
insurance, real estate, loans and rentals, occupying well appointed offices at
No. 105 North Court street. His clients are many, and his business returns to
him a gratifying annual income. He owns an attractive residence in Ottumwa and
several farm properties in Iowa, Oklahoma and Missouri. In partnership with his
brother he owns a farm of one hundred and sixty acres and also owns a farm
individually eight miles from Ottumwa. He likewise has land in Arkansas, and
thus from time to time he has made judicious investments in real estate until
his holdings are now quite extensive and bring to him a gratifying annual income.

On the 25th of June, 1908, Mr. Christie was united in marriage to Miss Caroline
Drake Mabry, who was. born in Centerville, Iowa, and is a daughter of Judge and
Nannie (Lockman) Mabry, who are residents of Albia, Iowa. Mrs. Christie is a
lady of innate culture and refinement and is identified with a number of the
leading social and club organizations of the city. She belongs to the
Fortnightly Club, of which she is treasurer, the Womans Club, the Art Club, of
which she is president, and the Twenty Club. She is also eligible to the
Daughters of the American Revolution. Mr. Christie holds membership in the
Masonic fraternity and in the Wapello and Country Clubs, while both he and his
wife are members of the Episcopal church. They are among the highly esteemed
residents of this city and theirs is a hospitable home, whose good cheer is
greatly enjoyed by their many friends. Mr. Christie is a young man of
determination and enterprise and in his business career carries forward to
successful completion whatever he undertakes, knowing that obstacles and
difficulties can be overcome bv persistent, earnest and honorable effort.

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