Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Bell, Henry Leroy 1876 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Henry Leroy Bell, a partner in the Ottumwa Automobile Company, was born in
Keokuk county, Iowa, April 18, 1876. His father, James Bell, a native of Ohio,
was born April 12, 1849, and is now a farmer, living at Ankeny, Iowa. His wife,
who bore the maiden name of Lavica Teeters, was born in Keokuk county, and by
their marriage they became the parents of four children, one of whom has now
passed away: Henry Leroy; Elizabeth, the wife of Ray Hall of Ankeny; Glen, who
is also living at Ankeny, and Pearl.

Henry L. Bell began his education at the usual age as a student in the common
schools of Keokuk county, and when his text-books were put aside he concentrated
his entire attention upon the work of the home farm, being thus employed until
he reached his majority. He then engaged in the coal-mining business for three
years and on the expiration of that period became connected with the telephone
industry, but at length disposed of his interest in that line in 1908 and began
the manufacture of corrugated culverts at Oskaloosa. In 1908 he removed the
plant to Ottumwa, and in August, 1909, sold his interest in the business and
purchased a half interest in the Ottumwa Automobile Company. In 1911 this
company was incorporated. They now handle the Ford machine exclusively, and Mr.
Bell is active as general manager of the business, which is a growing one. The
cars which they control are among the very best of the moderate-priced motors
and their sale is rapidly increasing. They have also added to their line
automobile accessories, of which they are wholesalers and retailers.

On the 21st of April, 1897, Mr. Bell was married to Miss Ida Garrett, a native
of Keokuk county and a daughter of Andrew and Hester (Crocker) Garrett, the
former a farmer of Keokuk county. Mr. and Mrs. Bell have one child, Hazel, who
is a student in the Adams school of Ottumwa. The family attends the Methodist
church, and Mr. Bell belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the
Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. His political views are in accord with the
principles and teachings of the republican party, and in matters of citizenship
he manifests a progressive spirit. He has made several changes in his business
life and each step has been a forward one, bringing him a broader outlook and
wider opportunities. He is now well established in his present line and bids
fair to gain a very substantial success in that connection.

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