Lucas-Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Arvidson, Arvid 1844 - 
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Joy Fisher December 24, 2007, 11:37 pm

Author: Lewis Publishing Co. (1896)

ARVID ARVIDSON, as Trustee of White Breast township, Lucas county, Iowa,
occupies a position of local importance and is entitled to some special mention
here. As his name suggests, Mr. Arvidson is a native of Sweden, but has spent
the greater part of his life in America, and for a period of twenty-three years
has been identified with Lucas county.

   Arvid Arvidson was born near Gothenburg, Sweden, October 26, 1844, his father
being Arvid Skogman, and the maiden name of his mother, Stina Nelson, both
natives of Sweden. The paternal grandfather of our subject spent nearly the
whole of his life in the king's army, much of that time being an officer, and
for seven years was held as a prisoner of war by the Russians. Late in life he
married a young lady and by her had three children, one of whom was the father
of our subject. Arvid Shogman [sic] died in Sweden in 1850, leaving his widow
with three children, Arvid being the eldest, and at that time six years of age.
Of the other two, Mary and Caroline, we record that the former is in Iowa, and
the latter in Norway. The aged mother, now eighty-five, resides with her son.
They were farmers in Sweden, and their religion that of the Lutheran Church.

   The subject of our sketch spent his youth and early manhood on a farm in his
native land, attending school there until he was fifteen. When he was
twenty-four he bade goodbye to friends and native land and sailed from
Christiania, Norway, for the United States, where he landed after an ocean
voyage of twenty-one days. On his arrival in this country he came direct to
Iowa, and at Ottumwa secured employment in a brick-yard and was thus occupied
for three months. He next engaged in railroad work, doing track and car
repairing on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad and later was made
foreman of a section of the road, being occupied in this way for several years.
In 1882 he settled on the farm on which he has since lived, 140 acres in section
21, of White Breast township, located four and a half miles west of Chariton.

   Mr. Arvidson was married at the age of twenty-eight, in Ottumwa, Iowa, to
Miss Carrie Anderson, like himself of Swedish birth. She has been a resident of
America since her twentieth year. Her parents died in the old country. Mr. and
Mrs. Arvidson have nine children, their ages ranging from twenty-two to two
years, and their names, in order of birth, being as follows: Arvid Godfrey,
Ella, Esther, Agnes, Carl, Anna, Sallma, Joseph and Jenny.

   Ever since he became a citizen of the United States Mr. Avidson has been
connected with the Republican party. He served two terms as a member of the
School Board, and since 1892 has occupied his present position, that of Township
Trustee, serving most acceptably. Both he and his wife are members of the
Lutheran Church.

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