Stephens-Franklin County GaArchives Biographies.....Hosea, Clem T. January 5, 1867 - 
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June Coker McNew January 26, 2012, 1:24 am

Source: The Toccoa Record, Toccoa, Stephens County, Georgia
Author: Unknown

The Toccoa Record, 4 Feb 1909, p. 1.  

Biographical Sketches

Clem T. Hosea.  Was born Jan. 5, 1867, in Franklin County, near Martin.  He 
worked on the farm when a boy, and attended the common schools.  Ws the second 
son of a family of three boys and three girls.

Has engaged in farm work all of his life except one year, when he was in the 
employ of the Southern Railway.

His first wife was a Miss Martha Bailey, the marriage taking place in November 
1888.  Her death occurred ten years later.

Mr. Hosea married his second wife, formerly Miss Elzy Adams, July 1899.

He is the father of three children by his first wife, and four by his second 
wife, all living.

When Mr. Hosea was seven years old, his father moved to Habersham, three miles 
from Toccoa, a short distance off the Currahee road.  At the age of 21 his 
father gave him a mule, and bade him make a start for himself.  And he buckled 
down to the task like a man who meant to do something, soon establishing 
himself on a more substantial footing.  He is no longer the one-horse farmer 
of years ago, but owns one of the best farms in the county, in the section of 
Big A.  He continues his residence, however, on the Busha place, where he has 
lived for 19 years.  He owns and conducts a ginnery, in addition to his farm 

Mr. Hosea is a member of the W.O.W. [Woodmen of the World], the Odd Fellows, 
and for 21 years a leading member of the Baptist Church.

He is and has been for several years a trustee of the Currahee school.

He was elected to the office of County Tax Collector in the last election, 
having been successful in two primary elections during the summer.

The record of Mr. Hosea shows what a man can do who wills, and how successes 
may be wrought, even if surrounded by adverse circumstances.  This kind of 
record should appeal to all young men who possess energy and ambition and have 
to make their own way in the world.

Mr. Hosea is comparatively a young man yet, and greater problems will be 
solved, and larger duties will be discharged by him in the course of future 

[Transcribed by June Coker McNew, January 2011.  To get a copy of the picture 
in this article, I photographed the microfilm machine screen, but the quality 
of the image on the screen was very poor.]


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