Franklin County GaArchives News.....Aderhold Family 1890
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Weekly Tribune Newspaper
"Clippings from an Old Paper
The Weekly Tribune
J. S. DORTCH, Ed[itor] & Prop[rietor] - T. H. MORRIS, Publisher
A. N. KING, Local Editor

[reprinted 09 APR 1920 - Lavonia Times; 
my corrections and additions in brackets - jml]

"February 21st , 1890.

"The ADERHOLD Family:  The ancestors of the ADERHOLD family of this [Franklin] 
county came from Germany and settled in Virginia several hundred years ago. 
They were Quakers and left the old country on account of religious persecution. 
[Sic - This ADERHOLD line moved ca. 1773 from Prussia to York, PA, and in 1780 
to Lincoln Co, NC.  We have found no evidence that they were ever Quakers, but 
rather were Lutheran. - jml]   The family now living in this county have very 
little information of their anterior to the time of John Conrad ADERHOLD [1768 
Dillenburg, Prussia (now in Hesse Dist, Germany) - 1853 Franklin Co, GA ;  he 
m. ca. 1788, perhaps in Pendleton Dist, SC, to Elizabeth UNKNOWN, ca. 1761 MD-
ca. 1857? Franklin Co, GA], the grandfather of H[enry] D[avid] ADERHOLD of our 
town [Carnesville?].  He [John Conrad] had several children, among whom were 
Abram, Isaac and Lewis, all well remembered by the old and middle-aged citizens 
of this county.  Our information in reference to the family of Isaac [Marion] 
ADERHOLD is very limited, and we are unable to recall any members of the family 
in this part of the country except Mrs. JONES who is a daughter of Dr. A
[ugustus] R. JONES of Lavonia, who is a grandson of Isaac ADERHOLD.  He [Isaac] 
died near Carnesville sometime in the sixties [NOV 1862].  Mr. ADERHOLD was a 
man of peculiar appearance-grave, staid and silent, and always impressed [one] 
with the idea that he could say many wise things if only he would.

"Lewis ADERHOLD lived for a long time in Flintsville district, where there are 
now many of his descendants.  Among his descendants are John B[urton] ADERHOLD, 
who lives near Carnesville; the family of [Francis] Frank M[arion] ADERHOLD, 
who lived in Flintsville district; Mrs. Martha [Ann] WILLIAMS, wife of J[ohn] 
W. WILLIAMS; Mrs. Sarah PAYNE, wife of John B[elamy] PAYNE; Mrs. Rhoda 
CLEVELAND, wife of Milton CLEVELAND; Mrs. [Sarah] Anna CRUMP, wife of W
[illiam "Bill"] C. CRUMP; and Miss Mary ADERHOLD who has never married.  Mr. 
[Lewis] ADERHOLD [1800 Pendleton Dist, SC-1875 Franklin Co, GA] married Miss 
Susan[nah Elizabeth] BURTON [1808 Hart Co, GA-1887 Franklin Co, GA, daughter of 
John BURTON] about 65 years ago [on 06 AUG 1827 in Franklin Co, GA].  Both have 
been dead for several years.

"Abram ADERHOLD [almost always appears as Abraham in records], who lived in and 
near Carnesville for many years, was born about 1787 [sic -b. 12 DEC 1790] 
either in North or South Carolina, and after becoming a citizen of this state 
lived first in the present limits of Hart county.  He married Sarah HARBER 
[1791 SC-1863 Franklin Co, GA], daughter of Isaac HARBER, about the year 1810 
[05 DEC 1811 Franklin Co, GA], and who was related to the present HARBER family 
of this county.  [This name also appears in records as HARBOURWAY.]  Mr. 
ADERHOLD raised a number of children  [and he d. 1872 in Franklin Co, GA].  The 
oldest child, Catherine, married Charles W. SEWELL, better known to our people 
as Woodson SEWELL.  Mr. SEWELL raised a large family of children, but the only 
member that is now living in this county is Mrs. [Sarah Elizabeth ADERHOLD] 
McFARLAND [1846-1908], wife of T[homas] A[llen] McFARLAND [1841-1921], one of 
the best citizens and most solid and successful farmers in the county [they m. 
10 SEP 1865 in Franklin Co, GA].  [William Franklin] Frank SEWELL [1842-1920, 
m. Mary Elizabeth OLIVER, 1847-1937], one of the oldest children, has been for 
several years a citizen of Habersham county and is a prosperous man.  One of 
his [Woodson's] daughters [Katherine Eveline SEWELL] married William BRACKETT, 
a son of Felix BRACKETT, who was a Baptist minister and a man of [a] good deal 
of originality and a very executive man.  Mr. BRACKETT and wife now lived in 

"[James] Abram SEWELL [b. 1845, m. Kate UNKNOWN], one of the oldest sons of C. 
W. SEWELL, studied medicine and graduated with distinction, settled in Texas, 
acquired fame as a doc[t]or, and has made a large fortune, and we learn that he 
is now engaged in banking or financeering.  Thomas [Waldon SEWELL], a younger 
son than Abram [sic - Thomas (1841-1874), m. 21 NOV 1867 in Hart Co, GA, to 
Sarah Ann WINN (1837-1887)], studied medicine, settled in Texas, and has become 
famous as a physician.  C. W. SEWELL died, in this county several years ago, 
and his widow died in Tennessee a few years later.

"John H[arber, 1814-1870], the third [sic- second] child of Abram ADERHOLD, was 
a Baptist preacher of considerable ability, and lived and preached in this 
county for many years.  After the close of the war he moved to Gordon county 
and died about the year 1870.  His first wife was a Miss [Catherine Palmer] 
STUBBS of this county [m. 30 JUL 1839 in Franklin Co, GA] who died young 
[1845], leaving two children. Mrs. [Sarah A. ADERHOLD] McKENNON [b. 1843, m. 21 
APR 1859 in Franklin Co, GA, to Perry H. McKENNON, a miller] and J[ohn] H. P. 
[ADERHOLD, 1844-1918 Bairdstown, Oglethorpe Co, GA], who now lives in Green 
county [m. Anna S. UNKNOWN].  He contracted a second marriage [13 DEC 1846 in 
Jackson Co, GA] with a Miss WILSON [e.g. Sarah ROBINSON (nee WILSON?), b. ca. 
1811] of Jackson county.  Mrs. ADERHOLD, the second wife, is still living and 
was in Carnesville a few days ago.  She has one child in the county, Mrs. 
[Winifred Rebecca] Winnie [ADERHOLD] BROWN [1848-1930], wife of John Dozier 
BROWN [1846-1912], who lives near Martin in this county, and is an excellent 
man [they m. 12 DEC 1865 in Franklin Co, GA].  The third [sic- fourth] child 
Elizabeth [1818 Franklin Co, GA- 1892 Navarro Co, TX], married [18 OCT 1838 in 
Franklin Co, GA] Levy SEWELL [1812 Franklin Co, GA-1897 Barry, Navarro Co, TX] 
and lived in this county for almost half a century.  He and his wife are both 
living in Texas, and so far as we know we have only one child living in this 
county to-wit: J[ohn] A[aderhold]  SEWELL [1839 Franklin Co, GA-1920 Stephens 
Co, GA] of Bryants District, who is a staunch and leading citizen of this part 
of the county.

"The fifth [sic - third] child, George W[illiam, 1815-1819], was accidentally 
scalded to death when a very small boy.  Lewis MOULDER (a brother-in-law of 
Abram ADERHOLD), who was a dissipated man and at the time under the influence 
of liquor, accidentally turned a pot of boiling water upon him and he was 
burned to death.

"Dr. Henry D[avid] ADERHOLD [1821 Franklin Co, GA-1870 Gwinnett Co, GA], the 
sixth [sic - fifth] child of Abram ADERHOLD, is so well known to the people of 
this county that it's hardly necessary to mention him.  He studied medicine 
under Dr. Jesse LOW, of Lawrenceville, and practiced his profession for two 
years in Gwinnett county.  He first attended the medical college of Augusta but 
graduated in the Atlanta college in 1848.  Dr. ADERHOLD married Miss Amanda 
PATRICK [1827-1853], daughter of John H. PATRICK, in 1852 [sic - m. 16 OCT 1851 
in Franklin Co, GA].  She lived less than two years, leaving only one child, 
Miss Mary [E.], who married R[ichard] D[empsey] YOW, who is the most wealthy 
and one of the most progressive men in this county.  Mr. YOW represented the 
people of this county most acceptably both in the State Senate and the House of 

"In 1855, Dr. ADERHOLD married [19 OCT 1854 in Hart Co, GA] Miss [Emily 
Frances] Fannie JONES, daughter of Joseph H[enderson] JONES, late of this 
county.  [They had one son, Benjamin F. ADERHOLD, b. ca. 1856.]  The second 
Mrs. ADERHOLD died in 1857 or 1858 [she lived 1828-1856] and some eight or ten 
years ago, Dr. ADERHOLD married [08 OCT 1866 Franklin Co, GA Mrs. [Eliza] Jane 
[UNKNOWN] ALLEN and had two children-Miss Fannie Lee [b. 1868], who is now in 
the Female Seminary at Gainesville, and Miss Sue [b. 1876], who is a student, 
in Prof. MORRIS' school in Carnesville.

"Dr. ADERHOLD is now verging on to three score and ten [almost 70 years old] 
and is a well preserved man of this age.  As a physician he has been 
conservative, painstaking and careful and has acquired a reputation unsurpassed 
by any doctor in North East Georgia.

"Dr. William V[andiver?], the seventh [sic - sixth] child of Abram ADERHOLD, 
graduated with distinction as a doctor and was professor in the Atlanta Medical 
College from the time of his graduation until the war broke up the college.  He 
died seven or eight years ago in Lexington [Oglethorpe Co.], Ga.

"Rebecca [1825-ca.1856, seventh child of Abram] married [20 MAR 1851 Franklin 
Co, GA] Cuthbert [D.] AYERS [ca. 1826-ca. 1863, son of Jedediah AYERS] and has 
been dead for many years.  [Rebecca and Cuthbert had the following children: 
Frances L. AYERS (b. 1852), Sarah A. AYERS (b. 1854), and Eli E. AYERS (b. 
1856).  Following Rebecca's death, Cuthbert m. 08 MAY 1857 in Hart Co, GA, to 
Nancy ISOM.]  Abram C[onrad, 1831 or 1833-1921 Archer City, Archer Co, TX], the 
[ninth child and next to] youngest son of Abram ADERHOLD, married [05 APR 1855 
in Hart Co, GA to] a Miss [Margaret H.] JOHNSON of Hart county and is now a 
citizen of Texas.  [Omitted from the list of children of Abram ADERHOLD are: 
Mary ADERHOLD (1839-1837) and Eli Jasper ADERHOLD (1834-1850's).]

" The ADERHOLDS are noted for their integrity of character, firmness and 
fixedness of purpose.  The strong religious sentiment and fervor that induced 
them to leave their home across the Atlantic for conscience sake and seek 
freedom in a new world, is still manifest in the family.  The entire family are 
almost without exception, members of the church, mostly, if not altogether 
Baptists, and we have noticed the large development of veneration in many 
members of the family which is especially large in the head of Dr. H. D. 
ADERHOLD.  It was also especially prominent in Abram, Isaac, John H. and Mrs. 
Woodson SEWELL."

Additional Comments:
[Note:  I am a direct descendant of John George ADERHOLD (1772 Dillenburg, 
Prussia - ca. 1836 Carroll Co, GA), brother to John Conrad ADERHOLD of this 
piece.  I am interested in obtaining further information on this family.  I 
have additional material I will be glad to share.  John Mallory Land, McKinney, 
TX <>]

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