Franklin-Hart County GaArchives Church Records.....Teat Wright Brown Family Bible ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jo Zaski August 31, 2006, 8:58 pm I have a copy of pages in a Teate Wright Brown family Bible with the following information (as well as I can interpret it): Marriages: James W Wright on March 9th 1836 Larken Brown on September 16 1849 MJ Brown to LM Bailey on July 12, 1876 Spencer Brown on April 8 1843/5 Others can't read Births: James W Wright 2/28/1816? Thomas Oliver 5/27/1839? Julius Caroline 3/11/1841 George Verner Wright 8/9/1843 Francis Bleau Vin Wright 4/23/1831 Rhody RoBers Wright 8/2/1813 Larken Brown 1/11/1824 Sankin? Brown 1/11/1819 W H Brown 7/19/1877 died 9/11/1878 J L Brown 6/2/1879 died 9/10/1880 Spencer Brown 9/2?/1819 Mary Brown 1/7/1817 James Obed dyer? 12/13/1850 Sary lisa Beth 2/18/1853 John C Carnes 9/1/1836? Deaths: Malinda Wright 8/20/1876 Simon Oliver Teat 3/18/1881 Lonnie Teat 7/8/1889 Ressie DP Teat 4/10/1881 Larkin Brown 1/10/1892 Francis Brown 2/13/1911 Sary Elizabeth Teat 12/2/1921 Lillie May Teat 7/17/1914 Addie Teat 8/2/1901 This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.5 Kb