>From the Altoona Mirror, Altoona, PA 

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NOTE Dates missing are 7/12/2000, 7/31/2000


     Name                            Reference
Acker, Elmer E.                    Altoona Mirror, 7/21/2000, A9
Alianiello, Lucy R.                Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11
Baker, James Urgie                 Altoona Mirror, 7/19/2000, A13
Barr, Catherine M.  "Kay"          Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9
Barr, Charles L.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A8
Bender, John E.  "Fish"            Altoona Mirror, 7/17/2000, A7
Benjamin-Morrone, Jennie E.        Altoona Mirror, 7/3/2000, A7
Berkheimer, Gladys B.              Altoona Mirror, 7/5/2000, A9
Bilger, Helen M.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/19/2000, A13
Bittner, Madison R.  (Rev.)        Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A9
Blackburn, J.  Edward              Altoona Mirror, 7/22/2000, A7;
Blackburn, J.  Edward              Altoona Mirror, 7/23/2000, A9
Bloom, Helen L.                    Altoona Mirror, 7/23/2000, A9
Bonsell, Rev.Edward O.             Altoona Mirror, 7/1/2000, A11
Bott, Eleanor I.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/7/2000, A9
Bottenfield, Jack Ralston          Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Boyer, George F.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11
Boyles, Frances L.  "Coo"          Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Bratton, Anna Bernadine            Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11
Brinkley, Howard D.                Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Brodhead, Martin                   Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A9
Brooks, Agnes M.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/1/2000, A11
Brown, Robert O.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/8/2000, A11
Brumbaugh, Cathryn R.              Altoona Mirror, 7/21/2000, A9
Bruno, John                        Altoona Mirror, 7/6/2000, A11
Burket, Freda M.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/30/2000, A9
Caldwell, Violet M.                Altoona Mirror, 7/17/2000, A7
Carper, Lucy Steele                Altoona Mirror, 7/8/2000, A11
Carper, Robert E.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A7
Carper, Stanley G.  "Ted"          Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A8
Casteel, William J.                Altoona Mirror, 7/28/2000, A11
Charney, Anne D.S.                 Altoona Mirror, 7/24/2000, A7
Claar, N.  Kathryn                 Altoona Mirror, 7/9/2000, A9
Claar, Rudy Fay                    Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A9
Claar, Sarah Lois                  Altoona Mirror, 7/6/2000, A11
Claycomb, Ivadene                  Altoona Mirror, 7/4/2000, A7
Clifford, Thomas E.  Jr.           Altoona Mirror, 7/22/2000, A7
Coleman, Bruce K.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/30/2000, A9
Cort, Charles E.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9
Cox, Edith L.                      Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11
Craig, Bernadene Elizabeth         Altoona Mirror, 7/23/2000, A9
Creighton, Robert Lester           Altoona Mirror, 7/4/2000, A7
Crist, Robert Merle                Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9
Cruse, Ryoko                       Altoona Mirror, 7/3/2000, A7
Cuff, Bettie A.                    Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11
Cymbor, Sophia H.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/13/2000, A13
Daniels, Helen (Popek)             Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Datris, Patricia A.                Altoona Mirror, 7/2/2000, A11
DeSalvo, Anthony                   Altoona Mirror, 7/24/2000, A7
Despot, Naomi R.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/14/2000, A9
Devoue, Mary L.                    Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11
DiBuono, Alfred J.                 Altoona Mirror, 7/19/2000, A13
Dickinson, Hunter E.               Altoona Mirror, 7/4/2000, A7
Diehl, Greg A.                     Altoona Mirror, 7/3/2000, A7
Dively, Janice "Elaine"            Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A9
Dodson, Vergie M.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/23/2000, A9
Drake, Malcolm F.  "Mac"           Altoona Mirror, 7/13/2000, A13
Duffy, Ann M.                      Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11
Ebersole, E.  Eugene               Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A9
Echard, Donald R.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A4
Edwards, Robert N.  Jr.            Altoona Mirror, 7/17/2000, A7
Eichelberger, John Westley IV      Altoona Mirror, 7/19/2000, A13
Eisenhauer, Robert W.              Altoona Mirror, 7/22/2000, A7
Ellis, James E.  III               Altoona Mirror, 7/29/2000, A11
Emenhiser, Anna J.                 Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A9
Farino, Adriana Marie              Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A9
Ferrance, Yvonne M.                Altoona Mirror, 7/14/2000, A9
Ferraro, Anna M.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/30/2000, A9
Fetchkan, George Jr.               Altoona Mirror, 7/6/2000, A11
Field, Doris A.                    Altoona Mirror, 7/9/2000, A9
Frace, Janet F.                    Altoona Mirror, 7/19/2000, A13
Frontino, Joseph F.  Sr.           Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9
Fubio, Theresa A.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/2/2000, A11
Garman, Terry A.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A8
Gennaro, Sylvio R.  "Gyp"          Altoona Mirror, 7/21/2000, A9
Gieg, Fred B.  Sr.                 Altoona Mirror, 7/2/2000, A11
Ginnick, Elizabeth Ann             Altoona Mirror, 7/13/2000, A13
Goshorn, Leone Bell                Altoona Mirror, 7/13/2000, A13
Goss, Patricia R.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/17/2000, A7
Green, George "Herb"               Altoona Mirror, 7/4/2000, A7
Gubash, Elda L.                    Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Haag, Philip A.                    Altoona Mirror, 7/6/2000, A11
Haines, Alice M.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9
Hair, Paul E.                      Altoona Mirror, 7/17/2000, A7
Hall, Charles W.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/21/2000, A9
Haller, Robert F.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A9
Hamilton, Mary Baker               Altoona Mirror, 7/9/2000, A9
Hammel, John F.                    Altoona Mirror, 7/4/2000, A7
Hancuff, Margaret Ethel            Altoona Mirror, 7/23/2000, A9
Heidler, George A.                 Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7
Heininger, David M.                Altoona Mirror, 7/2/2000, A11
Helsel, Vera L.                    Altoona Mirror, 7/4/2000, A7
Herrold, Dorothy                   Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7
Herrold, William R.                Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7
Hilkirk, Anna G.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11
Hollen, Willie                     Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7
Holsinger, Dr.  Paul G.            Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11
Hoover, Alan G.                    Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11
Hoover, Anna D.                    Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A9
Hoover, Mary Jane                  Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Horne, James W.  Sr.               Altoona Mirror, 7/17/2000, A7
Houck, Theresa A.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11
Hyle, Helen (Szuhaj)               Altoona Mirror, 7/29/2000, A11
Imes, Margaret I.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/21/2000, A9
Imler, Dorothy M.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/3/2000, A7
Ingram, Florine M.                 Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Irvin, Mary Elizabeth              Altoona Mirror, 7/24/2000, A7
Irvin, Ruby A.                     Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11
Irwin, Edward Thomas               Altoona Mirror, 7/21/2000, A9
Isenberg, Elizabeth M.             Altoona Mirror, 7/9/2000, A9
Janker, Regina E.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/9/2000, A9
Johnson, Jeffrey Lynn              Altoona Mirror, 7/4/2000, A7
Johnson, William E.                Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A8
Jordan, Robert R.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/9/2000, A9
Kauffman, Gerald B.                Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11
Kauffman, Rev.  William W.         Altoona Mirror, 7/14/2000, A9
Keagy, Kenneth M.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A7
Kephart, Norma Joyce               Altoona Mirror, 7/5/2000, A9
Killinger, Harry B.  Sr.           Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A7
Kinback, William A.                Altoona Mirror, 7/4/2000, A7
Kinsel, Elizabeth (Hauser)         Altoona Mirror, 7/19/2000, A12
Kiracofe, Helen E.                 Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9
Kirkpatrick, Earl Robert           Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A7
Kiser, Grace Harriet               Altoona Mirror, 7/4/2000, A7
Kline, Mildred                     Altoona Mirror, 7/17/2000, A7
Knox, Grace E.                     Altoona Mirror, 7/1/2000, A11
Kostenbauder, John C.              Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Kovall, Pauline R.                 Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A7
Kuzma, Mildred                     Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9
Liebegott, Dorothy Marie           Altoona Mirror, 7/1/2000, A11
Lindsey, Alice S.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/3/2000, A7
Littlejohn, Ethel Gard             Altoona Mirror, 7/6/2000, A11
Loebenstein, Sara A.               Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A8
Logan, Matilda A. Barnes           Altoona Mirror, 7/28/2000, A11
Long, Ralph S.                     Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A4
Loomis, Ambrose J.  "Bud" Jr.      Altoona Mirror, 7/24/2000, A7
Low, Martha Elizabeth              Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11
Lowmaster, George F.               Altoona Mirror, 7/10/2000, A7
Lucas, Ethel M.                    Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Lutz, Janet T.                     Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9
Mack, Mary Grace                   Altoona Mirror, 7/8/2000, A11
Maillard, Herman Joseph            Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9
Marker, Geraldine A.               Altoona Mirror, 7/3/2000, A7
Martin, Eunice C.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/8/2000, A11
McCabe, William P.                 Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7
McConnell, Dorothy                 Altoona Mirror, 7/1/2000, A11
McCready, James R.                 Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A9
McEwen, Margaret E.                Altoona Mirror, 7/8/2000, A11
Mentzer, Jeffrey Paul              Altoona Mirror, 7/10/2000, A7
Mickle, J.  Ralph                  Altoona Mirror, 7/23/2000, A9
Miller, Devona M.  "Tootie"        Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A9
Miller, Dorothy Marie              Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A9
Miller, Lena M.                    Altoona Mirror, 7/1/2000, A11
Milton, Alice M.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/28/2000, A11
Minds, Raymond A.  "Flea"          Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A8
Mitchell, Edward F.                Altoona Mirror, 7/14/2000, A9
Moberg, Mary E.  (Stone)           Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A9
Mollica, Elaine Eva                Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11
Moriarity, James W.                Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A9
Morrone, Jennie Benjamin           Altoona Mirror, 7/2/2000, A11
Morse, Margaret Tabitha            Altoona Mirror, 7/6/2000, A11
Mort, Robert D.                    Altoona Mirror, 7/5/2000, A9
Mountain, Shirley Ann              Altoona Mirror, 7/28/2000, A11
Muir, Thelma G.  "Dolly"           Altoona Mirror, 7/30/2000, A9
Mulligan, Bernetta C.              Altoona Mirror, 7/23/2000, A9
Musser, Anne M.                    Altoona Mirror, 7/17/2000, A7
Myers, Twila D.                    Altoona Mirror, 7/29/2000, A11
Nagle, Edna Belle "Cookie"         Altoona Mirror, 7/1/2000, A11
Nearhoof, Lorena D.                Altoona Mirror, 7/28/2000, A11
Nowlen, Robert M.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7
Nycum, Ray A.                      Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A7
Pacifico, Alphonse N.              Altoona Mirror, 7/13/2000, A13
Parsons, Bonnie L.                 Altoona Mirror, 7/5/2000, A9
Paterman, Andrew E.                Altoona Mirror, 7/22/2000, A7
Pearce, Margaret Eleanor (Coxey)   Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11
Pfahler, William W.  Sr.           Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9
Phillips, Howard Charles           Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7
Porter, Mary (Wasilko) Hudak       Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11
Price, Robert P.  III              Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Prough, Clair E.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/19/2000, A13
Reed, Ruth E.                      Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7
Reeder, Pearl A.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/22/2000, A7
Reese, Jo Ann                      Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A9
Reilly, Timothy P.                 Altoona Mirror, 7/3/2000, A7
Rhykerd, Paul D.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/19/2000, A13
Riccio, Philomena A.               Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Ringler, Richard W.                Altoona Mirror, 7/13/2000, A13
Robbins, Shawn Eugene              Altoona Mirror, 7/22/2000, A7
Rohrer, Sarah Sally                Altoona Mirror, 7/30/2000, A9
Romano, Caroline L.                Altoona Mirror, 7/6/2000, A11
Rosend, Harold H.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/29/2000, A11
Rothwell, Ellen L.                 Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11
Rusyn, John "Jake"                 Altoona Mirror, 7/2/2000, A11
Scanlon, Father Thomas (TOR)       Altoona Mirror, 7/14/2000, A9
Schmidhamer, Catherine Mary        Altoona Mirror, 7/5/2000, A9
Scordo, James Francis Sr.          Altoona Mirror, 7/22/2000, A7
Seiler, John J.                    Altoona Mirror, 7/21/2000, A9
Settle, Marie H.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/23/2000, A9
Shaffer, Frances E.                Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Shannon, Allen W.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7
Shedlock, Leonard                  Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7
Sheehan, Kathryn M.                Altoona Mirror, 7/8/2000, A11
Shepard, Elvin J.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A9
Smeal, Betty C.                    Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A8
Smith, Anna M.  (Priselac)         Altoona Mirror, 7/30/2000, A9
Smith, Thomas Franklin             Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11
Snare, Kenneth W.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/19/2000, A12
Sprankle, Shirley A.               Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11
Sprankle, Zachariah Jr.            Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11;
Sprankle, Zachariah Jr.            Altoona Mirror, 7/28/2000, A11
Stehley, Paul Leon                 Altoona Mirror, 7/29/2000, A11
Steiner, Harry H.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Stevens, Leon Harold               Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Storm, Donald J.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9
Strayer, Madeline (Morrow)         Altoona Mirror, 7/30/2000, A9
Strong, Samuel                     Altoona Mirror, 7/2/2000, A11
Stuard, Martha A.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/1/2000, A11
Swope, Anna E.                     Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7
Tate, Rosalind Adele               Altoona Mirror, 7/24/2000, A7
Tate, Vesta E.                     Altoona Mirror, 7/6/2000, A11
Thomas, Judy Ann                   Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A7
Thompson, Grace B.                 Altoona Mirror, 7/21/2000, A9
Tomeo, DeFaine                     Altoona Mirror, 7/5/2000, A9
Tressler, Shirley J.               Altoona Mirror, 7/1/2000, A11
Umholtz, Christy Lynn              Altoona Mirror, 7/3/2000, A7
VanNest, Howard F.                 Altoona Mirror, 7/29/2000, A11
VanZandt, George A.                Altoona Mirror, 7/13/2000, A13
Vaughn, Joseph L.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/8/2000, A11
Vogel, John R.                     Altoona Mirror, 7/13/2000, A13
Vorhauer, M.  Fay (Rhodes)         Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A4;                                                    
Vorhauer, M.  Fay (correction)     Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A9
Waite, Marjorie F.  (Gibboney)     Altoona Mirror, 7/21/2000, A9
Walter, Sadie                      Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11
Walter, William C.  Jr.            Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A9
Watkin, Margaret P.  (Perkins)     Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11
Watson, Viola G.  "Oakie"          Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A7
Weaver, Robert William Sr.         Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A9
Weber, Jay D.                      Altoona Mirror, 7/21/2000, A9
Welch, Ethel M.                    Altoona Mirror, 7/22/2000, A7;
Welch, Ethel M.                    Altoona Mirror, 7/23/2000, A9
Weldon, Beatrice I.                Altoona Mirror, 7/24/2000, A7
Welsh, Margaret "Marge"            Altoona Mirror, 7/8/2000, A11
White, B.  Jane                    Altoona Mirror, 7/3/2000, A7
Willey, Harry V.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/7/2000, A9
Wilson, Mary Martha                Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A9
Wise, Doris V.                     Altoona Mirror, 7/23/2000, A9
Wise, Homer E.                     Altoona Mirror, 7/19/2000, A13
Yablinsky, Romayne                 Altoona Mirror, 7/13/2000, A13
Yarnall, Paul J.                   Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Yingling, Mary E.                  Altoona Mirror, 7/2/2000, A11
Young, Cleo E.                     Altoona Mirror, 7/24/2000, A7 

Name: Acker, Elmer E.
Address: Altoona
Age: 76  Deathdate: 7/19/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 11/17/1923  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Elmer E. Acker (deceased)
Mother: Laura Good (deceased)
Spouse: Miriam V. Woleslagle
Married: 12/16/1942 in Altoona
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Joan Schmitke, Kenneth Acker
Surviving Siblings: Melvin Acker
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Donald E., Frank, William, Raymond Acker
Religion: Altoona Bible Church
Clergyman: Pastor Kerry Feathers
Funeral Home: Good Funeral Home
Interment: Alto-Reste Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/21/2000, A9
Name: Alianiello, Lucy R.
Address: Valley View Home, formerly of 906 Second Avenue
Age: 83  Deathdate: 7/19/2000  Deathplace: at the home
Birthdate: 12/23/1916  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Michele Riccio
Mother: Rose De Sesa
Spouse: Joseph J. Alianiello
Married: 7/1/1936 in Altoona
Spouse Died: 11/9/1997
Surviving Children: Lenora Johnson, Joette Wisnieski, Anthony D.
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Scaglione Funeral Home
Interment: Calvary Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11
Name: Baker, James Urgie
Address: Phoenix, formerly of Pompano Beach, FL
Age: -  Deathdate: 11/22/1999  Deathplace: Phoenix
Birthdate: 7/5/1914  Birthplace: Altoona
Spouse: Elinor Baker
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Jim
Surviving Siblings: Jack, Billie Rentel
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Best Funeral Home, Peoria, AZ
Interment: Rose Hill Cemetery, Altoona, 7/22/2000
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/19/2000, A13
Name: Barr, Catherine M. "Kay"
Address: Altoona Hospital Center for Nursing Care, formerly of 2120 Second
Age: 95  Deathdate: 7/14/2000  Deathplace: at the center
Birthdate: 12/10/1904  Birthplace: Tyrone
Father: William L. Barr
Mother: Cecile Miller
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Mary P. Fortney
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: George C., Fred C., Walter I., Robert A., Dorothy Renner,
Elzada Sprock, Eugene A.
Religion: Broad Avenue Presbyterian Church
Clergyman: Rev. Richard J. Harrod
Funeral Home: E. Merrill Smith Funeral Home
Interment: Rosehill Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9
Name: Barr, Charles L.
Address: Washington Avenue, Tyrone
Age: 78  Deathdate: 7/25/2000  Deathplace: Tyrone Hospital
Birthdate: 11/2/1921  Birthplace: Birmingham
Father: Clifford Barr (deceased)
Mother: Charlotte Parks (deceased)
Spouse: June M. Isenberg
Married: 11/28/1945 in Tyrone
Spouse Died: 6/17/1995
Surviving Children: Gary L.
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Protestant
Clergyman: Rev. Charles J. Swenson
Funeral Home: Derman Funeral Home, Tyrone
Interment: Blair Memorial Park, Antis Township
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A8
Name: Bender, John E. "Fish"
Address: 1899 Plank Road, Carrolltown
Age: 46  Deathdate: 7/15/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 10/18/1953  Birthplace: Spangler
Father: Edward P. Bender
Mother: Martha Wyland
Spouse: Sara Balzano
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Ginger, Sherri
Surviving Siblings: Grace Lowmaster, Edward C.
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. Benedict Catholic Church, Carrolltown
Clergyman: Rev. Eric Vogt, OSB
Funeral Home: Stevens Funeral Home, Carrolltown
Interment: St. Benedict Catholic Church Cemetery, Carrolltown
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/17/2000, A7
Name: Benjamin-Morrone, Jennie E.
Address: Presbyterian Home of Hollidaysburg, formerly of IDA Tower, Apt. 305,
1010 12th Street
Age: 92  Deathdate: 7/1/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 2/10/1908  Birthplace: Poland
Father: Joseph Kowalski
Mother: Sophia Farat
Spouse: Fred Smith; Loury L. Benjamin; Rosario Morrone
Married: 1928; 2/25/1936; 4/30/1977 at St. Mark's Catholic Church
Spouse Died: 1935; 5/8/1970; 4/8/1994
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: Francis Horomanski (d. 5/12/1972)
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Our Lady of Fatima
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Stanley J. Krish Funeral Home
Interment: SS Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Church Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/3/2000, A7
Name: Berkheimer, Gladys B.
Address: 321 High Street, Williamsburg
Age: 88  Deathdate: 7/4/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 2/5/1912  Birthplace: Royer, Williamsburg RR 2
Father: L. Elwood Evans (deceased)
Mother: Cora B. Chamberlain (deceased)
Spouse: Harry Berkheimer
Married: 9/25/1937 in Indiana
Spouse Died: 5/1957
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Sara M. Illig
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Harvey, Walter, Eugene
Religion: Williamsburg Church of the Brethren
Clergyman: Pastor Duane A. White and Pastor Allen Baker
Funeral Home: Bolger Funeral Home, Williamsburg
Interment: Royer Cemetery, Williamsburg RR 2
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/5/2000, A9
Name: Bilger, Helen M.
Address: 3301 Shellers Bend No. 930, State College, formerly of Lehigh Acres, FL
and Tyrone
Age: 81  Deathdate: 7/17/2000  Deathplace: Centre Community Hospital, State College
Birthdate: 11/23/1918  Birthplace: Alexandria
Father: Harvey Mitchell (deceased)
Mother: Margaret Hawk (deceased)
Spouse: Robert E. Bilger
Married: 5/29/1935
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Margaret Conrad, half-brothers: Richard Myers, Larry Myers
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: Clarence H., Robert M., infant
Deceased Siblings: two half brothers, one half sister
Religion: Tyrone Wesley United Methodist Church
Clergyman: Rev. Gregory Lake
Funeral Home: Derman Funeral Home, Tyrone
Interment: Presbyterian Cemetery, Alexandria
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/19/2000, A13

Name: Bittner, Madison R. (Rev.)
Address: Centralia
Age: 77  Deathdate: 7/12/2000  Deathplace: Clinton County
Birthdate: 11/19/1922  Birthplace: Warrington, IN
Father: Rev. Melvin Bittner (deceased)
Mother: Savilla Romesberg (deceased)
Spouse: Lois Ross
Married: 8/30/1944, in Altoona
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Robert M., Barbara J.
Surviving Siblings: Melvin Jr., Groff, Jane Butler, Vivian Landis
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: two sisters
Religion: First Baptist Church, Centralia
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Irvin Funeral Home, Centralia
Interment: Hillcrest Memorial Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A9
Name: Blackburn, J. Edward
Address: Pleasantville, Bedford County
Age: 80  Deathdate: 7/21/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 12/18/1919  Birthplace: Pleasantville
Father: Jacob Clifford Blackburn (deceased)
Mother: Virgie Sellers (deceased)
Spouse: Norma Brightbill
Married: 8/19/1942
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Barbara Kolander, Anita DiFabio, Robert Blackburn
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Pleasantville United Methodist Church
Clergyman: Rev. Thomas Strandburg
Funeral Home: Hoffman Funeral Homes, Boswell
Interment: Pleasantville Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/22/2000, A7; Altoona Mirror, 7/23/2000, A9
Name: Bloom, Helen L.
Address: Glenhope
Age: 76  Deathdate: 7/22/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 7/1/1924  Birthplace: Madera
Father: William LaHive (deceased)
Mother: Rosetta Warrick (deceased)
Spouse: James Bloom
Married: 5/2/1942 in Winchester, VA
Spouse Died: 10/9/1993
Surviving Children: Jacqueline Peachman, Connie Cook
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Madera United Methodist Church
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Kruise Funeral Home, Madera
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/23/2000, A9
Name: Bonsell, Rev.Edward O.
Address: 523 W 13th Street, Tyrone
Age: 69  Deathdate: 6/29/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 5/16/1931  Birthplace: Tyrone
Father: Edward R. Bonsell
Mother: Anna Husak
Spouse: Annis Dayton
Married: 5/25/1951 in Tyrone
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Gerald E., Milton E., Richard H., May Gingerich
Deceased Children: Donglas I. (d. 8/18/1999)
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Spruce Creek United Methodist Church (Pastor)
Clergyman: Rev. Thomas H. Irwin and Rev. Norman E. Huff
Funeral Home: Richard H. Searer Funeral Home, Tyrone
Interment: Bald Eagle Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/1/2000, A11
Name: Bott, Eleanor I.
Address: 1618 Walton Avenue
Age: 66  Deathdate: 7/5/2000  Deathplace: Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center, Johnstown
Birthdate: 9/13/1933  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Alois Willmerdinger (deceased)
Mother: Fanny Buchbauer (deceased)
Spouse: Joseph E. Bott
Married: 9/4/1954 in Altoona
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Dr. Stephen, David
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. Mary's Catholic Church
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Stevens Mortuary
Interment: St. Mary's Catholic Church
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/7/2000, A9
Name: Bottenfield, Jack Ralston
Address: Raystown Road, Everett
Age: 73  Deathdate: 7/14/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 4/16/1927  Birthplace: East Providence Township
Father: Raymond Bottenfield (deceased)
Mother: Florence Garlick (deceased)
Spouse: Alice J. Steele
Married: 11/4/1950 in Winchester, VA
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Barry L., Jack D., Randy A., Andy
Surviving Siblings: Gerald W.
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Everett United Methodist Church
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Dalla Valle Funeral Service
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Name: Boyer, George F.
Address: Newry
Age: -  Deathdate: 7/19/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: -  Birthplace: Julian
Father: Allen G. Boyer (deceased)
Mother: Ella Hartsock (deceased)
Spouse: Dorothy M. McCoy
Married: -
Spouse Died: 10/17/1987
Surviving Children: Mary G. Riley, Eloise Cassidy, Raymond M. Boyer
Surviving Siblings: Beatrice Rosenberger
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Sorge Funeral Home, Hollidaysburg
Interment: New St. Mary's Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11
Name: Boyles, Frances L. "Coo"
Address: Valley View Home, formerly of 113 22nd Street
Age: 90  Deathdate: 113 22nd Street  Deathplace: 7/14/2000
Birthdate: at home  Birthplace: 2/18/1910
Father: Ashville
Mother: John J. St. John (deceased)
Spouse: Gertrude Myers (deceased)
Married: Charles J. Boyles
Spouse Died: 11/14/1979
Surviving Children: stepson: Bernard
Surviving Siblings: Donald, Ray, Louise Orr
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Thelma, Helen,Jean, Kenneth
Religion: Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Clergyman: Monsignor Stanley Carson
Funeral Home: Daniel R. Myers Funeral Home
Interment: Alto-Reste Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Name: Bratton, Anna Bernadine
Address: 251 Hancock Street, Northwood, Tyrone
Age: 81  Deathdate: 7/26/2000  Deathplace: Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center, Johnstown
Birthdate: 11/1/1918  Birthplace: Northwood, Tyrone
Father: Elmer E. Bratton
Mother: Agnes E. Herlt
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: Robert
Surviving Siblings: Walter, Louise Shingler
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: Rev. Norman E. Huff
Funeral Home: Richard H. Searer Funeral Home, Tyrone
Interment: Bald Eagle Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11
Name: Brinkley, Howard D.
Address: 714 Fourth Street, Cresson
Age: 92  Deathdate: 7/12/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 9/13/1907  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: John Brinkley (deceased)
Mother: Edith Long (deceased)
Spouse: Helen Shultzbarger; Mildred (Fultz) Conrad
Married: -; 7/7/1987 in Tampa, FL
Spouse Died: 1986; no
Surviving Children: stepdaughter: Judy Ivory
Surviving Siblings: Donald
Deceased Children: Sheldon D.
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Clergyman: Rev. Angelo Patti
Funeral Home: Charles M. Kennedy Funeral Home, Cresson
Interment: Alto-Reste Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Name: Brodhead, Martin (Rev.;Third Order Regular)
Address: Sacred Heart Friary, White Post, VA
Age: 90  Deathdate: 7/16/2000  Deathplace: at the friary
Birthdate: 5/11/1910  Birthplace: Plainfield, NJ
Father: Calvin Brodhead (deceased)
Mother: Gertrude McNulty (deceased)
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Edward, Sister Anne, Katherine Cosgrove, Laura Quinlan
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Immaculate Conception Chapel at St. Francis College, Loretto
Clergyman: Very Rev. Edmund Carroll, TOR
Funeral Home: Gibbons Funeral Home, Gallitzin
Interment: Franciscan Friar Seminary, Loretto
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A9
Name: Brooks, Agnes M.
Address: Pennsylvania Furnace
Age: 82  Deathdate: 6/29/2000  Deathplace: Tyrone Hospital
Birthdate: 5/19/1918  Birthplace: Mount Braddock
Father: Michael Jellick
Mother: Mary Czerniak
Spouse: Raymond E. Brooks
Married: 1937 in Fayette County
Spouse Died: 8/11/1997
Surviving Children: Janet Brannan, Shelva Kauffman, Linda Morten, Kathy Jabs,
Ray C., James D., Jack D.
Surviving Siblings: Margie Roebuck, Therese Meyer, Evelyn Smitley, half-sisters:
Genevieve Ballweg, Martha Brown, Phyllis Colbert; half-brothers: Bill Jellick,
Bob Jellick, Ronnie Jellick
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: half-sister: Emma Weimer
Religion: Nittany Bible Church, Pennsylvania Furnace
Clergyman: Pastor Keith Doster
Funeral Home: Good Funeral Home
Interment: Alto-Reste Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/1/2000, A11
Name: Brown, Robert O.
Address: 490 Cherry Street, Martinsburg
Age: 78  Deathdate: 7/7/2000  Deathplace: Nason Hospital, Roaring Spring
Birthdate: 5/18/1922  Birthplace: Martinsburg
Father: C. Olin Brown (deceased)
Mother: Mary H. Quarry (deceased)
Spouse: Dorothea L. McCown
Married: 10/20/1941 in Roaring Spring
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Audrey B. Smith
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church, Martinsburg
Clergyman: Pastor Timothy H. Knauss
Funeral Home: John C. Bolger Funeral Home, Martinsburg
Interment: Fairview Cemetery, Martinsburg
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/8/2000, A11
Name: Brumbaugh, Cathryn R.
Address: Fredericksburg, Box 121, Martinsburg RR 2
Age: 87  Deathdate: 7/20/2000  Deathplace: Nason Hospital, Roaring Spring
Birthdate: 4/8/1913  Birthplace: Saxton
Father: Ira Russell (deceased)
Mother: Leota Boller (deceased)
Spouse: W. Clyde Brumbaugh
Married: 10/1/1936 in Cumberland, MD
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: C. Wayne, Jack R., Larry L. Brumbaugh
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Wayne Russell
Religion: Clover Creek Church of the Brethren
Clergyman: Pastor David F. Banaszak
Funeral Home: John C. Bolger Funeral Home, Martinsburg
Interment: Grandview Cemetery, Saxton RR
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/21/2000, A9
Name: Bruno, John
Address: Presbyterian Home of Central New York, New Hartford, NY, formerly of
Altoona and Sherman Brook Village, Clinton, NY
Age: 90  Deathdate: 7/3/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 6/7/1910  Birthplace: Province of Calabria, Town of Amentea, Italy
Father: Giacchino Bruno
Mother: Giovanna Veltri
Spouse: Louise Raia
Married: Altoona
Spouse Died: 9/9/1982
Surviving Children: Joanna R. Jiampietro
Surviving Siblings: Mafalda Malsatski
Deceased Children: Joseph (infant son)
Deceased Siblings: Rose Manna, Felice, Arthur Bruno
Religion: St. John the Evangelist, Hartford, NY, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Altoona
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Scaglione Funeral Home
Interment: Calvary Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/6/2000, A11

Name: Burket, Freda M.
Address: Morrison Cove Home, Martinsburg, formerly of 300 Locust Street,
Age: 91  Deathdate: 7/29/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 1/24/1909  Birthplace: Curryville
Father: Hiram C. Replogle (deceased)
Mother: Mary B. Rhodes (deceased)
Spouse: Wilson E. Burket
Married: 6/19/1926 in Woodbury
Spouse Died: 11/23/1997
Surviving Children: MaryElizabeth Over, Judith M. Umbower, Glenn E., Robert L.
Surviving Siblings: Jesse L., Milton H., Clark R., John M., Martha Teeter,
Esther E. Bloom,Louise Kenyon
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Carmon C. Replogle, Marie A. Miller, Mary Grace Replogle,
Irene L. Replogle
Religion: Memorial Church of the Brethren, Martinsburg
Clergyman: Pastor David A. Steele
Funeral Home: John C. Bolger Funeral Home, Martinsburg
Interment: Fairview Cemetery, Martinsburg
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/30/2000, A9
Name: Caldwell, Violet M.
Address: Glen Hope
Age: 89  Deathdate: 7/15/2000  Deathplace: Philipsburg Hospital
Birthdate: 9/28/1910  Birthplace: Heverly, Coalport RD
Father: Ellis Dillon
Mother: Hanna Troxell
Spouse: Hershel Killon; Alvin V. Caldwell
Married: -
Spouse Died: 1942; no
Surviving Children: Norman [sic] Youhon, Connie Peacock, Delbert
Surviving Siblings: Ambrose
Deceased Children: Delores Iraca, George, Bobby Killon
Deceased Siblings: Alice Dillon
Religion: Glen Hope United Methodist Church
Clergyman: Rev. Darlene Weiwiora
Funeral Home: Lloyd-Dimmick Funeral Home, Irvona
Interment: Bell Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/17/2000, A7
Name: Carper, Lucy Steele
Address: Epworth Manor, Tyrone, formerly of Pennsylvania Hosue, Two W, 11th
Street, Tyrone
Age: 99  Deathdate: 7/7/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 3/7/1901  Birthplace: Huntingdon County
Father: George Washington Harpster
Mother: Nancy Vaughn
Spouse: Boyd S. Steele; Samuel Carper
Married: 8/1918; 6/1957
Spouse Died: 3/1946; 1976
Surviving Children: Lewis Steele, stepsons: Earl Carper, Wilson Carper, Howard
Carper, Percy Carper; stepdaughters: Loretta Couch, Sophia Daivs, Geraldine
Meek, Byrd Huff
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: Raymond, Ellsworth, Boyd Steele, stepsons: Norman Carper,
Arthur Carper
Deceased Siblings: eight brothers, three sisters
Religion: Tyrone Assembly of God Church
Clergyman: Pastor P. William Glunt
Funeral Home: Derman Funeral Home, Tyrone
Interment: Eastlawn Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/8/2000, A11
Name: Carper, Robert E.
Address: Franklinville, Spruce Creek
Age: 76  Deathdate: 7/23/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 1/14/1924  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Edward Brooks Carper
Mother: Naomi Ruth Soyster
Spouse: B. Jean Nelson
Married: 1/19/1946 in Cumberland, MD
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Connie S. Jensen, Robert E. Jr., Leroy D., Alan E. Carper
Surviving Siblings: Gilbert Carper, Miriam Brown, Joan Jones, Jane Miller, Donna
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: two brothers, one sister
Religion: Warriors Mark United Methodist Church
Clergyman: Rev. Gregory Lake
Funeral Home: Bruce E. Cox Funeral Home, Warriors Mark
Interment: Franklinville Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A7

Name: Carper, Stanley G. "Ted"
Address: Lodge Street, Woodbury
Age: 77  Deathdate: 7/16/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 4/29/1923  Birthplace: Woodbury
Father: Harrison Carper
Mother: Effie Abright
Spouse: Helen E. Teeter
Married: 3/1/1947 in Cumberland, MD
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Judy L.
Surviving Siblings: Esther Guyer
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Jacob Carper Sr.
Religion: United Church of Christ, Loysburg
Clergyman: Rev. Robert Langtry
Funeral Home: S. Gerald Weaver Funeral Home, Woodbury
Interment: Dry Hill Cemetery, Woodbury RD
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A8
Name: Casteel, William J.
Address: 297 Brookside Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ, formerly of Altoona
Age: 71  Deathdate: 7/26/2000  Deathplace: Valley Hospital, Ridgewood, NJ
Birthdate: 3/31/1929  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Daniel J. Casteel
Mother: Florence C. Dibert
Spouse: Earla M. Samels
Married: -
Spouse Died: 3/9/1995
Surviving Children: Daniel J.
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Glen Rock Community Church, Glen Rock, NJ
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: E. Merrill Smith Funeral Home, Broad Avenue
Interment: Alto-Reste Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/28/2000, A11
Name: Charney, Anne D.S.
Address: Philipsburg, formerly of Houtzdale
Age: 81  Deathdate: 7/22/2000  Deathplace: Philipsburg Area Hospital
Birthdate: 3/26/1919  Birthplace: Houtzdale
Father: Andrew Charney (deceased)
Mother: Anna Dipko (deceased)
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Andrew Charney,Genevieve Kauffman, Rose M. Miller
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Christ the King Catholic Church, Houtzdale
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Kruise Funeral Homes, Madera
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/24/2000, A7
Name: Claar, N. Kathryn
Address: Twin Oaks Apartments, Holidaysburg RD 1
Age: 85  Deathdate: 7/8/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 2/3/1915  Birthplace: Bakers Summitt
Father: Glenn J. Claar
Mother: Pearl E. Yeckel
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: Sheppard, Whiteley
Surviving Siblings: Louise Butler
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. Luke's Lutheran Church, Roaring Spring
Clergyman: Rev. James McCormick Jr.
Funeral Home: J. Gary Thompson Funeral Home, Roaring Spring
Interment: Holsinger Cemetery, Bakers Summit
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/9/2000, A9
Name: Claar, Rudy Fay
Address: Claysburg RD
Age: 89  Deathdate: 7/16/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 5/2/1911  Birthplace: Queen
Father: Harvey Claar (deceased)
Mother: Mary Jane Hoenstine (deceased)
Spouse: 1) Dorothy T. Warsing; 2) Laura Fickes
Married: 6/14/1938; 7/30/1967
Spouse Died: 10/1964; 3/8/1995
Surviving Children: Anthony, stepdaughter: Sondra Cooper
Surviving Siblings: Alda Markle, Rena Mylin, Norma Cower, Zella Dellinger
Deceased Children: Jeffrey M. (d. 1993)
Deceased Siblings: Russell, Ted, Percy, Emil, Jim, Ora Conrad, Sylvia Benton,
Jean Osborn, Bracy McDonald
Religion: Christ Lutheran Church, Claysburg; Claysburg Church of the Brethren
Clergyman: Rev. Andrew Fitch
Funeral Home: J. Edward Blackburn Funeral Home, Pleasantville
Interment: Greenfield Reform Church Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A9

Name: Claar, Sarah Lois
Address: Valley View Home, formerly of McKee
Age: 75  Deathdate: 7/4/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 7/16/1924  Birthplace: Mckee
Father: Willard E. Shoenfelt
Mother: Jennie Delozier
Spouse: Grover C. Claar Jr.
Married: 6/27/1949 in Winchester, VA
Spouse Died: 9/1/1990
Surviving Children: Sandy Mellott, Amy Bigler, Connie Smith, Grover C. III,
Richard E., Michael A.
Surviving Siblings: Howard, Fred
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Willard, Robert, Donald, Mary Camerer, Nellie Rhodes
Religion: Vicksburg Grace Brethren Church
Clergyman: Pastor Larry Sowers
Funeral Home: J. Gary Thompson Funeral Home, Roaring Spring
Interment: Greenlawn Cemetery, Roaring Spring
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/6/2000, A11

Name: Claycomb, Ivadene
Address: 932 Fourth Avenue, Duncansville
Age: 88  Deathdate: 7/1/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 8/28/1911  Birthplace: Weyant
Father: Edward F. Weyant (deceased)
Mother: Arizona Claycomb (deceased)
Spouse: Lester I. Claycomb
Married: 2/10/1928 in BelAir, MD
Spouse Died: 6/25/1995
Surviving Children: Althea Deyarmine, Dorla Shaw, Sharon, Carol Nixon, Judy
Teschke, Terry, Barry
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Hicks Memorial United Methodist Church, Duncansville
Clergyman: Rev. Donald G. Haulman
Funeral Home: Liebegott-Fisher Funeral Home, Duncansville
Interment: Alto-Reste Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/4/2000, A7

Name: Clifford, Thomas E. Jr.
Address: Valley View Home, formerly of 911 Green Avenue
Age: 62  Deathdate: 7/20/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 1/25/1938  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Thomas E. Clifford Sr. (deceased)
Mother: Bettie McCulloch
Spouse: Shirley Stanford
Married: 12/24/1981 in Pittsburgh
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: Lance T. Clifford, Laura Horlacher, Angela K. Potter,
Beatrice M. McGill
Surviving Siblings: Danny Clifford, Gary Clifford
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: John Clifford
Religion: Greenwood United Methodist Church
Clergyman: Rev. Harry Stetser
Funeral Home: Mauk and Yates Funeral Home, Juniata
Interment: private
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/22/2000, A7

Name: Coleman, Bruce K.
Address: Crystal spring
Age: 75  Deathdate: 7/28/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 5/24/1925  Birthplace: Cumberland, MD
Father: William A. Coleman Sr. (deceased)
Mother: Fannie V. Foor (deceased)
Spouse: Dorothy M. Bussard, Audrey Z.B. Mills, Ivah E.B. Johnson
Married: -
Spouse Died: 7/31/1968;no;no
Surviving Children: Dorothy M. Brambley, Mary E., stepdaughters: Tanya B.
Replogle, Gail B. Beach, Cindy B. Ford, Erin Cramer, Liane O. Johnson, Gillian
J. Clark, stepsons: Earl V. Johnson, Max M. Johnson
Surviving Siblings: William A. Jr., Louise M. Spiro
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Leon R. Wilson (half-brother)
Religion: Dalla Valle Funeral Chapel
Clergyman: Rev. Curtis Bryant
Funeral Home: Dalla Valle Funeral Service, Everett
Interment: Mount Union UCC Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/30/2000, A9
Name: Cort, Charles E.
Address: 1814 Fourth Street
Age: 83  Deathdate: 7/13/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 2/28/1917  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Theodore D. Cort
Mother: Elsie M. Wilson
Spouse: Nora C. (Ryan) Smith
Married: 9/12/1979 in Fairfax, VA
Spouse Died: 1/27/1990
Surviving Children: stepsons: John J. Ryan, William E. Smith, Roy F. Smith,
Patrick R. Smith; stepdaughters: Nancy A. Marr, Ruth M. Smith
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Leon E. Cort (d. 6/3/1997)
Religion: -
Clergyman: Rev. Jack D. Moyer
Funeral Home: Jones Funeral Home
Interment: West Sunbury Union Cemetery, West Sunbury
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9

Name: Cox, Edith L.
Address: Morrisons Cove Home, Martinsburg, formerly of Claysburg
Age: 87  Deathdate: 7/18/2000  Deathplace: at the home
Birthdate: 12/25/1912  Birthplace: Curryville
Father: Daniel Brown (deceased)
Mother: Sara kauffman (deceased)
Spouse: Rev. Charles L. Cox
Married: 3/29/1941 in Washington, DC
Spouse Died: 8/1982
Surviving Children: stepdaughter: Evalyn Jackson
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Dorothy M. Dennison (d. 10/16/1996)
Religion: Claysburg Church of the Brethren
Clergyman: Pastor Kevin E. Richardson, Dr. James R. Brady
Funeral Home: John C. Bolger Funeral Home, Martinsburg
Interment: Diehl's Crossroads Cemetery, Martinsburg RR 1
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11
Name: Craig, Bernadene Elizabeth
Address: Lutheran Home at Hollidaysburg, formerly of Philadelphia and Atlantic
City, NJ
Age: 98  Deathdate: 7/22/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 7/19/1902  Birthplace: Williamsburg
Father: Vance Craig (deceased)
Mother: Elmira Hetrick (deceased)
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: three sisters, two brothers
Religion: Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Williamsburg
Clergyman: Pastor M. Suzanne Larson
Funeral Home: Bolger Funeral Home, Williamsburg
Interment: Presbyterian Cemetery, Williamsburg
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/23/2000, A9

Name: Creighton, Robert Lester
Address: Imler
Age: 80  Deathdate: 7/3/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Center for Nursing Care
Birthdate: 12/3/1919  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Ralph Creighton (deceased)
Mother: Edith Claar (deceased)
Spouse: Lois M. Berkheimer
Married: 9/23/1939
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Alan, David, Jerre
Surviving Siblings: Vera Beemiller
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: four brothers, two sisters
Religion: -
Clergyman: Rev. Paul E. Claycomb
Funeral Home: Edward Blackburn Funeral Home, Pleasantville
Interment: Osterburg Community Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/4/2000, A7
Name: Crist, Robert Merle
Address: 3821 Quaker Valley Road, Alum Bank
Age: 52  Deathdate: 7/15/2000  Deathplace: Select Specialty Hospital, Johnstown
Birthdate: 12/21/1947  Birthplace: Pavia Township
Father: Charles M. Crist
Mother: Jean Owens (deceased)
Spouse: Judy Mazey
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Holly Mauk, Dana Patillo; stepdaughters: Judy L.
Messersmith, Jacolyn Mazey; stepson: Elvis Mazey
Surviving Siblings: Karen Daugherty, Beverly Spochart, Valerie Weaverling
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: Rev. Charles Rhodes
Funeral Home: Edward Blackburn Funeral Home, Pleasantville
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9

Name: Cruse, Ryoko
Address: 215 E Willow Avenue
Age: 71  Deathdate: 6/30/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 3/24/1929  Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Father: -
Mother: -
Spouse: Edward M. Cruse
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Karen N., Carl S., Daniel A.
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Mauk and Yates Funeral Home
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/3/2000, A7
Name: Cuff, Bettie A.
Address: 2012 15th Avenue
Age: 79  Deathdate: 7/25/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital Center for Nursing Care
Birthdate: 6/15/1921  Birthplace: Greensboro, NC
Father: William M. Dick Sr. (deceased)
Mother: Alberta Dawson (deceased)
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: James
Surviving Siblings: William Jr.
Deceased Children: Linda Jordan, Carole Campbell
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Bethel AME Church
Clergyman: Rev. Anthony C. Daniel
Funeral Home: Stevens Mortuary
Interment: Oak Ridge Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11
Name: Cymbor, Sophia H.
Address: 420 Cowher Avenue, Patton
Age: 81  Deathdate: 7/11/2000  Deathplace: Duncannon
Birthdate: 2/22/1919  Birthplace: Hastings
Father: Stanley Schall
Mother: Mary Waksmunski
Spouse: Martin Cymbor
Married: -
Spouse Died: 7/23/1986
Surviving Children: Donna Donnelly, Dolores Barnhill, Ronald, Robert
Surviving Siblings: Elizabeth Crowell, Ann Gregory
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Stevens Funeral Home, Patton
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/13/2000, A13
Name: Daniels, Helen (Popek)
Address: 851 Washington Avenue, Tyrone
Age: 81  Deathdate: 7/13/2000  Deathplace: Tyrone Hospital
Birthdate: 2/26/1919  Birthplace: Preston
Father: Wojciech Popek
Mother: Maria Brzyska
Spouse: John G. Daniels
Married: 9/2/1939
Spouse Died: 12/12/1983
Surviving Children: John M., Allan L.
Surviving Siblings: Joseph, Victoria Frydlewicz, Bertha Baker, Jean Szal
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Thomas
Religion: Holy Ghost Byzantine Catholic Church
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Valerian F. Szal Funeral Home, McKees Rocks
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Name: Datris, Patricia A.
Address: 513 27th Avenue
Age: 66  Deathdate: 6/30/2000  Deathplace: Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center, Johnstown
Birthdate: 6/26/1934  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Leonard R. Pensyl
Mother: Thelma E. Hesser
Spouse: Eugene R. Datris
Married: 7/25/1953
Spouse Died: 2/13/1986
Surviving Children: Robert M., Pamela A. Wysong
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament
Clergyman: Father Robert Mazur
Funeral Home: Stevens Mortuary
Interment: Calvary Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/2/2000, A11
Name: DeSalvo, Anthony
Address: 135 Beech Street, Carrolltown
Age: 78  Deathdate: 7/22/2000  Deathplace: Miners Hospital, Hastings
Birthdate: 4/12/1922  Birthplace: Elmora
Father: Joseph DeSalvo Sr. (deceased)
Mother: Sophia Fetsko (deceased)
Spouse: Viola DeFazio
Married: 6/22/1946 in Barnesboro
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Nancy Sobina, Jane Farabaugh, Anthony DeSalvo
Surviving Siblings: Mary, Rose, James, Philip, Arthur DeSalvo
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. Benedict Catholic Church, Carrolltown
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Stevens Funeral Homes, Carrolltown
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/24/2000, A7
Name: Despot, Naomi R.
Address: 420 Lindsay Street, Hollidaysburg
Age: 76  Deathdate: 7/12/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 3/4/1924  Birthplace: Sinking Valley
Father: John Kinch (deceased)
Mother: Edna Weyer (deceased)
Spouse: Frank. O. Despot
Married: 4/2/1953 in Orbisonia
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Kenneth, Sharon Quigley
Surviving Siblings: Ralph, Helen Friday, Beverly Itinger
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Paul Kinch, Thelma Kinch, Betty Oswalt
Religion: First Presbyterian Church, Hollidaysburg
Clergyman: Pastor James Fleming
Funeral Home: Plank, Stitt & Stevens Funeral Home, Hollidaysburg
Interment: Presbyterian Cemetery, Hollidaysburg
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/14/2000, A9
Name: Devoue, Mary L.
Address: Anchorage, AK, formerly of Altoona
Age: 64  Deathdate: 7/19/2000  Deathplace: Providence Alaska Medical Center, Anchorage
Birthdate: -  Birthplace: Claysburg
Father: -
Mother: -
Spouse: Bob DeVoue
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Edward
Surviving Siblings: George Hatfield, Herbert Hatfield, James Hatfield
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, Anchorage
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Alaska Cremation Center, Anchorage
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11
Name: DiBuono, Alfred J.
Address: 307 21st Street
Age: 81  Deathdate: 7/18/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 7/14/1919  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Antonio DeBuono
Mother: Grazielle Grassi
Spouse: Evelyn V. Lyle
Married: 5/14/1949 in Altoona
Spouse Died: 2/28/1989
Surviving Children: Darlene E. Posiowaych
Surviving Siblings: Mary Hunter
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Andrew, Joseph, Michael, Carrie Koontz, Minnie Menza
Religion: Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: E. Merrill Smith Funeral Home, Broad Avenue
Interment: Calvary Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/19/2000, A13
Name: Dickinson, Hunter E.
Address: Fallentimber
Age: 20  Deathdate: 7/2/2000  Deathplace: Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center
Birthdate: 9/3/1979  Birthplace: Clearfield
Father: Hunter E. Dickinson
Mother: Kimberly A. Conzo
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Marlena D. Lee, Sheila, Crystal L., Jason M.
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Richland Bible Church
Clergyman: Pastor Roy VanScoyoc
Funeral Home: McQuown Funeral Home, Glasgow
Interment: Fruit Hill Cemetery, Ansonville
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/4/2000, A7
Name: Diehl, Greg A.
Address: 727 Puzzletown Road, Duncansville
Age: 22  Deathdate: 6/28/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 7/31/1977  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Robert P. Diehl (deceased)
Mother: Margaret Allison
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Cathy Phan, Randy, Gary, Gene, Wayne, Eric, Earl
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: Father Ancelmy
Funeral Home: Good Funeral Home
Interment: Alto-Reste Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/3/2000, A7
Name: Dively, Janice "Elaine"
Address: Duncansville
Age: 60  Deathdate: 7/16/2000  Deathplace: Nason Hospital, Roaring Spring
Birthdate: 11/9/1939  Birthplace: King
Father: John H. Dively
Mother: Hulda May Feathers
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: L. Vaughn
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Christ Lutheran Church, Claysburg
Clergyman: Rev. Andrew Fitch
Funeral Home: Miller Funeral Home, East Freedom
Interment: Greenfield Cemetery, Claysburg RD
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A9
Name: Dodson, Vergie M.
Address: Osterburg
Age: -  Deathdate: 7/22/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 9/11/1909  Birthplace: Queen
Father: Thomas Roudabush (deceased)
Mother: Clara A. Eicher (deceased)
Spouse: Albert Dodson
Married: 9/11/1935 in Cumberland, MD
Spouse Died: 2/11/1974
Surviving Children: Calvin Dodson
Surviving Siblings: William Roudabush
Deceased Children: Theodore Hoenstine
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: Rev. Frank Linton
Funeral Home: Leslie Funeral Home, Claysburg
Interment: Bedford County Memorial Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/23/2000, A9
Name: Drake, Malcolm F. "Mac"
Address: Woodbury, formerly of 3139 Brumbaugh Road, New Enterprise
Age: 84  Deathdate: 7/12/2000  Deathplace: Woodbury
Birthdate: 8/5/1915  Birthplace: Three Springs, Huntingdon County
Father: Fred B. Drake (deceased)
Mother: Ruth Duvall
Spouse: Marie L. Cogan
Married: 1/20/1937
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Robert F., Edward P., Betty M. Marclerode, Bonnie I. Clark
Surviving Siblings: Isabelle Dixon, Jean Kleeder, John M.
Deceased Children: Donald E. (d. 1949), Benjamin L. (d. 1966), Martha J.
Marclerode (d. 1969)
Deceased Siblings: Gideon, Donald, Wayne, Grace Price, Mary Hall, infant
Elizabeth, Sara Long, Emma Thompson
Religion: New Enterprise Church of the Brethren
Clergyman: Pastor Martin Hutchinson
Funeral Home: John C. Bolger Funeral Home, Martinsburg
Interment: Fairview Cemetery, Martinsburg
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/13/2000, A13
Name: Duffy, Ann M.
Address: Evergreen Knoll, Duncansville
Age: 77  Deathdate: 7/25/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 1/5/1923  Birthplace: Juniata
Father: Clyde Chirdon (deceased)
Mother: Anna Gebhart (deceased)
Spouse: Eugene N. Duffy
Married: 8/17/1941 in Newry
Spouse Died: 5/2/1982
Surviving Children: Robert M., Patricia Westbook
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Reservoir Bible Church
Clergyman: Pastor D. David McCaulley
Funeral Home: Plank, Stitt and Stevens Funeral Home, Hollidaysburg
Interment: Alto-Reste Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11
Name: Ebersole, E. Eugene
Address: Box 446, Martinsburg, formerly of New Enterprise
Age: 81  Deathdate: 7/17/2000  Deathplace: Nason Hospital, Roaring Spring
Birthdate: 3/6/1919  Birthplace: New Enterprise
Father: Hazen Ebersole
Mother: Anna Fern Brumbaugh
Spouse: Janet Baker
Married: 8/1/1942
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Joy Nesbitt, Samuel, Andrew
Surviving Siblings: Hanna Crum, Belva
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Loysburg United Methodist Church
Clergyman: Rev. Ronald Doverspike, Rev. John Nesbitt
Funeral Home: S. Gerald Weaver Funeral Home, Woodbury
Interment: New Enterprise Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A9
Name: Echard, Donald R.
Address: 39 Shaeffer Drive, McVeytown
Age: 57  Deathdate: 7/24/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 12/19/1942  Birthplace: Newry
Father: Earl F. Echard (deceased)
Mother: Grace Allison (deceased)
Spouse: Charlene Koozer
Married: 6/17/1964
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Sue E., Alan R.
Surviving Siblings: Barbara Engle, Blair R.
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Calvary Baptist Church, Lewistown
Clergyman: Rev. Roger R. Reece
Funeral Home: Heller-Hoenstine Woodlawn Funeral Home, Lewistown
Interment: Spring Run Cemetery, McVeytown RD
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A4
Name: Edwards, Robert N. Jr.
Address: Haddam Quarter Road, Durham, CT
Age: 69  Deathdate: 7/14/2000  Deathplace: Middlesex Hospital
Birthdate: -  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Robert N. Edwards Sr.
Mother: Thelma MacFarlane
Spouse: Patricia Kronenwetter
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Robert III, Daryl, Rachel, Karen Jordan
Surviving Siblings: Richard, David, James
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Notre Dame Church, Durham, CT
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Biega Funeral Home, Middletown, CT
Interment: Mica Hill Cemetery, Durham
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/17/2000, A7
Name: Eichelberger, John Westley IV
Address: 700 Park Avenue, Lakemont
Age: 41  Deathdate: 7/13/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 10/12/1958  Birthplace: Phoenix
Father: John Eichelberg III (deceased)
Mother: Jackie E. Osteen
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Sid, Virginia Finney
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: Rev. John P. Klingeman
Funeral Home: Stevens Mortuary
Interment: Greenwood Memory Lawn, Phoenix
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/19/2000, A13
Name: Eisenhauer, Robert W.
Address: 2012 Jay Street, Lebanon
Age: 71  Deathdate: 7/21/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 1/22/1929  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Carl Eisenhauer (deceased)
Mother: Mary White (deceased)
Spouse: Susan M. Hassler
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Carl W. Eisenhauer, Donna L. Herr, Roberta A. Wolf, Kathleen
M. Corl
Surviving Siblings: Lois Meek
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Kreamer Funeral Home, Annville
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/22/2000, A7

Name: Ellis, James E. III
Address: Broad Avenue
Age: 78  Deathdate: 7/28/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 1/28/1922  Birthplace: Chambersburg
Father: James E. Ellis Jr. (deceased)
Mother: Edith Johnson (deceased)
Spouse: Freda M. Brown
Married: 11/10/1945 in Chambersburg
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Kathy DiFolco, Gregory
Surviving Siblings: Betty L. Lukinbaugh
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: one brother, three sisters
Religion: Broad Avenue United Methodist Church
Clergyman: Pastor Peggy Bonsell
Funeral Home: Martin R. Brown Funeral Home, Orbisonia
Interment: Old Methodist Cemetery, Orbisonia RD
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/29/2000, A11
Name: Emenhiser, Anna J.
Address: 1312 Pennsylvania Avenue, Tyrone
Age: 76  Deathdate: 7/17/2000  Deathplace: at hme
Birthdate: 7/3/1924  Birthplace: Tyrone
Father: James Simondale (deceased)
Mother: Kathryn Libold (deceased)
Spouse: Harold Forrest Emenhiser
Married: 5/25/1946
Spouse Died: 12/26/1982
Surviving Children: Harold J., Larry D., Randy D., Amy E., Becky Ann
Surviving Siblings: Kenneth F., Florence M. Aults, Vivian L. Aults, Phyllis M.
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Edna Price, Marjorie Simondale, James Simondale Jr.
Religion: First English Lutheran Church, Tyrone
Clergyman: Rev. T. Talbot-Moses, Rev. Bruce Boyles
Funeral Home: Richard H. Searer Funeral Home, Tyrone
Interment: Blair Memorial Park, Antis Township
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A9

Name: Farino, Adriana Marie
Address: 213 Sixth Avenue
Age: 0  Deathdate: 7/11/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 7/11/2000  Birthplace: -
Father: Frank Farino
Mother: Patricia Boring
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Trina
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Good Funeral Home at Alto-Reste Park
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A9
Name: Ferrance, Yvonne M.
Address: Greenwich Road, Northern Cambria
Age: 58  Deathdate: 7/12/2000  Deathplace: Indiana Hospital
Birthdate: 5/30/1942  Birthplace: Spangler
Father: Metro Ferrance
Mother: Julia Drotar
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Dr. Metro, Richard
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Long-Contres Funeral Home, Northern Cambria
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/14/2000, A9
Name: Ferraro, Anna M.
Address: 45 Horseshoe Drive
Age: 82  Deathdate: 7/29/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 3/18/1918  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Biaggio Colello (deceased)
Mother: Theresa Fusco (deceased)
Spouse: Henry L. Ferraro
Married: 10/1/1938 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Theresa J. Weamer, Marie A. Engelman, Janet A. Henninger,
Alberta L. Fogle, Margaret L. Charlton, Henry L. Jr.
Surviving Siblings: Albert, Arnold
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Philomena Petucci, Joseph, Daniel Colello
Religion: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
Clergyman: Father Edward Eckenrod
Funeral Home: Good Funeral Home
Interment: Calvary Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/30/2000, A9

Name: Fetchkan, George Jr.
Address: Portage
Age: 82  Deathdate: 7/4/2000  Deathplace: Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center, Johnstown
Birthdate: 5/20/1918  Birthplace: Jeddo
Father: George Fetchkan Sr.
Mother: Mary Michel Savlan
Spouse: Ann Garbacz
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Carole Novotny, Jean Getz
Surviving Siblings: Mary Pataluna, Helen Verbickey, Ann Portokalis, Millie
Potts, Pauline Yernaux, Barbara Miller, John
Deceased Children: Barbar Jean (infant daughter)
Deceased Siblings: Mike Savlan, Joseph Savlan, Olga Savlan
Religion: Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Portage
Clergyman: Father Ronald V. Osinski
Funeral Home: Mark A. Serenko Funeral Home, Portage
Interment: Sacred Heart Mausoleum
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/6/2000, A11

Name: Field, Doris A.
Address: 1213 Maple Hollow Road, Duncansville
Age: 76  Deathdate: 7/8/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 2/17/1924  Birthplace: Bedford County
Father: Earl Miller (deceased)
Mother: Ellia Felix (deceased)
Spouse: James Snively; Harold S. Field
Married: -; 4/4/1981
Spouse Died: 10/1979; no
Surviving Children: Judie, Jamie Gonsman, Becky Herman, James Snively, Richard
Surviving Siblings: Virginia Winegardner, Alberta Forback, Gladys Crichton,
Dixie Wilson, Richard Miller
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Foot of Ten Bible Church, Duncansville
Clergyman: Pastor Kerry L. Feathers
Funeral Home: Liebegott-Fisher Funeral Home, Duncansville
Interment: Schellsburg Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/9/2000, A9
Name: Frace, Janet F.
Address: 1521 Clearview Avenue, Lancaster
Age: 64  Deathdate: 7/13/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: -  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Neil J. Farrell (deceased)
Mother: Dorothy K. Kerns
Spouse: Ray F. Frace Jr.
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Mark W.
Surviving Siblings: Mary E. Galbraith, Barbara A. Campbell
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Lancaster Church of the Brethren
Clergyman: Rev. J. Calvin Wenger
Funeral Home: Charles Snyder Funeral Home, Lancaster
Interment: Conestoga Memorial Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/19/2000, A13
Name: Frontino, Joseph F. Sr.
Address: Northern Cambria
Age: 66  Deathdate: 7/15/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 11/4/1933  Birthplace: Spangler
Father: Frank Frontino (deceased)
Mother: Domencia Pizzino (deceased)
Spouse: Julianna Sheredy
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Lisa Bearer, Juliana Scott, Frank J., Joseph Jr., Robert
Surviving Siblings: John A., James, Frank A.
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Adeline Bucceri
Religion: Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Northen Cambria
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Long-Contres Funeral Home, Northern Cambria
Interment: Mount Carmel Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9
Name: Fubio, Theresa A.
Address: Valley View Home, formerly of Beaver Falls
Age: 95  Deathdate: 6/30/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 7/24/1904  Birthplace: Rochester
Father: Ralph DeDomenic (deceased)
Mother: Jennie Colella (deceased)
Spouse: Anthony F. Fubio
Married: 6/19/1930 in New Castle
Spouse Died: 3/27/1959
Surviving Children: Anthony J.
Surviving Siblings: Louis, Joseph
Deceased Children: Louise (died at birth)
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. Mary's Catholic Church, Beaver Falls
Clergyman: Rev. James Crookston
Funeral Home: Stevens Mortuary
Interment: St. Mary's Cemetery, Beaver Falls
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/2/2000, A11
Name: Garman, Terry A.
Address: 606 E. Atlantic Avenue
Age: 47  Deathdate: 7/25/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital Center for Nursing Care
Birthdate: 6/2/1953  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Calvin C. Garman
Mother: Dolores Speacht
Spouse: Madeleine Hirsch
Married: 3/21/1997 in Altoona
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: David A., Hans K.
Surviving Siblings: Diane M. Detwiler, Bruce G.
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: Pastor Robert Raycroft
Funeral Home: Mauk and Yates Funeral Home, Juniata
Interment: Rose Hill Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A8
Name: Gennaro, Sylvio R. "Gyp"
Address: South Main Street, Altoona
Age: 77  Deathdate: 7/19/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 2/2/1923  Birthplace: Gallitzin
Father: Pietro DeGennaro (deceased)
Mother: Angeladea DiGuillio (deceased)
Spouse: Janet McAleer
Married: 8/2/1952, at St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Gallitzin
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Jodie Lyon, Julie Crescenzo
Surviving Siblings: Anthony DiGennaro, Peter Gennaro
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Agnes Sabatine
Religion: St. Mark's Catholic Church, Altoona; services at St. Pat's, Gallitzin
Clergyman: Rev. Monsignor Bernard Przybocki
Funeral Home: Gibbons Funeral Home, Gallitzin
Interment: St. Patrick's Catholic Church Cemetery, Gallitzin
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/21/2000, A9
Name: Gieg, Fred B. Sr.
Address: Blairmont Terrace, Hollidaysburg
Age: 84  Deathdate: 6/30/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 9/13/1915  Birthplace: East Freedom
Father: Fred W. Gieg
Mother: Nora B. Burger
Spouse: Martha E. O'Brien
Married: 9/23/1944 in Carlisle
Spouse Died: 12/9/1991
Surviving Children: Frederick B. Jr.
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Christ Second Lutheran Church
Clergyman: Rev. Larry H. Louder
Funeral Home: Warren H. Replogle Funeral Home
Interment: Greenlawn Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/2/2000, A11
Name: Ginnick, Elizabeth Ann
Address: Valley View Home, formerly of Eleventh Street Towers
Age: 82  Deathdate: 7/12/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 7/15/1917  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Samuel H. Yon (deceased)
Mother: Charlotte E. McIntosh (deceased)
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: Lawrence J. Reilly
Surviving Siblings: Helen Force
Deceased Children: Timothy P. Reilly (7/1/2000)
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
Clergyman: Rev. Dennis M. Kurdziel
Funeral Home: Warren H. Replogle Funeral Home
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/13/2000, A13
Name: Goshorn, Leone Bell
Address: 521 Bellview Avenue, Bellwood
Age: 95  Deathdate: 7/10/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 8/24/1904  Birthplace: Bellwood
Father: Robert D. Bell (deceased)
Mother: Grace Raugh (deceased)
Spouse: Dr. Roy W. Goshorn
Married: 1926 in Stormstown
Spouse Died: 7/19/1988
Surviving Children: Roy B.
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Robert Sellers Bell
Religion: Trinity United Methodist Church, Bellwood
Clergyman: Rev. Robert L. Rupp
Funeral Home: Jon C. Russin Funeral Home, Bellwood
Interment: Logan Valley Cemetery, Bellwood
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/13/2000, A13
Name: Goss, Patricia R.
Address: Northern Cambria
Age: 72  Deathdate: 7/15/2000  Deathplace: Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center, Johnstown
Birthdate: 10/25/1927  Birthplace: Spangler
Father: Earl F. Kline (deceased)
Mother: Catherine Gower (deceased)
Spouse: William F. Goss
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: LeRoy F.
Surviving Siblings: Helen McIlwain, Virginia Kelly, Catherine Woods, Wanda
Black, Robert, William
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Kenneth, Paul, Irene McIlwain, Dorothy Whited, Elizabeth
Beltowski, Jeannene Visnyiczke
Religion: -
Clergyman: Rev. John Dallape
Funeral Home: Moriconi Funeral Home, Northern Cambria
Interment: McDowell Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/17/2000, A7
Name: Green, George "Herb"
Address: Box 78, Tyrone RD 2
Age: 47  Deathdate: 7/3/2000  Deathplace: Presbyterian Hospital, Pittsburgh
Birthdate: 9/24/1952  Birthplace: Bellwood
Father: Donald Green
Mother: Betty Murtiff
Spouse: Deborah A. Thomas
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Tracy L., Kristi N., Shawn K.
Surviving Siblings: Donna J. Lee, Dolly V. Leskowitz, Carol A., Karen S. Hamme,
Cathy L.Howe, Mary M. Colyer, A. Wayne, Donald E., Darryl L.
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: Pastor Herbert Rice
Funeral Home: Vincent J. Good Funeral Parlor, Bellwood
Interment: Logan Valley Cemetery, Bellwood
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/4/2000, A7

Name: Gubash, Elda L.
Address: Akron, OH
Age: 78  Deathdate: 6/8/2000  Deathplace: Copley Township
Birthdate: 6/18/1921  Birthplace: Blandburg
Father: Walker R. Matthews
Mother: Annie M.
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: Donna R. Franchi
Surviving Siblings: Colletta Sackett, Charlotte, Beth Peacock
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: McQuown Funeral Home, Glasgow
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Name: Haag, Philip A.
Address: 909 Jefferson Avenue, Tyrone
Age: 78  Deathdate: 7/5/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 4/16/1922  Birthplace: Tyrone
Father: Francis H. Haag (deceased)
Mother: Martha Mullen (deceased)
Spouse: Leona R. Long
Married: 9/25/1954 at St. Matthews Church, Tyrone
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Jean M.Lehner, Anthony, Lawrence, Alan, Bryan
Surviving Siblings: Mary J. Fink
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. Matthews Catholic Church, Tyrone
Clergyman: Rev. Joseph T. Orr
Funeral Home: Feller Memorial Home, Tyrone
Interment: Oak Grove Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/6/2000, A11
Name: Haines, Alice M.
Address: Wateredge Nursing Home, Trenton, NJ, formerly of Altoona
Age: 85  Deathdate: 7/12/2000  Deathplace: Capital Health Center, Trenton
Birthdate: 10/11/1914  Birthplace: Johnstown
Father: Allen Rowland
Mother: Bertha Eckard
Spouse: Thomas A. Haines
Married: -
Spouse Died: 11/1977
Surviving Children: Betty, Vera, Thomas Paul
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Daniel R. Myers Funeral Home
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9
Name: Hair, Paul E.
Address: 203 Llyswen Court
Age: 83  Deathdate: 7/16/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 9/18/1916  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Samuel E. Hair (deceased)
Mother: Edith M. Butler (deceased)
Spouse: Helen C. Lister
Married: 4/8/1937 in Lancaster
Spouse Died: 11/5/1992
Surviving Children: Jeanne, Nancy, Joan Berst
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Fairview United Methodist Church
Clergyman: Pastor Michael Leedom, Rev. Jack Moyer
Funeral Home: Stevens Mortuary
Interment: Blair Memorial Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/17/2000, A7
Name: Hall, Charles W.
Address: 39A Sylvan Drive, Hollidaysburg
Age: 78  Deathdate: 7/19/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 11/25/1921  Birthplace: Dearborn, MI
Father: Charles H. Hall (deceased)
Mother: Mary Wertz (deceased)
Spouse: Sara L. Akers
Married: 7/7/1945 at Simpson United Methodist Church, Altoona
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: C. Kent Hall
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Simpson-Temple United Parish, Altoona
Clergyman: Rev. Robert L. Rupp
Funeral Home: Sorge Funeral Home, Hollidaysburg
Interment: Alto-Reste Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/21/2000, A9
Name: Haller, Robert F.
Address: Altoona
Age: 80  Deathdate: 7/23/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital Center for Nursing Care
Birthdate: 3/18/1920  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Frederick J. Haller (deceased)
Mother: Birdie Belle DeLong (deceased)
Spouse: Clarabelle Spaulding; Lela A. Barry
Married: 3/9/1945; 2/3/1979
Spouse Died: 1/30/1978; 8/21/1993
Surviving Children: Mary B. Picha
Surviving Siblings: Beatrice Habenicht, Helen M., Anita George
Deceased Children: Helen Casteleiro (d. 1995)
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Stanley J. Krish Funeral Home
Interment: Woodlawn Memorial Park, Orlando, FL
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A9
Name: Hamilton, Mary Baker
Address: Judson Retirement Community, Cleveland
Age: Deathdate: 7/3/2000  Deathplace: Cleveland
Birthdate: 5/15/1914  Birthplace: Waterside
Father: John Baker
Mother: Iva -
Spouse: James Hamilton (of Watertown, NY)
Married: 1939
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: James A., Thomas A.
Surviving Siblings: Lola Glass
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Brown-Forward Funeral Service, Shaker Heights
Interment: family cemetery, Waterside
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/9/2000, A9
Name: Hammel, John F.
Address: 1436 Biglerville Road, Gettysburg
Age: 64  Deathdate: 7/1/2000  Deathplace: Hershey Medical Center
Birthdate: 12/16/1935  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Harry A. Hammel (deceased)
Mother: Margaret Hess (deceased)
Spouse: Geraldine Dunlap; Joan A. Taylor
Married: -
Spouse Died: 1993; no
Surviving Children: stepdaugher: Kristine K. Dupler; stepsons: Barry Swisher,
Allen Swisher
Surviving Siblings: Mary Strayer, William, David
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Dugan Funeral Home, Bendersville
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/4/2000, A7

Name: Hancuff, Margaret Ethel
Address: 921 Second Avenue
Age: 81  Deathdate: 7/21/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 1/20/1919  Birthplace: Coburn
Father: Charles Wills
Mother: Evelyn Wills
Spouse: John L. Hancuff
Married: 1/8/1943 in Altoona
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Sharon Guida, Crystal Imler, John Jr., Donald Hancuff
Surviving Siblings: Helen Walk, Fleta Pleva, Martin Wills, Eugene Wills
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: Father Edward Eckenrod
Funeral Home: Good Funeral Home
Interment: Alto-Reste Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/23/2000, A9
Name: Heidler, George A.
Address: 1210 22nd Street
Age: 21  Deathdate: 7/9/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 3/14/1979  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: George E. Heidler
Mother: Diann F. Winrick
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Eric D., Jeremy M.
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Pleasant Valley Church of Christ
Clergyman: Rev. Jerry Stumpf
Funeral Home: Vincent J. Good Funeral Parlor
Interment: Blair Memorial Park, Bellwood
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7
Name: Heininger, David M.
Address: Box 292, Williamsburg RD 2
Age: 21  Deathdate: 7/1/2000  Deathplace: University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Montefiore Hospital, Pgh.
Birthdate: 6/3/1979  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: David Heininger
Mother: Susan Roarabaugh
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. Mary's Catholic Church, Hollidaysburg
Clergyman: Father Eckenrod
Funeral Home: Sorge Funeral Home, Hollidaysburg
Interment: New St. Mary's Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/2/2000, A11
Name: Helsel, Vera L.
Address: 112 Helsels Farm Lane, Woodbury
Age: 84  Deathdate: 7/2/2000  Deathplace: Nason Hospital, Roaring Spring
Birthdate: 7/8/1915  Birthplace: Woodbury
Father: Harry A. Almick
Mother: H. Alverna Keagy
Spouse: William R. Helsel
Married: 6/20/1934 in Hollidaysburg Lutheran Parsonage
Spouse Died: 12/10/1976
Surviving Children: Joyce Clouse, Lois Sollemberger, Merle W., Paul E., David C.
Surviving Siblings: Virginia Claycomb
Deceased Children: William H. Jr.
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Trinity Lutheran Church
Clergyman: Pastor Sharon Erb
Funeral Home: S. Gerald Weaver Funeral Home, Woodbury
Interment: Dry Hill Cemetery, Woodbury
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/4/2000, A7
Name: Herrold, Dorothy
Address: 717 E Hartzell Avenue
Age: -  Deathdate: 7/10/2000  Deathplace: car accident
Birthdate: -  Birthplace: -
Father: -
Mother: -
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Mauk and Yates Funeral Home, Juniata
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7
Name: Herrold, William R.
Address: 717 E Hartzell Avenue
Age: -  Deathdate: -  Deathplace: -
Birthdate: -  Birthplace: -
Father: -
Mother: -
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Mauk and Yates Funeral Home, Juniata
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7
Name: Hilkirk, Anna G.
Address: 4002 Hermitage Hills Blvd., Hermitage
Age: 92  Deathdate: 7/25/2000  Deathplace: Sharon Regional Hospital
Birthdate: 12/11/1907  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Bruce I. Ebersole (deceased)
Mother: Estella Hughes (deceased)
Spouse: Raymond H. Hillkirk
Married: 2/21/1957
Spouse Died: 7/18/1984
Surviving Children: Donna F. Elmer (stepdaughter)
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Christ Lutheran church, Sharon
Clergyman: Rev. Arlon K. Stubbe
Funeral Home: Sample-O'Donnell Funeral Home, Sharon
Interment: Hillcrest Memorial Park, Hermitage
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11
Name: Hollen, Willie
Address: Ashville
Age: 75  Deathdate: 7/10/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 10/1/1924  Birthplace: Juniata
Father: George Hollen (deceased)
Mother: Cecelia Warner
Spouse: Olive Conrad
Married: 8/24/1946 in Ashville
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Kenneth, Cindy Connacher
Surviving Siblings: Lloyd, Ann Weakland
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: George Jr., Betty Butler
Religion: St. Thomas Catholic Church, Ashville
Clergyman: Rev. Robert Mazur, Rev. James Bunn, Rev. Joseph Fleming
Funeral Home: Gibbons Funeral Home, Ashville
Interment: St. Thomas Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7
Name: Holsinger, Dr. Paul G.
Address: Morrisons Cove Home, Martinsburg, formerly of 104 Blair St.,
Age: 101  Deathdate: 7/25/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 7/25/1899  Birthplace: Fredericksburg, Martinsburg RR 2
Father: Rev. William Henry Holsinger (deceased)
Mother: Corena Jane Gates (deceased)
Spouse: Dr. Helen Marie Beery
Married: 6/20/1925 in Vaughnsville, OH
Spouse Died: 7/1/1989
Surviving Children: Karthryn H. Ott, William P. Holsinger
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Virgil Holsinger, Freda Showalter, Orpha Sollenberger
Religion: Memorial Church of the Brethren, Martinsburg
Clergyman: Pastor David A. Steele, Pastor Floyd H. Mitchell
Funeral Home: John C. Bolger Funeral Home, Martinsburg
Interment: Fairview Cemetery, Martinsburg
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11

Name: Hoover, Alan G.
Address: Atlanta
Age: 66  Deathdate: 7/9/2000  Deathplace: -
Birthdate: -  Birthplace: -
Father: -
Mother: -
Spouse: Theresa
Married: -
Spouse Died: 1995
Surviving Children: Rachel Rawson, Pamela Hoover-Johnson, Greta O'Neill, Mark
Surviving Siblings: Annajean Sebralla, Molly Snizek, David Hoover
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Roswell Funeral Home, Roswell, GA
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11

Name: Hoover, Anna D.
Address: 401 N. Fifth Avenue, Juniata
Age: 61  Deathdate: 7/17/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 12/15/1938  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Albert Pruznak (deceased)
Mother: Mildred Points (deceased)
Spouse: Richard C. Hoover
Married: 8/10/1964 in Winchester, VA
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: John A., Beverly Ann Bush, Susan M. Shay, Rebecca J.,
stepson: Richard C. Jr.
Surviving Siblings: Catherine Metzgar, Carol Van Ormer
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Juniata
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Mauk and Yates Funeral Home, Juniata
Interment: Blair Memorial Park, Bellwood
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A9

Name: Hoover, Mary Jane
Address: Box 4, Martinsburg RR 2
Age: 70  Deathdate: 7/13/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 5/11/1930  Birthplace: Cessna, Bedford County
Father: Humphrey Heltzer (deceased)
Mother: Mary E. Walter (deceased)
Spouse: Harold W. Hoover
Married: 9/29/1956 in Martinsburg
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Duane H., Timothy R.
Surviving Siblings: Betty Stern, Margie, Richard H.
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Dorothy E. Showalter
Religion: Martinsburg Grace Brethren Church
Clergyman: Pastor James S. Laird Sr. and Pastor Robert A. Russell
Funeral Home: John C. Bolger Funeral Home, Martinsburg
Interment: Fairview Cemetery, Martinsburg
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Name: Horne, James W. Sr.
Address: 415 Aggie Street, Hollidaysburg
Age: 82  Deathdate: 7/16/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 11/3/1917  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Thaddeus J. Horne (deceased)
Mother: Edith Rutherford (deceased)
Spouse: Marjorie Dibert
Married: 6/8/1938 in Altoona
Spouse Died: 1993
Surviving Children: James W. Jr., John T., Barbara D. Trenger, Donna F. Sprow
Surviving Siblings: Marion Smith
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Frank, William Margaret White
Religion: First Church of the Brethren
Clergyman: Pastor Frank Oessenich
Funeral Home: Plank, Stitt & Stevens Funeral Home, Hollidaysburg
Interment: Alto-Reste Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/17/2000, A7
Name: Houck, Theresa A.
Address: 945 View Street, Hagerstown, MD, formerly of Hollidaysburg
Age: 35  Deathdate: 7/18/2000  Deathplace: Topsail Beach, Jacksonville, NC
Birthdate: 10/8/1964  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Lloyd W. Houck (deceased)
Mother: Susan McNelis
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: Ashley
Surviving Siblings: Kevin, Karen Baum, Linda Santore, Sandy Lightner, Christine,
stepbrothers: Paul Mock, Richard Hillard, stepsisters: Sherry McConnell, Dawn
Hand, Barbara Hillard, Wanda McConnell
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: Pastor James Boulware
Funeral Home: Plank, Stitt and Stevens Funeral Home, Hollidaysburg
Interment: St. Mary's Cemetery, Hollidaysburg
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11
Name: Hyle, Helen (Szuhaj)
Address: Wenham, MA
Age: 76  Deathdate: 7/24/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: -  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Stefan Szuhaj (deceased)
Mother: Feuronia - (deceased)
Spouse: Stanley Hyle
Married: -
Spouse Died: yes
Surviving Children: Steven
Surviving Siblings: Theodore
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Lillian Skvir, John, Michael Szuhaj
Religion: St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, Salem, MA
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Campbell Funeral Home, Beverly, MA
Interment: Salem
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/29/2000, A11
Name: Imes, Margaret I.
Address: Roaring Spring RD 1
Age: 70  Deathdate: 7/19/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 9/6/1929  Birthplace: Roaring Spring
Father: E. Wilson Myers
Mother: Anna M. McKnight
Spouse: Donald D. Imes
Married: 9/24/1948 in Frederick County, VA
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Anna M. Imes, G. Michael, David D., Gregory L. Imes
Surviving Siblings: James W. Imes
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Sara K. Diethrich (d. 4/5/2000)
Religion: First Church of the Brethren, Roaring Spring
Clergyman: Pastor Galen Brumbaugh
Funeral Home: J. Gary Thompson Funeral Home, Roaring Spring
Interment: Greenlawn Cemetery, Roaring Spring
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/21/2000, A9
Name: Imler, Dorothy M.
Address: Homewood Retirement Center, Martinsburg, formerly of Henrietta, Box
580, Martinsburg RR 1
Age: 85  Deathdate: 7/2/2000  Deathplace: Nason Hospital, Roaring Spring
Birthdate: 8/13/1914  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Clarence F. Detterline (deceased)
Mother: Mabel Ebersole (deceased)
Spouse: Elwood C. Imler
Married: 7/14/1933 in Bedford
Spouse Died: 12/17/1992
Surviving Children: Cecelia I. Hoover, Darlene J. Fouse, C. Dawn Burket, Bonnie
J. Trueman
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Gladys Beach, Helen Parker, Arthur Detterline
Religion: Mt. Pleasant United Church of Christ, Martinsburg RR 1
Clergyman: Pastor Robert C. Langtry
Funeral Home: John C. Bolger Funeral Home, Martinsburg
Interment: Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Martinsburg
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/3/2000, A7
Name: Ingram, Florine M.
Address: 507 Country Manor, Duncansville
Age: 79  Deathdate: 7/10/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 11/27/1920  Birthplace: Pittsburgh
Father: Lorenzo Hassenplug
Mother: Dora Croll
Spouse: Ralph J. Ingram Jr.
Married: 7/12/1940 in Winchester, VA
Spouse Died: 5/11/1982
Surviving Children: Lois M. Johnson
Surviving Siblings: Carl
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Gilden Barton Funeral Home
Interment: Altoona
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Name: Irvin, Mary Elizabeth
Address: Presbyterian Home, Hollidaysburg
Age: 93  Deathdate: 7/23/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 7/4/1907  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: John A. McGuire (deceased)
Mother: Hannah F. Sidel (deceased)
Spouse: William N. Irvin
Married: 8/3/1927
Spouse Died: 9/15/1980
Surviving Children: Thomas E., Larry W. Irvin
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Duncansville Congregaton of Jehovah's Witnesses
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Mauk and Yates Funeral Home, Juniata
Interment: Grandview Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/24/2000, A7
Name: Irvin, Ruby A.
Address: 501 East Caroline Avenue
Age: 76  Deathdate: 7/18/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 11/13/1923  Birthplace: Juniata
Father: Henry Edward Byers
Mother: Olive Anna Sigrist
Spouse: Bruce E. Irvin
Married: -
Spouse Died: 8/27/1995
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: John, Hattie Pannebaker, Mary, Lola Seymore
Deceased Children: Terry L. Irvin
Deceased Siblings: Andy Byers
Religion: Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church, Juniata
Clergyman: Rev. Carol Gathagan
Funeral Home: Mauk and Yates Funeral Home, Juniata
Interment: Grandview Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11
Name: Irwin, Edward Thomas
Address: Houtzdale RD
Age: 81  Deathdate: 7/20/2000  Deathplace: Knickerbocker Villa, Clearfield
Birthdate: 1/13/1919  Birthplace: Houtzdale RD
Father: Roy Irwin (deceased)
Mother: Erna Gilbert (deceased)
Spouse: Ruth Snyder
Married: 5/17/1941 in Baltimore
Spouse Died: 3/8/1995
Surviving Children: Autumn Haines, Paulette Bloom, Nannette Anderson
Surviving Siblings: Margaret McGarvey
Deceased Children: Carol J. Archer
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Houtzdale Primitive Methodist Church
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Birger A. Freeberg Funeral Home, Houtzdale
Interment: Brisbin
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/21/2000, A9
Name: Isenberg, Elizabeth M.
Address: Hollidaysburg Presbyterian Home, formerly of 712 W Second Street,
Age: 76  Deathdate: 7/7/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 11/1/1923  Birthplace: Barnesboro, Cambria County
Father: Harry Kurtz (deceased)
Mother: Retta Edmiston (deceased)
Spouse: Juette O. Isenberg
Married: 10/9/1971 in Winchester, VA
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Jerry T., Wayne E., Sandra L. Carter; stepdaughters: Delores
J. Beaver, Karen J. Frye
Surviving Siblings: Margaret Sommers
Deceased Children: stepson: Juette O. Isenberg II (d. 12/13/1987)
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: Pastor Wilbert E. Banks
Funeral Home: Bolger Funeral Home, Williamsburg
Interment: Presbyterian Cemetery, Williamsburg
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/9/2000, A9
Name: Janker, Regina E.
Address: Wheatfield, NY, formerly of 323 Ruskin Drive
Age: 90  Deathdate: 7/7/2000  Deathplace: Crestwood Health Care Center, Wheatfield
Birthdate: 3/21/1910  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: George Janker (deceased)
Mother: Regina Janker (deceased)
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: George, Mary, William, Rose
Religion: St. Mary's Catholic Church
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Stevens Mortuary
Interment: St. Mary's Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/9/2000, A9
Name: Johnson, Jeffrey Lynn
Address: 217 N Ninth Avenue, Juniata
Age: 33  Deathdate: 7/2/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 9/24/1966  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Richard Johnson
Mother: Betty Hamm
Spouse: Lisa A. Barley
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Laken L., Joshua P., Daniel A.
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: Pastor John Poe
Funeral Home: Vincent J. Good Funeral Parlor, Bellwood
Interment: Logan Valley Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/4/2000, A7
Name: Johnson, William E.
Address: Mount Pleasant RD 7
Age: 72  Deathdate: 7/15/2000  Deathplace: Frick Hospital, Mount Pleasant
Birthdate: 7/9/1928  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Gerald Johnson (deceased)
Mother: Edith Harmon (deceased)
Spouse: Ruth Ella Williams
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Jerry, Marcia, Cindy
Surviving Siblings: Doreen Smith
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Grace Brethren Church, Uniontown
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Brooks Funeral Home, Mount Pleasant
Interment: Delmont
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A8
Name: Jordan, Robert R.
Address: Ramey
Age: 69  Deathdate: 7/7/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 1/19/1931  Birthplace: Houtzdale
Father: Roy Jordan (deceased)
Mother: Minnie Frostbotter (deceased)
Spouse: Catherine Miscavish
Married: 10/23/1953 in Pittsburgh
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Robert J., Greg A., Tracey Miller
Surviving Siblings: Edward
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Faith United Lutheran Church, Houtzdale
Clergyman: Rev. Robert Argot
Funeral Home: Kruise Funeral Home, Ramey
Interment: Beulah Cemetery, Ramey
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/9/2000, A9
Name: Kauffman, Gerald B.
Address: 5801 Broad Avenue
Age: 73  Deathdate: 7/18/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 9/28/1926  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Dewayne Kauffman (deceased)
Mother: Elizabeth Greene
Spouse: Martha Lloyd
Married: 1/1/1986,in Winchester, VA
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Jerry C. Kauffman, Cathy Kauffman-Nearhoof, Christine
Surviving Siblings: Hewitt Eirhart (stepbrother), Janet Eirhart (stepsister)
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Catholic
Clergyman: Rev. Sam Furches
Funeral Home: Stevens Memorial Chapel
Interment: Rose Hill Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11

Name: Kauffman, Rev. William W.
Address: Petersburg RR 1
Age: 75  Deathdate: 7/12/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 2/22/1925  Birthplace: Port Royal
Father: Oliver W. Kauffman
Mother: Barbara M. Walter
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: William A., Gayle Ewing, Nancy Embly
Surviving Siblings: Frances Crimmel
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Barbara E. Metzgar, half sister: Catherine Wagner
Religion: Port Royal United Methodist Church
Clergyman: Rev. Thomas H. Irwin Jr., Pastor Frank J. Swartz
Funeral Home: Port Royal United Methodist Church, Port Royal
Interment: New Church Hill Cemetery, Port Royal
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/14/2000, A9
Name: Keagy, Kenneth M.
Address: 315 Leslie Avenue, Lakemont
Age: 74  Deathdate: 7/23/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 7/13/1926  Birthplace: Barnesboro
Father: Mahlon R. Keagy
Mother: Annetta Yeatts
Spouse: Regina M. Nedimyer
Married: 9/30/1943 in Altoona
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Judy Mahoney, Wayne Keagy, Cheryl Keagy, Susan Miller, Matt
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: infant daughter
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Lakemont
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Stevens Mortuary
Interment: Calvary Cemetery Mausoleum
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A7

Name: Kephart, Norma Joyce
Address: 409 Elm Street, Lakemont
Age: 71  Deathdate: 7/3/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 8/14/1928  Birthplace: Huntingdon
Father: Clayton Wright
Mother: Anna Goodman
Spouse: Barry E. Kephart
Married: 2/15/1958 in Pittsburgh
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Barbara Hunt, Janet, Kirk E.
Surviving Siblings: Carl, Gene
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Lakemont Church of God
Clergyman: Rev. Mark Rhodes
Funeral Home: Gilden Barton Funeral Home
Interment: Blair Memorial Park, Bellwood
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/5/2000, A9
Name: Killinger, Harry B. Sr.
Address: 619 Fletcher Road, Duncansville
Age: 82  Deathdate: 7/24/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 2/7/1918  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Killinger
Mother: Beatrice Nagle
Spouse: Joan Wogan
Married: 1/16/1993 in Altoona
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Harry B. Jr., Carol Kyle, stepdaughter: Linda Wilt
Surviving Siblings: Lois Langer
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: Rev. Father Robert Neugebauer
Funeral Home: Stevens Mortuary
Interment: Blair Memorial Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A7
Name: Kinback, William A.
Address: Portage
Age: 48  Deathdate: 7/2/2000  Deathplace: Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center, Johnstown
Birthdate: 7/18/1951  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Robert Kinback (deceased)
Mother: Mary McEwan (deceased)
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Audrey Edmundson, Carherine Shedlock, Bernard, Gerald, Regis
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Thomas, Constance Grove
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Mark A. Serenko Funeral Home, Portage
Interment: Lillydale Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/4/2000, A7
Name: Kinsel, Elizabeth (Hauser)
Address: formerly of Altoona
Age: Deathdate: Deathplace:
Birthdate: Birthplace:
Spouse Died:
Surviving Children:
Surviving Siblings:
Deceased Children:
Deceased Siblings:
Funeral Home:
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/19/2000, A12
Name: Kiracofe, Helen E.
Address: Lutheran Home at Hollidaysburg, formerly of Huntingdon and
Age: 99  Deathdate: 7/14/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 6/18/1901  Birthplace: Bridgewater, VA
Father: Virgil L. Miller
Mother: Mary R. Sanger
Spouse: Edgar S. Koracofe
Married: 6/18/1925 in Bridgewater, VA
Spouse Died: 4/10/1979
Surviving Children: Betty Weicht
Surviving Siblings: Margaret M. Farrell
Deceased Children: Nancy Stewart (d. 1987)
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Church of the Brethren
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Plank, Stitt & Stevens Funeral Home, Hollidaysburg
Interment: Oak Lawn Cemetery, Bridgewater, VA
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9

Name: Kirkpatrick, Earl Robert
Address: Charlotte, NC
Age: 78  Deathdate: 7/21/2000  Deathplace: Carolinas Medical Center
Birthdate: 11/8/1921  Birthplace: Bellwood
Father: Earl Robert Kirkpatrick (deceased)
Mother: Ester M. Kelly (deceased)
Spouse: Eleanor
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Janet Jackson, Virginia Pritchett, Heidi Bivens
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: Rev. Dr. Buddy Pigg
Funeral Home: McEwen Funeral Service, Mint Hill Chapel, Mint Hill, NC
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A7
Name: Kiser, Grace Harriet
Address: 406 E Logan Avenue
Age: 85  Deathdate: 7/3/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 8/6/1914  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: George F. Kelly
Mother: Mary Williams
Spouse: Robert M. Kiser
Married: 5/21/1935
Spouse Died: 5/21/1986
Surviving Children: Barbara K. Zimmerman, Grace E. Raihl
Surviving Siblings: Lillian Heaton, Rheda A. DeCriscio, Mary, Harry
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings:
Religion: Salem United Church of Christ
Clergyman: Rev. Nelson Wenner
Funeral Home: Derman Funeral Home, Tyrone
Interment: Blair Memorial Park, Antis Township
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/4/2000, A7
Name: Kline, Mildred
Address: Sanborn, Houtzdale RD
Age: 76  Deathdate: 7/15/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 1/7/1924  Birthplace: Houtzdale RD
Father: Leonard Philips (deceased)
Mother: Laura Pellow
Spouse: Ernest Kline
Married: 9/27/1946 at Houtzdale Methodist Church
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Dr. Wesley L., Rev. Lee
Surviving Siblings: Carl
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Sanborn Church of God
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Birger A. Freeberg Funeral Home, Houtzdale
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/17/2000, A7
Name: Knox, Grace E.
Address: 1625 Notre Dame Road
Age: 77  Deathdate: 6/30/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 9/13/1922  Birthplace: Hollidaysburg
Father: Warren M. Knox (deceased)
Mother: Mary B. Waite (deceased)
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Mabel D., Elsie Glodek
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Chalmer, Myrl, Beulah, Frances, Erma
Religion: Fifth Avenue United Methodist Church
Clergyman: Rev. G. Edward Corcelius and Rev. Charles L. Baughman
Funeral Home: Daniel R. Myers Funeral Home
Interment: Arlington National Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/1/2000, A11
Name: Kostenbauder, John C.
Address: 800 55th Street
Age: 78  Deathdate: 7/14/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 11/27/1921  Birthplace: Eldorado
Father: Charles F. Kostenbauder (deceased)
Mother: Edna C. Colclesser (deceased)
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Chares F.
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: Father Edward Eckenrod
Funeral Home: William G. Bigelow II Funeral Home
Interment: Carson Valley Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Name: Kovall, Pauline R.
Address: 485 Sunset Road, Carrolltown
Age: 74  Deathdate: 7/24/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 10/6/1925  Birthplace: Clearfield County
Father: Rowland Lumadue (deceased)
Mother: Mae Lumadue (deceased)
Spouse: John Kovall
Married: -
Spouse Died: 12/19/1979
Surviving Children: Patricia McMalin, Kevin, Andrew Kovall
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: Theresa, Linda, Shirley, John
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Stevens Funeral Home, Patton
Interment: Northern Cambria
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A7
Name: Kuzma, Mildred
Address: St. Benedict Manor, St. Benedict, formerly of Bakerton
Age: 87  Deathdate: 7/14/2000  Deathplace: Miners Hospital, Hastings
Birthdate: 6/17/1913  Birthplace: Bakerton
Father: John Zeanchock (deceased)
Mother: Pearl Moskal (deceased)
Spouse: John Kuzma
Married: -
Spouse Died: 10/22/1990
Surviving Children: Joanne Abrams, Barbara Lehmier, Fred
Surviving Siblings: Frank, George, Catherine Delnostro, Ann Mihalow, Evelyn
Deceased Children: Stephen John
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: SS Peter and Paul Ukranian Orthodox Church, Bakerton
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Stevens Funeral Home, Carrolltown
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9

Name: Liebegott, Dorothy Marie
Address: Box 289, Williamsburg RD 2
Age: 84  Deathdate: 6/29/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital Center for Nursing Care
Birthdate: 4/18/1916  Birthplace: Hollidaysburg
Father: William Meyers (deceased)
Mother: Bertha Shaffer (deceased)
Spouse: Vyrl E. Liebegott
Married: 2/26/1936 at Cumberland, MD
Spouse Died: 8/10/1961
Surviving Children: Bonnie
Surviving Siblings: Betty Bastian, Elma Farber, Doris
Deceased Children: Vyrl E. II (d. 11/30/1995)
Deceased Siblings: William, Donald
Religion: Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Liebegott-Fisher Funeral Home, Duncansville
Interment: Fairview Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/1/2000, A11
Name: Lindsey, Alice S.
Address: OH, formerly of Altoona
Age: 92  Deathdate: 6/29/2000  Deathplace: Heritage Manor Nursing Center, Minster OH
Birthdate: 6/7/1908  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: William Coller (deceased)
Mother: Anna Todd (deceased)
Spouse: John S.Lindsey
Married: 9/1/1931 in Cumberland, MD
Spouse Died: 3/25/1987
Surviving Children: Ted, Dick
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: three sisters
Religion: -
Clergyman: Rev. Charles Baughman
Funeral Home: Daniel R. Myers Funeral Home
Interment: Rosehill Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/3/2000, A7
Name: Littlejohn, Ethel Gard
Address: Pana, IL
Age: 86  Deathdate: 7/4/2000  Deathplace: Heritage Manor, Peru
Birthdate: -  Birthplace: -
Father: -
Mother: -
Spouse: Dana Meade Littlejohn
Married: -
Spouse Died: yes
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: H. John Barry
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: McCracken-Dean Funeral Home, Pana, IL
Interment: Elkhart Cemetery, Elkhart, IL
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/6/2000, A11
Name: Loebenstein, Sara A.
Address: Luther Crest, 800 Hausman Road, Allentown, formerly of Silver Spring,
Age: 84  Deathdate: 7/16/2000  Deathplace: Lehigh Valley Hospital Center
Birthdate: -  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Judson Clements (deceased)
Mother: Marie Raeger (deceased)
Spouse: William Loebenstein
Married: -
Spouse Died: yes
Surviving Children: J. Roger, Linda Anderson, Frances Chapman, Cynthia
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Judeo Christian faith
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Norcross-Weber Funeral Home, Coopersburg
Interment: Calvary Cemeter
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A8
Name: Logan, Matilda A. "Tillie" Barnes
Address: Bakerton
Age: 94  Deathdate: 7/27/2000  Deathplace: HAIDA Manor, Hastings
Birthdate: 8/15/1905  Birthplace: Gallitzin
Father: Christopher Mulhollen (deceased)
Mother: Emma J. Nolan (deceased)
Spouse: David Barnes; Lawrence Logan
Married: -
Spouse Died: 1952; 1971
Surviving Children: Paul Barnes, Ralph Barnes, Earl Barnes, Donald Barnes,
Edward Barnes, Betty Jean, Darlene
Surviving Siblings: Clyde Miller, Betty Miller
Deceased Children: Ruth Barnes, Robert Barnes, William Barnes
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Hastings Methodist Church
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Long-Contres Funeral Home, Northern Cambria
Interment: Bakerton
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/28/2000, A11

Name: Long, Ralph S.
Address: Falls Church, VA
Age: 92  Deathdate: 2/17/2000  Deathplace: Falls Church, VA
Birthdate: -  Birthplace: -
Father: James Franklin Long
Mother: Martha Aurand
Spouse: Naomi A. Emes
Married: -
Spouse Died: yes
Surviving Children: Joyce Ann Southers, Peggy Louise Bowen, Terrell Elaine
Sessions, Ralph S. Long, Jr.
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Everly-Colonial Funeral Home, Falls Church, VA
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A4

Name: Loomis, Ambrose J. "Bud" Jr.
Address: Box 160, Altoona RD 6
Age: 74  Deathdate: 7/22/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 2/11/1926  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Ambrose J. Loomis Sr. (deceased)
Mother: Margaret Fields (deceased)
Spouse: Jean V. VanOrmer
Married: 5/25/1951 at Fourth Street Church of God
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Sandra L., Michael F., Thomas R. Loomis
Surviving Siblings: Margaret Greene, Richard, George, Clyde Loomis
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Fourth Street Church of God
Clergyman: Rev. Jon R. Neely
Funeral Home: Jones Funeral Home
Interment: Alto-Reste Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/24/2000, A7
Name: Low, Martha Elizabeth
Address: 700 W. Bel Air Avenue, Aberdeen, MD
Age: 79  Deathdate: 7/17/2000  Deathplace: Harford Memorial Hospital, Havre De Grace, MD
Birthdate: 2/18/1921  Birthplace: Bellwood
Father: William David Farber
Mother: Ruth Augusta Igou
Spouse: Gail A. Low
Married: -
Spouse Died: 1980
Surviving Children: Gaile E. Low, Barbara D. Blevins, Ronald B. Low Sr.
Surviving Siblings: Archie R. Farber, Mary G. Unger, Alta P. Garner
Deceased Children: Naomi
Deceased Siblings: Albert Elwood Farber, Charles Henry Farber, Ruth Esther
Religion: Edgewood Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, Edgewood, MD
Clergyman: Rev. John R. Lucas
Funeral Home: Robert E. Peters Funeral Home, Huntingdon
Interment: White Church Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11

Name: Lowmaster, George F.
Address: Carrolltown
Age: 83  Deathdate: 7/8/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 9/10/1916  Birthplace: Barnesboro
Father: Lawrence Lowmaster (deceased)
Mother: Janette Charniskey (deceased)
Spouse: Grace Luther
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Sharon Born, Sheila Coffman, Tammy Walker, Adrian, Gerald,
Glenn, Rodney, Brent, Tim
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: John, Beatrice Valeri, Elizabeth DeFazio
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Moriconi Funeral Home, Northern Cambria
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/10/2000, A7

Name: Lucas, Ethel M.
Address: 310 Clark Street, Bellwood
Age: 87  Deathdate: 7/13/2000  Deathplace: Tyrone Hospital
Birthdate: 8/19/1912  Birthplace: Bellwood
Father: William F. C. Lucas
Mother: Effie Diffenbaugh
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings:
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Lee, William
Religion: Olivet Baptist Church
Clergyman: Pastor John Poe
Funeral Home: Vincent J. Good Funeral Parlor, Bellwood
Interment: Logan Valley Cemetery, Bellwood
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Name: Lutz, Janet T.
Address: Richmond Street, Port St. Lucie, FL, formerly of Burgoon Road
Age: 63  Deathdate: 7/14/2000  Deathplace: Palm Garden of Port St. Lucie Nursing Home
Birthdate: 11/27/1936  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Walter Mahoney (deceased)
Mother: Adelaide Conrad
Spouse: Carl D. Lutz
Married: 6/1/1984 in Ashville
Spouse Died: 3/16/1999
Surviving Children: Cathy C. Gerdes, stepdaughter: Charlene Wood, stepsons:
David M. Lutz, William Lutz
Surviving Siblings: Walter, Dwaine, Dolores Davis, Nancy Williams, Emma Smith
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: Rev. Paul Johnson
Funeral Home: Stanley J. Krish Funeral Home
Interment: Blair Memorial Park, Antis Township
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9
Name: Mack, Mary Grace
Address: Northern Cambria
Age: 52  Deathdate: 7/7/2000  Deathplace: Miners Hospital, Hastings
Birthdate: 5/12/1943  Birthplace: Spangler
Father: Ugustine Trinkley
Mother: Bernice Handley
Spouse: Raymond Mack
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Theresa Litzinger, Mary J. Bourdess, Barbara A., Raymond,
Robert, Randall
Surviving Siblings: Theresa Delpena, Bernadine Weakland, Marie A. Arnold,
Augustine, Bernard, Rick, Bo,Bob
Deceased Children: Cindy, Rose
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Moriconi Funeral Home, Northern Cambria
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/8/2000, A11
Name: Maillard, Herman Joseph
Address: Hollidaysburg Veterans Home
Age: 85  Deathdate: 7/14/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 11/20/1914  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Emil Maillard
Mother: Louisa List
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: Joseph, Rebecca
Surviving Siblings: Aleine Spinner, Leona Prough
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Stevens Mortuary
Interment: Calvary Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9
Name: Marker, Geraldine A.
Address: 403 G E Walnut Avenue
Age: 66  Deathdate: 7/1/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital Center for Nursing Care
Birthdate: 4/30/1934  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Harry Claycomb (deceased)
Mother: Mary Schneider (deceased)
Spouse: William Wigand (former husband)
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Gloria Pattie
Surviving Siblings: Jack, Patricia Brode, Evelyn Sonefelt, Shirley Pilkington,
Pauline Dunn
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: several
Religion: -
Clergyman: Father Edward Eckenrod
Funeral Home: Stevens Mortuary
Interment: Calvary Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/3/2000, A7

Name: Martin, Eunice C.
Address: 505 East Plank Road, Port Matilda
Age: 92  Deathdate: 7/7/2000  Deathplace: Foxdale Village, State College
Birthdate: 7/24/1907  Birthplace: Port Matilda
Father: John H. Crain
Mother: Flora G. Williams
Spouse: Chalmer C. Henderson; Joseph S. Martin
Married: 7/29/1929 in Port Matilda; 1/17/1959 in Altoona
Spouse Died: yes; yes
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: last member of immediate family
Religion: First United Methodist Church, Altoona
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Feller Memorial Home, Tyrone
Interment: Port Matilda Presbyterian Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/8/2000, A11
Name: McCabe, William P.
Address: 1802 Sixth Street
Age: 70  Deathdate: 7/10/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 6/14/1930  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Paul McCabe (deceased)
Mother: Helen Bettwy (deceased)
Spouse: Patricia L. Bradley
Married: 8/28/1948 at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: William Jr., Christine Young, Michele McClellan
Surviving Siblings: Agnes Pietrolungo, Jean morris, James J.
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. Therese of the Child Jesus Catholic Church
Clergyman: Monsignor Anthony Little
Funeral Home: Stanley J. Krish Funeral Home
Interment: St. Joseph Cemetery, Coupon
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7
Name: McConnell, Dorothy
Address: Ashville
Age: 77  Deathdate: 6/29/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 12/16/1922  Birthplace: Ashville
Father: Henry Simanski
Mother: Agnes Palovsky
Spouse: G. Lynn McConnell
Married: 5/29/1942 at St. Thomas Catholic Church, Ashville
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Larry, Jeffrey, Linda Trexler, Cindy Waksmunski
Surviving Siblings: Robert, Edward, Evelyn Passonetti, Catherine Roberts
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: James, William
Religion: St. Thomas Catholic Church, Ashville
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Gibbons Funeral Home, Ashville
Interment: St. Thomas Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/1/2000, A11
Name: McCready, James R.
Address: Baltimore
Age: 91  Deathdate: 7/25/2000  Deathplace: Sun Bridge Nursing Home, Elkton, MD
Birthdate: 20/23/1908  Birthplace: Duncansville
Father: John McCready (deceased)
Mother: Blanche Treese (deceased)
Spouse: Lois Maude Kiser
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: James R. II, Judith E. Yoskosky
Surviving Siblings: Florence Leppin
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: five brothers, three sisters
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: James C. Stump Funeral Home, Belle Vernon
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A9
Name: McEwen, Margaret E.
Address: Epworth Manor, Tyrone, formerly of 1413 Bald Eagle Avenue, Tyrone
Age: 95  Deathdate: 7/6/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 10/27/1904  Birthplace: Ramey
Father: George Cunliffe
Mother: Elizabeth Decker
Spouse: Thomas G. McEwen
Married: 12/2/1927 in Clearfield
Spouse Died: 2/19/1965
Surviving Children: Edna Nearhood, Shirley Fink, George, Robert
Surviving Siblings: Janice Price
Deceased Children: James Sweeney, Jean Goss; six stepchildren
Deceased Siblings: two sisters, two brothers
Religion: -
Clergyman: Rev. Norman E. Huff, Chaplain Joan Smith
Funeral Home: Feller Memorial Home, Tyrone
Interment: Beulah Cemetery, Ramey
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/8/2000, A11
Name: Mentzer, Jeffrey Paul
Address: Altoona
Age: 0  Deathdate: 7/7/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 7/7/2000  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Jeffrey Mentzer
Mother: Misti Weatherwalk
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Paige
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Mauk and Yates Funeral Home, Juniata
Interment: Arch Spring Cemetery, Sinking Valley
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/10/2000, A7
Name: Mickle, J. Ralph
Address: 430 S. Market Street, Martinsburg, formerly of Schellsburg
Age: 85  Deathdate: 7/22/2000  Deathplace: Homewood Retirement Center, Martinsburg
Birthdate: 2/13/1915  Birthplace: New Paris, Bedford County
Father: Harry Mickle (deceased)
Mother: Mae Taylor (deceased)
Spouse: Janet E. Smith
Married: 2/12/1938
Spouse Died: 2/9/1999
Surviving Children: Virginia K. Stevens
Surviving Siblings: Cornelia Nunamaker
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Ross, Irvin, Harry Mickle
Religion: United Church of Schellsburg
Clergyman: Rev. William Fenstermaker
Funeral Home: Mickle-Geisel Funeral Home, Schellsburg
Interment: Schellsburg Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/23/2000, A9
Name: Miller, Devona M. "Tootie"
Address: Box 477, West Loop, Hollidaysburg RD 3
Age: 79  Deathdate: 7/25/2000  Deathplace: Nason Hospital, Roaring Spring
Birthdate: 12/30/1920  Birthplace: Bedford
Father: Harvey Amick (adoptive father)
Mother: Daisy Amick (adoptive mother)
Spouse: Elton Miller
Married: in Hollidaysburg
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Presbyterian Church of Bedford
Clergyman: Rev. Elizabeth A. Hess
Funeral Home: Sorge Funeral Home, Hollidaysburg
Interment: St. Paul's Reformed Church Cemetery, Bedford County
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A9
Name: Miller, Dorothy Marie
Address: Greentree Village, Bald Eagle, Tyrone RD 3, formerly of 212 Third
Age: 83  Deathdate: 7/24/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 5/29/1917  Birthplace: Rionero, Vultura, Italy
Father: Pietro Laratonda (deceased)
Mother: Filomena Massessa (deceased)
Spouse: Thomas Archie Miller
Married: 4/22/1946 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
Spouse Died: 10/17/1977
Surviving Children: P. Christine Stachmus
Surviving Siblings: Anna Aiello, Mary Vestri, Minnie Hogan
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Lakemont
Clergyman: Father Paul Turnbull
Funeral Home: Jones Funeral Home
Interment: St. Boniface Cemetery, St. Boniface, PA
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A9

Name: Miller, Lena M.
Address: 5700 Boone Avenue N, New Hope, MN, formerly of Roaring Spring
Age: 84  Deathdate: 6/30/2000  Deathplace: North Ridge Care Center, New Hope
Birthdate: 6/4/1916  Birthplace: Frankstown Township, Blair County
Father: William E. Hoover
Mother: Sarah M. Replogle
Spouse: Walter W. Miller
Married: 1937
Spouse Died: yes
Surviving Children: Sally Murthy, Gloria, Walter W. Jr.
Surviving Siblings: Gladys Cyphers
Deceased Children: infant daughter
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Brunswick United Methodist Church, New Hope
Clergyman: Pastor Galen Brumbaugh
Funeral Home: J. Gary Thompson Funeral Home, Roaring Spring
Interment: Albright Cemetery, Roaring Spring
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/1/2000, A11
Name: Milton, Alice M.
Address: 1513 Logan Avenue, Tyrone
Age: 75  Deathdate: 7/27/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 12/8/1924  Birthplace: Tyrone
Father: Commodore Perry Riggleman (deceased)
Mother: Elsie Friday (deceased)
Spouse: William C. Milton
Married: 1/10/1949 in Northwood
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Candace DiMemmo, William E.
Surviving Siblings: Dorothy Yeager, Verna, Conny, Thomas, Robert
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Paul
Religion: -
Clergyman: Rev. Peggy Bonsell
Funeral Home: Feller Memorial Home, Tyrone
Interment: Bald Eagle Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/28/2000, A11
Name: Minds, Raymond A. "Flea"
Address: Ramey
Age: 71  Deathdate: 7/16/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 12/24/1928  Birthplace: Ramey
Father: James H. Minds (deceased)
Mother: Grace Abernathy (deceased)
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Arthur
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Kruise Funeral Home, Ramey
Interment: Ramey
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A8
Name: Mitchell, Edward F.
Address: Seaford, DE, formerly of Altoona and Johnstown
Age: 80  Deathdate: 7/13/2000  Deathplace: Nanticoke Memorial Hospital
Birthdate: -  Birthplace: -
Father: -
Mother: -
Spouse: Marion T. -
Married: 55 years
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: James E., Bonnie J. Wrazien
Surviving Siblings: Leonard D., Carol Flynn
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Cranston Funeral Home, Seaford
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/14/2000, A9
Name: Moberg, Mary E. (Stone)
Address: Box 4, James Creek RR 1, Marklesburg
Age: 95  Deathdate: 7/24/2000  Deathplace: Lutheran Home at Hollidaysburg
Birthdate: 6/3/1905  Birthplace: Entriken
Father: Ira Stone (deceased)
Mother: Ida Catherine McCall (deceased)
Spouse: Paul Robert Moberg
Married: 2/7/1925 in Marklesburg
Spouse Died: 12/26/1955
Surviving Children: Ruth M. Grubb, Paul A. Moberg
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Elva Stone, Grace (Stone) Morningstar, Harvey Stone, Orville
Religion: St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, Marklesburg
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: John B. Brown Funeral Home, Huntingdon
Interment: Reformed Church Cemetery, Marklesburg
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A9

Name: Mollica, Elaine Eva
Address: 208 Raibles Drive, Duncansville
Age: 80  Deathdate: 7/18/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 3/7/1920  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: John Lobre
Mother: Louisa Sciandra
Spouse: John M. Mollica
Married: 5/4/1949, at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Louis A. Mollica, Mauro M. Mollica
Surviving Siblings: Clement Lobre
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Florence Lobre, Katie Ruggiero, Louis Lobre, Anthony Lobre,
Carl Lobre, Roland Lobre
Religion: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Santella Funeral Home
Interment: Calvary Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11

Name: Moriarity, James W.
Address: 317 Main Street, Bellwood
Age: 49  Deathdate: 7/24/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 1/26/1951  Birthplace: Clearfield
Father: James W. Moriarity Sr.
Mother: Freda M. Sheffield
Spouse: Cathy E. Brink
Married: 6/9/1974 in Coalport
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Jessica A., Jonathan E.
Surviving Siblings: Kevin, Keith, Karen Middleton, Kathie Timblin,Jodie Irwin
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Jessie D. Gisewhite, Lori Moriarity
Religion: Tipton United Methodist Church
Clergyman: Rev. Robert L. Rupp
Funeral Home: Jon C. Russin Funeral Home, Bellwood
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A9
Name: Morrone, Jennie Benjamin
Address: Presbyterian Home, Hollidaysburg
Age: 92  Deathdate: 7/1/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: -  Birthplace: -
Father: -
Mother: -
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Stanley J. Krish Funeral Home
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/2/2000, A11
Name: Morse, Margaret Tabitha
Address: Roslyn Nursing Center, Roslyn, formerly of Altoona
Age: 90  Deathdate: 7/3/2000  Deathplace: Roslyn
Birthdate: -  Birthplace: Woodbury, NJ
Father: Frederick Grimshaw (deceased)
Mother: Margaret Enery (deceased)
Spouse: Paul E. Morse Sr.
Married: 1935
Spouse Died: yes
Surviving Children: Richard G., Paul E.
Surviving Siblings: Anne McDonald, Jane Stowell, Sarah Hand, Martha Bivens
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: First Presbyterian Church
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Joseph J. McGoldrick Funeral Home, Jenkintown
Interment: Alto-Reste Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/6/2000, A11
Name: Mort, Robert D.
Address: 446 Tyrone RD 3
Age: 67/4/2000  Deathdate: 7/4/2000  Deathplace: Hollidaysburg Veterans Home
Birthdate: 4/15/1933  Birthplace: Sinking Valley
Father: Marl Fisher (adoptive)
Spouse: Edith G. Friday
Married: 1/3/1958 in Winchester, VA
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Sue Campbell
Surviving Siblings:
Deceased Children: Angela (infant daughter)
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: Pastor Jay E. Jones
Funeral Home: Derman Funeral Home, Tyrone
Interment: Baughman Cemetery, Snyder Township
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/5/2000, A9
Name: Mountain, Shirley Ann
Address: Indiana
Age: 68  Deathdate: 7/26/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 11/9/1931  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Lester M. Ropp (deceased)
Mother: Madylon Gathers (deceased)
Spouse: John T. Mountain
Married: -
Spouse Died: 1984
Surviving Children: Steven P., Cynthia Gunter
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: First Christian Church of Indiana
Clergyman: Pastor Jerry Hoch
Funeral Home: Robinson-Lytle, Indiana
Interment: Greenwood Cemtery, Indiana
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/28/2000, A11
Name: Muir, Thelma G. "Dolly"
Address: Lutheran Home at Hollidaysburg, formerly of 812 Seventh Avenue
Age: 85  Deathdate: 7/28/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 9/13/1914  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Ludwig Koelle (deceased)
Mother: Olive Paige (deceased)
Spouse: Joseph A. Muir
Married: 4/27/1934 in Altoona
Spouse Died: 6/8/1973
Surviving Children: Joseph L., Carol A. Lockard
Surviving Siblings: Donald
Deceased Children: John L. (d. 1992)
Deceased Siblings: Kenneth, Irv
Religion: Bethany Lutheran Church
Clergyman: Rev. Brian W. Armen
Funeral Home: Stevens Mortuary
Interment: Blair Memorial Park, Bellwood
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/30/2000, A9
Name: Mulligan, Bernetta C.
Address: Nicktown
Age: 85  Deathdate: 7/21/2000  Deathplace: HAIDA Manor, Hastings
Birthdate: 6/6/1915  Birthplace: Nicktown
Father: George Kritzer (deceased)
Mother: Anna Walch (deceased)
Spouse: Patrick L. Mulligan
Married: -
Spouse Died: 8/26/1983
Surviving Children: Sister Donna M. Mulligan, Connie Mulligan, Patrick Mulligan
Surviving Siblings: Viola Shero, Imogene McCombie
Deceased Children: infant son
Deceased Siblings: John Henry Kritzer, Magdaline Miller, Catherine Kirsch
Religion: St. Nicholas Catholic Church, Nicktown
Clergyman: Father Myron Kirsch, O.S.B.
Funeral Home: Moriconi Funeral Home, Northern Cambria
Interment: St. Nicholas Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/23/2000, A9
Name: Musser, Anne M.
Address: Presbyterian Home of Hollidaysburg, formerly of 609 S 22nd Street
Age: 84  Deathdate: 7/15/2000  Deathplace: at the home
Birthdate: 1/2/1916  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: George P. Hoover
Mother: Mary Woodring
Spouse: F. Edward Musser
Married: 1/1/1935 in Cumberland, MD
Spouse Died: 10/8/1998
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: George C.
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Helen Andrest, Margaret Pry, Grace Turner, Carolyn
Smithbower, Harvey Hoover
Religion: Broad Avenue Presbyterian Church
Clergyman: Rev. Richard J. Harrod
Funeral Home: E. Merrill Smith Funeral Home
Interment: Presbyterian Cemetery, Port Matilda
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/17/2000, A7

Name: Myers, Twila D.
Address: 215 Martin Street, Bellwood
Age: 80  Deathdate: 7/27/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 1/7/1920  Birthplace: Renovo
Father: John O. Aber (deceased)
Mother: Florence E. Doebler (deceased)
Spouse: Elmer C. Myers Sr.
Married: 12/20/1939 in Bellwood
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Elmer C. Jr.
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Jon C. Russin Funeral Home, Bellwood
Interment: Blair Memorial Park, Antis Township
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/29/2000, A11
Name: Nagle, Edna Belle "Cookie"
Address: Tarano Care Center, Northern Cambria, formerly of Patton
Age: 93  Deathdate: 6/30/2000  Deathplace: Miners Hospital, Hastings
Birthdate: 9/23/1906  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: George Myers (deceased)
Mother: Frances -
Spouse: Oscar Nagle
Married: -
Spouse Died: 9/6/1981
Surviving Children: Marian Obis, Charles, Robert, Gary
Surviving Siblings: Bert
Deceased Children: John R. (infant son), Gerri
Deceased Siblings: Marion Simpson, John, Fred, Joe, Bucky, Ed
Religion: Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Patton
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Stevens Funeral Home, Patton
Interment: St. Mary's Cemetery, Patton
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/1/2000, A11
Name: Nearhoof, Lorena D.
Address: Pennsylvania House, 2 W 11th Street, Tyrone
Age: 84  Deathdate: 7/26/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 7/30/1915  Birthplace: -
Father: John R. Detwiler
Mother: Blanche Claar
Spouse: J. Raymond Nearhoof
Married: 5/19/1938
Spouse Died: 3/19/1982
Surviving Children: Lois A. McFarland, Debora Meenan
Surviving Siblings: Avis Carson, Janice Curry
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: three sisters
Religion: Spring Mount Church of the Brethren
Clergyman: Rev. Gregory Lake
Funeral Home: Bruce E. Cox Funeral Home, Warriors Mark
Interment: Spring Mount Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/28/2000, A11
Name: Nowlen, Robert M.
Address: 500 51st Street
Age: 76  Deathdate: 7/9/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 12/5/1923  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Chester P. Nowlen
Mother: Anna Hebner
Spouse: Betty L. Patterson
Married: 9/24/1948 in Gallitzin
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: W. Robert, Brad W.
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Paul, Della Bloomfield
Religion: 58th Street United Methodist Church; formerly of 1st United Ch/Christ
Clergyman: Rev. Jeffrey K. Welsch
Funeral Home: Stevens Mortuary
Interment: Alto-Reste Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7
Name: Nycum, Ray A.
Address: 505 N. Eighth Avenue, Juniata
Age: 82  Deathdate: 7/24/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 12/1/1917  Birthplace: Pittsburgh
Father: Thomas W. Nycum
Mother: Emma May
Spouse: Margaret O. Brown
Married: 9/18/1938 at Trinity Lutheran Church, Juniata
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Ray A. Jr., Stephen G., David A., Sharon E. Brumbaugh, Karen
J. Aiken
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: Margaret Ann Nycum
Deceased Siblings: Thomas W. Nycum Jr.
Religion: Trinity Lutheran Church
Clergyman: Rev. John P. Klingeman
Funeral Home: Mauk and Yates Funeral Home, Juniata
Interment: Grandview Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A7

Name: Pacifico, Alphonse N.
Address: Eldorado Mobile Court
Age: 68  Deathdate: 7/11/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 2/7/1931  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Alphonse Pacifico Sr.
Mother: Josephine Mascia
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: Anita Wicker, Sonny, Rocky, Tony
Surviving Siblings: Eugene
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Gloria Provenzano, Lena Margargi
Religion: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Santella Funeral Home
Interment: Calvary Mausoleum
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/13/2000, A13
Name: Parsons, Bonnie L.
Address: 119 Fairbrook Drive, Pennsylvania Furnace, formerly of Duncansville
Age: 52  Deathdate: 7/3/2000  Deathplace: Center Community Hospital, State College
Birthdate: 8/9/1947  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Lee J. Scott
Mother: Mary A. Bowser
Spouse: Eric C. Parsons
Married: Frostburg,MD
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Roderick S. Black; stepdaughter: Erica L. Parsons
Surviving Siblings: Ronald L.
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Berean Baptist Church, Duncansville
Clergyman: Pastor Barry L. Frye
Funeral Home: Liebegott-Fisher Funeral Home, Duncansville
Interment: Blair Memorial Park, Bellwood
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/5/2000, A9
Name: Paterman, Andrew E.
Address: Box 406, Altoona RD 4
Age: 69  Deathdate: 7/20/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 11/9/1930  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Arthur Peterman
Mother: Vera Ann Emes
Spouse: Audrey J. Perry
Married: 11/22/1950 in Altoona
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Trudy K. Peterman, Tina L. Schultz, Thomas F. Peterman,
Timothy A. Peterman
Surviving Siblings: Daniel Peterman, John Peterman, Barbara Troutman, Carol
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Arthur William Peterman
Religion: Greenwood United Methodist Church
Clergyman: Pastor Marsha Bookhamer
Funeral Home: Mauk and Yates Funeral Home
Interment: Blair Memorial Park, Bellwood
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/22/2000, A7
Name: Pearce, Margaret Eleanor (Coxey)
Address: 525 N. Wilson Street, Bellefonte
Age: 84  Deathdate: 7/26/2000  Deathplace: Centre Crest Nursing Home, Bellefonte
Birthdate: 6/9/1916  Birthplace: Boalsburg
Father: Harold V. Coxey (deceased)
Mother: Marjorie Rothrock (deceased)
Spouse: Harold W. Pearce
Married: 9/3/1942 in Fort Worth, TX
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Anne Burkholder, Margaret Hinds
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Funeral Home: Metzler Funeral Services, Bellefonte
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11
Name: Pfahler, William W. Sr.
Address: 320 Cherry Avenue
Age: 65  Deathdate: 7/14/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 7/2/1935  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Wayne W. Pfahler (deceased)
Mother: Crena Butterbaugh (deceased)
Spouse: Mary L. Lonesky
Married: 3/31/1956 in Juniata
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Cathy L., Diane L., Tammy L. Whitman, Katie A. BonGiorno,
Thomas H., William W., Walter E.
Surviving Siblings: Pauline Myers, Mary Poorman, Donald, Robin
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Ida J. Fornari, Fayetta Rogers, Sam, Joe
Religion: Riggles Gap Bible Church
Clergyman: Rev. Jon R. Neely
Funeral Home: Jon C. Russin Funeral Home, Bellwood
Interment: Logan Valley Cemetery, Bellwood
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9

Name: Phillips, Howard Charles
Address: Harrisburg, formerly of Altoona
Age: 71  Deathdate: 7/9/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 12/16/1928  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: William Howard Phillips
Mother: Helen Marie Scheittelkopf
Spouse: Marie DeSantis
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Gregory C., Tami Groves, Kara Marie, Heather Carricato
Surviving Siblings: Dorothy Miller, Madeline Beecher, Joan Elvey, Patricia
Sponsler, Lyn Bathurst
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Zimmerman-Auer Funeral Home, Harrisburg
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7

Name: Porter, Mary (Wasilko) Hudak
Address: Ramey
Age: 78  Deathdate: 7/25/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 2/16/1922  Birthplace: Viola
Father: Nicholas Wasilko (deceased)
Mother: Anna Iluska (deceased)
Spouse: Andrew Hudak; John Porter
Married: -
Spouse Died: yes; yes
Surviving Children: Alan Hudak, Sylvia Susko
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. Vladimir's Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Janesville
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Kruise Funeral Home, Ramey
Interment: Ramey
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11
Name: Price, Robert P. III
Address: Carrolltown
Age: 47  Deathdate: 7/13/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 11/28/1952  Birthplace: Burbank, CA
Father: Robert Price
Mother: Virginia Kozicki
Spouse: Karen Duriez
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Jennifer, Heather, Robert
Surviving Siblings: Jeannette, Lynn Luka, Karen Kopera, Leah McMullen, Vincent,
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Trinity United Methodist Church
Clergyman: Pastor Dayton Mix
Funeral Home: Moriconi Funeral Home, Northern Cambria
Interment: Fairview Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9

Name: Prough, Clair E.
Address: 511 N. Jefferson Street, Mount Union, formerly of Kistler
Age: 87  Deathdate: 7/17/2000  Deathplace: Huntingdon Manor
Birthdate: 10/7/1912  Birthplace: Hollidaysburg
Father: Gregory Oliver Prough
Mother: -
Spouse: Ruth Irvin
Married: 3/17/1946
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Mry L. Nickoloff, W. Elaine Stevens, Bonnie K. Barr, Donald
J. Myers, Stephen C. Prough, William C. Myers, Wendell L. Myers, Jack H. Myers,
Richard A. Prough, Thomas D. Prough, Ronald E. Prough
Surviving Siblings: Merrill
Deceased Children: Patricia A. Prough, Phyllis J. Fox
Deceased Siblings: Alice Whitecross
Religion: -
Clergyman: Lay Pastor Richard Barr
Funeral Home: Robert D. Heath Funeral Home, Mount Union
Interment: Haven Rest Memorial Park, Shirleysburg RD 1
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/19/2000, A13
Name: Reed, Ruth E.
Address: 112 N Park Street, Martinsburg
Age: 73  Deathdate: 7/8/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 12/30/1926  Birthplace: Martinsburg
Father: Chester H. Frye
Mother: Fannie Fouse
Spouse: Paul R. Reed
Married: 3/24/1951 in Alexandria
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children:
Surviving Siblings: Lois A. dilling, Kenneth
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Richard (d. 10/1994), Leon (d. 10/1992)
Religion: -
Clergyman: Rev. Earl Herr
Funeral Home: J. Gary Thompson Funeral Home, Roaring Spring
Interment: Fairview Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7
Name: Reeder, Pearl A.
Address: Beverly Healthcare-Hillview, formerly of 833 Seventh Ave.
Age: 89  Deathdate: 7/21/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 12/8/1910  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Thomas Lockard (deceased)
Mother: Pearl Rupert (deceased)
Spouse: George Noral; Alfred Reeder
Married: -; 7/8/1960 in Altoona
Spouse Died: 1951; 12/5/1977
Surviving Children: Violet L. Lockard
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Second Avenue United Methodist Church
Clergyman: Rev. Andrew R. Morgan
Funeral Home: Daniel R. Myers Funeral Home
Interment: Rose Hill Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/22/2000, A7
Name: Reese, Jo Ann
Address: Hollidaysburg RD 2
Age: 71  Deathdate: 7/24/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital Center for Nursing Care
Birthdate: 8/23/1928  Birthplace: Roaring Spring
Father: J. Brooks Kinzer
Mother: Lillian Williams
Spouse: Robert S. Reese
Married: 12/25/1950 in Altoona
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Terri Ulaner, Lynn Black, Robert S. Jr., J. Shane
Surviving Siblings: James B., Gary W.
Deceased Children: LeAnn
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Hicks Memorial Methodist Church, Duncansville
Clergyman: Rev. Donald G. Haulman
Funeral Home: J. Gary Thompson Funeral Home, Roaring Spring
Interment: Greenlawn Cemetery, Roaring Spring
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A9
Name: Reilly, Timothy P.
Address: 112 E Bell Avenue
Age: 57  Deathdate: 7/1/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 5/28/1943  Birthplace: Takoma Park, MD
Father: Lawrence Reilly
Mother: Elizabeth Ginnick
Spouse: Barbara L. Hainsey
Married: 6/25/1968 in Altoona
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Robin Lyle
Surviving Siblings: Lawrence
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: First Church of Christ, Juniata Gap
Clergyman: Rev. John Collins
Funeral Home: Daniel R. Myers Funeral Home
Interment: Rosehill Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/3/2000, A7
Name: Rhykerd, Paul D.
Address: Box 219, Hollidaysburg RD 2
Age: 74  Deathdate: 7/17/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 10/20/1925  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Earl F. Rhykerd (deceased)
Mother: Amelia A. Scheeler (deceased)
Spouse: Gladys G. Jewett
Married: 3/13/1948 at St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church, Altoona
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Glenn, Scott
Surviving Siblings: Marjorie Fox
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Daniel R. Myers Funeral Home
Interment: Alto-Reste Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/19/2000, A13
Name: Riccio, Philomena A.
Address: Dayton, OH, formerly of Altoona
Age: 83  Deathdate: 7/13/2000  Deathplace: Maria-Joseph Living Care Center, Dayton
Birthdate: 12/9/1916  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Camillo Centobene
Mother: Theresa Zaccaro
Spouse: Pasquale Riccio
Married: -
Spouse Died: 1/18/1983
Surviving Children: Anita Suda
Surviving Siblings: Anita Kovac, Dolores McNally
Deceased Children: John, Patsy
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Juniata
Clergyman: Father Carl A. Spishak
Funeral Home: Santella Funeral Home
Interment: Calvary Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Name: Ringler, Richard W.
Address: Claysburg, formerly of Hollidaysburg
Age: 67  Deathdate: 7/12/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 1/16/1933  Birthplace: Hollidaysburg
Father: George Ringler (deceased)
Mother: Anna M. Kerns (deceased)
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Pauline M. Ingram, Rosalie Mexico, Violet Gibson, Donald
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Sorge Funeral Home, Hollidaysburg
Interment: McIntire Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/13/2000, A13
Name: Robbins, Shawn Eugene
Address: Jacksonville, FL, formerly of Cleveland, OH, and Altoona
Age: 39  Deathdate: 7/18/2000  Deathplace: -
Birthdate: 12/15/1960  Birthplace: Cleveland
Father: Thomas Robbins (deceased)
Mother: Betty Robbins (deceased)
Spouse: Stephanie Akehurst
Married: 12/13/1999 at Delray Beach, FL
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Shannon Hurst
Surviving Siblings: Tonia Singer, Tammy Huss, Kerry Robbins
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Aaron Funeral Home and Cremation Service, Orange Park, FL
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/22/2000, A7
Name: Rohrer, Sarah Sally
Address: Medina, OH, formerly of Altoona
Age: 83  Deathdate: 7/29/2000  Deathplace: Medina
Birthdate: 11/1916  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Earl Covert Sr. (deceased)
Mother: Lillian Brown (deceased)
Spouse: George N. Rohrer
Married: 1940
Spouse Died: 1979
Surviving Children: Ann Moore
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Temple Evangelical Lutheran Church (former member)
Clergyman: Rev. Denise Arpino
Funeral Home: Mauk and Yates Funeral Home, Juniata
Interment: Grandview Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/30/2000, A9
Name: Romano, Caroline L.
Address: 204 Meade Street, Northwood, Tyrone
Age: 81  Deathdate: 7/5/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 3/13/1919  Birthplace: Bellefonte
Father: Joseph J. Stack Sr. (deceased)
Mother: Mary Waslzyn (deceased)
Spouse: Anthony L. Romano
Married: 9/5/1942 at Camp Butler, NC
Spouse Died: 4/18/1997
Surviving Children: Carolyn L. Slifko, Anthony L. Jr.
Surviving Siblings: Helen Allen, Kate Price, Michael, Tony
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Rose Moore, Annie Gonder, John, Joseph, Frank
Religion: St. Matthews Catholic Church
Clergyman: Rev. Joseph T. Orr
Funeral Home: Feller Memorial Home, Tyrone
Interment: Oak Grove Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/6/2000, A11
Name: Rosend, Harold H.
Address: 3411 Baker Blvd.
Age: 83  Deathdate: 7/27/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 5/14/1917  Birthplace: Astoria, Long Island, NY
Father: Morris Rosen
Mother: Gussie Tabachnick
Spouse: Roselyn Abelson
Married: 1/9/1948 in Baltimore
Spouse Died: 1/12/1999
Surviving Children: Robert, Ruth A.
Surviving Siblings: Bernard Rosen
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Temple Beth Israel
Clergyman: Rabbi Burt E. Schuman
Funeral Home: E. Merrill Smith Funeral Home, Broad Avenue
Interment: Mount Sinai Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/29/2000, A11
Name: Rothwell, Ellen L.
Address: Morrisons Cove Home, Martinsburg, formerly of Roaring Spring
Age: 75  Deathdate: 7/18/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 6/11/1925  Birthplace: Belle Vernon
Father: Robert L. Rothwell,Sr.
Mother: Mary Dick
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Mary G. Dutton, Mildred P. Riley, Robert L. Rothwell, Jr.
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Lee Rothwell, George Rothwell
Religion: Clover Creek Church of the Brethren
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: J. Gary Thompson Funeral Home, Roaring Spring
Interment: Fairview Cemetery, Martinsburg
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11
Name: Rusyn, John "Jake"
Address: Fallentimber and Ridgeview Eldercare, Curwensville
Age: 73  Deathdate: 6/30/2000  Deathplace: Ridgeview Eldercare
Birthdate: 12/23/1926  Birthplace: Philipsburg
Father: Frank Rusyn (deceased)
Mother: Anastasia Medved (deceased)
Spouse: Margaret Rudiak
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Jeanette Dunlap, Robert
Surviving Siblings: Christine Starkjohann, Kay Gitto, Francis Fowler, Julie
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Kruise Funeral Home, Madera
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/2/2000, A11

Name: Scanlon, Father Thomas (TOR)
Address: St. Petersburg, FL
Age: 74  Deathdate: 7/12/2000  Deathplace: Tampa General Hospital
Birthdate: 3/7/1926  Birthplace: Braddock
Father: Michael Litzinger
Mother: Mary -
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. Mary Our Lady of Grace, St. Petersburg
Clergyman: Very Rev. Edmund Carroll, TOR Minister Provincial
Funeral Home: Gibbons Funeral Home, Gallitzin
Interment: Franciscan Cemetery, Loretto
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/14/2000, A9
Name: Schmidhamer, Catherine Mary
Address: 122 E Fourth Avenue
Age: 72  Deathdate: 7/3/2000  Deathplace: -
Birthdate: 8/27/1927  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Edward Amerine
Mother: Lottie Coble
Spouse: James C. Schmidhamer
Married: -
Spouse Died: 11/28/1992
Surviving Children: Linda Nail, Joyce A. Certeza, Alan
Surviving Siblings: Barbara J. Thompson, Charles T.
Deceased Children: Richard, John
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Santella Funeral Home
Interment: Blair Memorial Park, Bellwood
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/5/2000, A9
Name: Scordo, James Francis Sr.
Address: 657 Wshington Avenue, Tyrone
Age: 85  Deathdate: 7/20/2000  Deathplace: Tyrone Hospital
Birthdate: 5/15/1915  Birthplace: Robertsdale
Father: Antonio Scordo (deceased)
Mother: Sunda Sylvester (deceased)
Spouse: Frances Maisano
Married: 1/6/1940 at St. Matthew's Church, Tyrone
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: James F. Jr., John E. Scordo
Surviving Siblings: Nancy Risoldi, Josephine Maisano, Joseph, Domenick, Antonio
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Sam, Jennie, Mary Scordo
Religion: St. Matthew's Catholic Church, Tyrone
Clergyman: Father Joseph T. Orr
Funeral Home: Feller Memorial Home, Tyrone
Interment: Oak Grove Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/22/2000, A7

Name: Seiler, John J.
Address: 5 S. Montgomery Street, Hollidaysburg
Age: 67  Deathdate: 7/20/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 4/9/1933  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: John J. Seiler (deceased)
Mother: Cather A. Bauers (deceased)
Spouse: Bertha J. McCall
Married: 2/5/1954 at St. Mary's Rectory, Hollidaysburg
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Jackie Stohon, Rebecca Thalhauser, John J. III, Thomas M.,
Brian J., Bruce E., Robert A. Seiler
Surviving Siblings: Jean Carnell, Dorothy A. Simindinger, James Seiler
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. Mary's Catholic Church, Hollidaysburg
Clergyman: Rev. John J. Palko
Funeral Home: Liebegott-Fisher Funeral Home, Duncansville
Interment: Greenlawn Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/21/2000, A9

Name: Settle, Marie H.
Address: Garvey Manor Nursing Home, Hollidaysburg, formerly of Garber Street,
Hollidaysburg and Northern Cambria
Age: 80  Deathdate: 7/21/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 1/26/1920  Birthplace: Jenners, Somerset County
Father: Engelbert Hamberger (deceased)
Mother: Mary Nye (deceased)
Spouse: Chester J. Soisson; Thomas W. Settle
Married: -
Spouse Died: yes; yes
Surviving Children: Robert T. Sr., Mary A. Settle
Surviving Siblings: Emily Falger, Helen Hamberger
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Holy Name Catholic Church, Ebensburg
Clergyman: Rev. Monsignor Arnold L. Gaus
Funeral Home: Mtevish and Matevish Funeral Home, Ebensburg
Interment: Holy Cross Cemetery, Northern Cambria
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/23/2000, A9

Name: Shaffer, Frances E.
Address: Presbyterian Home of Hollidaysburg, formerly of 841 W Second Street,
Age: 89  Deathdate: 7/14/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 12/10/1910  Birthplace: Alabaster, IA
Father: Nicholas Brown (deceased)
Mother: Mary O'Leary (deceased)
Spouse: Ralph L. Shaffer
Married: 1932 in Williamsburg
Spouse Died: 5/15/1966
Surviving Children: Leon M., Stanley R.
Surviving Siblings: Maxenthia, Cletus, Claude
Deceased Children: Kay Frances, infant daughter (d. 1935)
Deceased Siblings: Arlie, Colletta Retsloff, Olive Retsloff
Religion: St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Williamsburg
Clergyman: Rev. Bernard L. White
Funeral Home: Bolger Funeral Home, Williamsburg
Interment: St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery, Williamsburg RR 2
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9

Name: Shannon, Allen W.
Address: 319 Maple Street, Ashville
Age: 35  Deathdate: 7/8/2000  Deathplace: Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center, Johnstown
Birthdate: 8/24/1964  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: William Shannon
Mother: Lois (Nagle) Kelley
Spouse: Tammy Barr
Married: 1/15/1994
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Allen W. Jr., Joshua S.
Surviving Siblings: Paula Barr, Brenda DeStefano, Darlene Hollern, Patircia Ray,
robin Kelley, Dennis R., Michael E.; stepsister: Tammy Wooten, stepbrother: Earl
Taylor; half-brothers: Joe, David, William Jr.
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: Rev. Edward Eckenrod
Funeral Home: Jones Funeral Home
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7
Name: Shedlock, Leonard
Address: Tyrone
Age: 79  Deathdate: 7/10/2000  Deathplace: Epworth Manor, Tyrone
Birthdate: 4/11/1921  Birthplace: Ramey
Father: Joseph Shedlock
Mother: Barbara Golias
Spouse: Olcan Pollick
Married: -
Spouse Died: yes
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Walter, Helen Rusnak, Margaret Bednarchick
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. Matthew's Catholic Church, Tyrone
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Kruise Funeral Home, Ramey
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7
Name: Sheehan, Kathryn M.
Address: Eleventh Street towers, Apt. 608
Age: 96  Deathdate: 6/29/2000  Deathplace: Garvey Manor Nursing Home, Hollidaysburg
Birthdate: 2/13/1904  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: William Davis (deceased)
Mother: Elda Wesley (deceased)
Spouse: John J. Sheehan
Married: 8/13/1924 in Cumberland
Spouse Died: 6/9/1987
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Stanley J. Krish Funeral Home
Interment: Calvary Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/8/2000, A11
Name: Shepard, Elvin J.
Address: 2417 Silver Palm Drive, Edgewater, FL, formerly of 1874 Bellemead
Drive, Greenwood, Altoona
Age: 73  Deathdate: 6/29/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: -  Birthplace: -
Father: -
Mother: -
Spouse: Jean
Married: 53 years
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Nancy Sunderland, Beth Chronister
Surviving Siblings: Robert, Maxine Hornberger
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: First Methodist Church, New Smyrna Beach, FL
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Bellevue-Cedar Hill Memory Gardens and Funeral Home, Daytona Beach
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A9

Name: Smeal, Betty C.
Address: Johnsonburg, formerly of Sanborn, Houtzdale RD
Age: 77  Deathdate: 7/17/2000  Deathplace: Elk Regional Health Center, St. Mary's
Birthdate: 7/5/1923  Birthplace: West Decatur
Father: Roy Steele (deceased)
Mother: Catherine Evans (deceased)
Spouse: Clark W. Smeal Sr.
Married: 7/30/1941 at Philipsburg Church of Christ
Spouse Died: 2/6/1996
Surviving Children: Vinnie Rumberger, Richard, Allan, Clark Jr.
Surviving Siblings: Homer, Marion Dixon
Deceased Children: Wallace
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: United Methodist Church, Sanborn
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Birger A. Freeberg Funeral Home, Houtzdale
Interment: Sanborn
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A8
Name: Smith, Anna M. (Priselac)
Address: Fiskdale, MA
Age: 77  Deathdate: 7/29/2000  Deathplace: Clearfield Hospital
Birthdate: 6/27/1923  Birthplace: Smokerun
Father: Joseph Priselac (deceased)
Mother: Mary Lucas (deceased)
Spouse: Edward Smith
Married: -
Spouse Died: 6/27/1994
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Joseph, Marion Pikoris, Frances Kashien, Elizabeth Petrarco
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. Anne's Catholic Church, Fiskdale
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Kruise Funeral Home, Madera
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/30/2000, A9
Name: Smith, Thomas Franklin
Address: Jacksonville, FL, formerly of Juniata
Age: 79  Deathdate: 6/30/2000  Deathplace: Earl B. Hadlow Center, Jacksonville
Birthdate: 7/20/1920  Birthplace: Juniata
Father: Oscar Smith
Mother: Edna Smith
Spouse: Faith F. Smith
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Barbara LaMont, Jane Conselice, William, John
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Resurrection Catholic Church, Jacksonville; Holy Rosary, Juniata (svc.
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Eternity Funeral Home, Jacksonville, FL
Interment: Grandview Cemetery, Altoona
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11
Name: Snare, Kenneth W.
Address: Box 87, Williamsburg RR 1
Age: Deathdate: Deathplace:
Birthdate: Birthplace:
Spouse Died:
Surviving Children:
Surviving Siblings:
Deceased Children:
Deceased Siblings:
Funeral Home:
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/19/2000, A12
Name: Sprankle, Shirley A.
Address: Hoovers Lane, Tyrone RD 4
Age: 63  Deathdate: 7/24/2000  Deathplace: Sudlersville, MD
Birthdate: 9/23/1936  Birthplace: Bellwood
Father: Clair O'Shell (deceased)
Mother: Flora Gummo (deceased)
Spouse: Zachariah Sprankle Jr.
Married: 11/6/1954 in Grazierville
Spouse Died: 7/24/2000
Surviving Children: Jane, Judy Dean, Susan Rodgers, Zach III, Chad M.
Surviving Siblings: Ken, Donald
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: one brother, three sisters
Religion: -
Clergyman: Rev. Norman E. Huff
Funeral Home: Feller Memorial Home, Tyrone
Interment: Eastlawn Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11
Name: Sprankle, Zachariah Jr.
Address: Hoovers Lane, Tyrone RD 4
Age: 64  Deathdate: 7/24/2000  Deathplace: Sudlersville, MD
Birthdate: 4/9/1936  Birthplace: Tyrone
Father: Zachariah Sprankle Sr. (deceased)
Mother: Vesta William (deceased)
Spouse: Shirley A. O'Shell
Married: 11/6/1954 in Grazierville
Spouse Died: 7/24/2000
Surviving Children: Jane, Judy Dean, Susan Rodgers, Zack III, Chad M.
Surviving Siblings: Mary J. Reiti, Chicky Martinez, Charles
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Marian DelBaggio
Religion: -
Clergyman: Rev. Norman E. Huff
Funeral Home: Feller Memorial Home, Tyrone
Interment: Eastlawn Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11; Altoona Mirror, 7/28/2000, A11
Name: Stehley, Paul Leon
Address: 301 Valley View Blvd., formerly of 1112 Seventh Avenue
Age: 66  Deathdate: 7/28/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 10/29/1933  Birthplace: Blair County
Father: Irvin Stehley
Mother: Hazel Irvin
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: William H., Fayetta M. Kimmel, Nancy A. Yoder
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: E. Merrill Smith Funeral Home, Broad Avenue
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/29/2000, A11
Name: Steiner, Harry H.
Address: Box 469, Tyrone RR 1
Age: 84  Deathdate: 7/14/2000  Deathplace: Tyrone Hospital
Birthdate: 4/2/1916  Birthplace: Tyrone
Father: Lewis W. Steiner
Mother: Freda Virginia Holden
Spouse: Catherine A. Lyncy
Married: 5/27/1936 in Tyrone
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Donna J. Cherry, Mary A. Woomer
Surviving Siblings: half brother: Charles Nulton
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. Matthew Roman Catholic Church, Tyrone
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Derman Funeral Home, Tyrone
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Name: Stevens, Leon Harold
Address: Belleville, IL
Age: 71  Deathdate: 7/12/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 10/24/1928  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Roy Edgar Stevens
Mother: Agnes Baum
Spouse: Rosemarie C. Stuempler
Married: 5/1/1948 at St. Peter's Cathedral, Belleville
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Mark R., Janet L. Butzinger, Lisa Stevens
Surviving Siblings: Joan M. Conte
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. Teresa Catholic Church, Belleville
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: George Renner and Sons Funeral Home, Belleville
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Name: Storm, Donald J.
Address: Jim Thorpe, formerly of Ashville
Age: 65  Deathdate: 7/14/2000  Deathplace: Gnaden-Heutten Hospital, Lehighton
Birthdate: 5/4/1935  Birthplace: Patton
Father: Charles E. Storm
Mother: Gertrude Gallagher (deceased)
Spouse: Lynn Dienst
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: Karen Swanson, David, Robert, Thomas
Surviving Siblings: Dorothy Fleming,Larue Grimes, Lois Simanski, Janet McCarter,
Cynthia Van Blargen, Rita Burgoon, Sheila Bottenfield, Charles, Norman, Thomas,
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Robert Paul
Religion: St. Thomas Catholic Church, Ashville
Clergyman: Rev. James Bunn
Funeral Home: Gibbons Funeral Home, Ashville
Interment: St. Monica Cemetery, Chest Springs
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/16/2000, A9
Name: Strayer, Madeline (Morrow)
Address: North West Street, Ebensburg, formerly of Beaver Valley
Age: 81  Deathdate: 7/28/2000  Deathplace: Ebensburg
Birthdate: 8/4/1918  Birthplace: Mountaindale
Father: Harry Morrow (deceased)
Mother: Bessie Gates (deceased)
Spouse: Milton W. Strayer
Married: -
Spouse Died: yes
Surviving Children: Don
Surviving Siblings: Elmont
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Virgil Morrow
Religion: Beaver Valley Faith Tabernacle Church
Clergyman: Pastor Charles W. Nixon
Funeral Home: Askew-Houser Funeral Home, Ebensburg
Interment: Beaver Valley Cemetery, White Township
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/30/2000, A9
Name: Strong, Samuel
Address: Altoona, formerly of Windber
Age: 91  Deathdate: 6/30/2000  Deathplace: Van Zandt VA Medical Center
Birthdate: 1/4/1909  Birthplace: Sagamore
Father: George Strong (deceased)
Mother: Margaret E. Barnett (deceased)
Spouse: Barbara M. Hippler
Married: -
Spouse Died: yes
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Katherine Keefer, Margaret, Emma B. Gustafson
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: George, Sidney, William, Sarah, Anna, Rachel
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Meek Funeral Home, Windber
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/2/2000, A11
Name: Stuard, Martha A.
Address: Morrisons Cove Home, Martinsburg, formerly of 406 W Allegheny Street,
Age: 92  Deathdate: 6/30/2000  Deathplace: Nason Hospital, Roaring Spring
Birthdate: 1/8/1908  Birthplace: Henrietta
Father: John Higgins
Mother: Polly Byers
Spouse: David A. Stuard
Married: 12/4/1938 in Altoona
Spouse Died: 12/10/1979
Surviving Children: Donna L. Matthews
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: Martha C. (d. 9/25/1998)
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. John's United Church of Christ, Martinsburg
Clergyman: Rev. Floyd H. Mitchell
Funeral Home: J. Gary Thompson Funeral Home, Roaring Spring
Interment: Fairview Cemetery, Martinsburg
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/1/2000, A11

Name: Swope, Anna E.
Address: Broomall
Age: 86  Deathdate: 7/8/2000  Deathplace: Delaware County Memorial Hospital, Drexel Hill
Birthdate: 2/11/1914  Birthplace: Greensburg
Father: Thomas Rollason
Mother: Alice Gockel
Spouse: Ralph Swope
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Frederick L. Null Jr., Jane B. Vance; stepsons : Ralph,
Michael; stepdaughter: Bonnie Ferrucci
Surviving Siblings: Roseanne Stultz
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Marple Presbyterian Church, Broomall
Clergyman: Rev. Pam McShane
Funeral Home: Frank C. Videon Funeral Home, Broomall
Interment: Philadelphia Memorial Park, Frazer
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/11/2000, A7

Name: Tate, Rosalind Adele
Address: Lower Burrell, formerly of Altoona
Age: 53  Deathdate: 7/22/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 12/9/1946  Birthplace: New Kensington
Father: Raymond J. Korowicki
Mother: Jeannette T. Torchia
Spouse: John C. Tate
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Lisa E. Davinsizer, Shelly A., Kara M.
Surviving Siblings: Joan E. Garbinski, Arlene F. Szoch, Adele J. Perdeus
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. Margaret Mary Roman Catholic Church, Lower Burrell
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Rusiewicz of Lower Burrell Funeral Home
Interment: St. Mary Catholic Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/24/2000, A7
Name: Tate, Vesta E.
Address: 618 West Third Street, Williamsburg
Age: 97  Deathdate: 7/4/2000  Deathplace: Williamsburg
Birthdate: 7/4/1903  Birthplace: Oreminea, Williamsburg RR 2
Father: William J. Zimmerman (deceased)
Mother: Minnie Megahan (deceased)
Spouse: Robert L. Tate
Married: in Williamsburg
Spouse Died: 11/15/1947
Surviving Children: Sheldon R., stepson: Robert B. Tate, stepdaughter: Mildred
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: stepson: Paul Tate
Deceased Siblings: Lucinda Hughes, Grace Merritts, Della Deter, Bertha
Zimmerman, Margaret, John, Henry
Religion: Williamsburg United Methodist Church
Clergyman: Pastor Barry E. Neal
Funeral Home: Bolger Funeral Home, Williamsburg
Interment: Royer Cemetery, Williamsburg
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/6/2000, A11
Name: Thomas, Judy Ann
Address: 418 W. First Street, Williamsburg
Age: 54  Deathdate: 7/23/2000  Deathplace: Tyrone Hospital
Birthdate: 8/21/1945  Birthplace: Roaring Spring
Father: Andrew Thomas (deceased)
Mother: Naomi Marlin
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: David, Jack, Robert, Jim Thomas
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: West Loop Missionary Church
Clergyman: Pastor Kerry Feathers
Funeral Home: Plank, Stitt and Stevens Funeral Home, Hollidaysburg
Interment: Alto-Reste Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A7
Name: Thompson, Grace B.
Address: Johnstown
Age: 76  Deathdate: 7/19/2000  Deathplace: UPMC Lee Regional Hospital, Johnstown
Birthdate: 11/23/1923  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Gilbert Clapper (deceased)
Mother: Elphretta Clapper (deceased)
Spouse: Samuel B. Thompson
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Dale Thompson, Dane Thompson, Robin Thompson
Surviving Siblings: Mildred Ritchey
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Russell E. Clapper
Religion: -
Clergyman: Rev.Clarence E. Hoener
Funeral Home: William T. Hindman Funeral Home, Johnstown
Interment: Canoe Creek Cemetery (outside Altoona)
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/21/2000, A9
Name: Tomeo, DeFaine
Address: 1305 Spruce Street, Hollidaysburg
Age: 93  Deathdate: 7/2/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 5/2/1907  Birthplace: Logan County, OH
Father: William G. Rowand (deceased)
Mother: Ella Moore (deceased)
Spouse: Angelo Tomeo
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: infant son
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. Mary's Catholic Church
Clergyman: Father John J. Palko
Funeral Home: Sorge Funeral Home, Hollidaysburg
Interment: Blair Memorial Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/5/2000, A9
Name: Tressler, Shirley J.
Address: 221 N Fifth Avenue
Age: 65  Deathdate: 6/29/2000  Deathplace: Bon Secours-Holy Family Hospital
Birthdate: 4/11/1935  Birthplace: East Freedom
Father: Roy C. Weyandt
Mother: Jane C. Ott
Spouse: Robert Samuel Tressler
Married: 10/31/1963 in Altoona
Spouse Died: 7/3/1986
Surviving Children: Denise A. Adams
Surviving Siblings: Melvin C., Marie Laich, Donna Sauserman, Gladys Alva
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Juniata
Clergyman: Rev. Henry Stange
Funeral Home: Mauk and Yates Funeral Home, Juniata
Interment: Carson Valley Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/1/2000, A11
Name: Umholtz, Christy Lynn
Address: 1052 Penn Avenue, Tyrone
Age: 24  Deathdate: 6/30/2000  Deathplace: Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center, Johnstown
Birthdate: 10/15/1975  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Robert Umholtz
Mother: Brenda Mosey
Spouse: -
Married: -
Spouse Died: -
Surviving Children: -
Surviving Siblings: Susan, Jennielee, Jessica, Roberta, Jackalen
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: Pastor Michael J. Leedom
Funeral Home: Lesie E. Axe Funeral Home
Interment: Carson Valley Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/3/2000, A7
Name: VanNest, Howard F.
Address: Admiral Peary Highway, Cresson
Age: 63  Deathdate: 7/27/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 3/26/1937  Birthplace: Munster Township
Father: Francis VanNest (deceased)
Mother: Dorothy L. Yeckley (deceased)
Spouse: Joan Seymore
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Tammy Dunmyer, Jeffrey
Surviving Siblings: John, Helen Beck
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Mary
Religion: Our Lady of Mount Carmel National Catholic Church, Lilly
Clergyman: Rev. Vincent Ciwslewicz
Funeral Home: Charles M. Kennedy Funeral Home, Cresson
Interment: Our Lady of Mount Carmel National Catholic Church Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/29/2000, A11
Name: VanZandt, George A.
Address: Homewood Retirement Center, Martinsburg, formerly of 1111 Park
Boulevard, Juniata
Age: 95  Deathdate: 7/10/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 4/23/1905  Birthplace: Mifflin County
Father: George M. VanZandt (deceased)
Mother: Daisy Elizabeth Watt
Spouse: Helen M. Crawford
Married: 2/25/1927
Spouse Died: 9/15/1990
Surviving Children: Jane V. Edwards
Surviving Siblings: Esther Porter, Madeline Hench
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church, Juniata
Clergyman: Rev. Carol Cathagan
Funeral Home: Mauk and Yates Funeral Home, Juniata
Interment: Grandview Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/13/2000, A13

Name: Vaughn, Joseph L.
Address: 1535 Polk Avenue
Age: 99  Deathdate: 7/6/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 3/19/1901  Birthplace: Houtzdale
Father: John Crosovolt (deceased)
Mother: Josephine Aballo (deceased)
Spouse: Charles R. Vaughn
Married: 11/3/1920 in Cumberland
Spouse Died: 7/28/1990
Surviving Children: Betty Mock, Shirley Beatty, Doris Geiner, Nancy Hamer,
Barbara Park, Joanna Davis, Peggy Fochler
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: Robert (d. 1985)
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: First Baptist Church
Clergyman: Rev. Charles F. Kilosky and Rev. Robert Grossman
Funeral Home: Daniel R. Myers Funeral Home
Interment: Alto-Reste Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/8/2000, A11

Name: Vogel, John R.
Address: 406 E Wosononock Avenue, formerly of 1725 23rd Avenue
Age: 86  Deathdate: 7/12/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 9/30/1913  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Thomas G. Vogel (deceased)
Mother: Mary J. Garrahan (deceased)
Spouse: Madeline H. Moloney
Married: 5/15/1951 at Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Mary Gene, Elaine M. Dombrowski, Christine M. Gates, Maureen
Surviving Siblings: Marcella G. Boslet, Dorothy R. McMullen
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: Bernard F.
Religion: Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Jones Funeral Home
Interment: Calvary Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/13/2000, A13

Name: Vorhauer, M. Fay (Rhodes)
Address: Cambria Township
Age: 81  Deathdate: 7/23/2000  Deathplace: Presbyterian Hospital, Pittsburgh
Birthdate: 8/15/1918  Birthplace: Johnstown
Father: Waldo E. Rhodes (deceased)
Mother: Sarah Grace Davis (deceased)
Spouse: J. Edward Vorhauer Sr.
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Edward Jr., Allan, Walden, James, Ellen G., Esther, Cheryl,
Surviving Siblings: Garnet Croyle, Lurane Hunter, Forrest Rhodes
Deceased Children: Martha
Deceased Siblings: Alice Mosholder, Alvin, Melvin, Calvin
Religion: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mundy's Corner
Clergyman: Pastor Lynn Sanner
Funeral Home: Askew-Houser Funeral Home, Nanty Glo
Interment: Odgen Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A4;Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A9
Name: Waite, Marjorie F. (Gibboney)
Address: 675 Gregg Drive, Apt. 87, Chambers Hill
Age: 68  Deathdate: 7/19/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: -  Birthplace: -
Father: -
Mother: -
Spouse: Gerald L. Waite
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Patricia H., Albert, Lee A. Myers, Susan W. Crowell, Lori
L. Kugle
Surviving Siblings: Jane C. Waite
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Garden Chapel, Lower Swatara Township
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Frank E. Matinchek and Daughter Funeral Home, Middletown
Interment: Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Lower Paxton Township
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/21/2000, A9

Name: Walter, Sadie
Address: Homewood Retirement Center, Martinsburg, formerly of Claysburg
Age: 89  Deathdate: 7/18/2000  Deathplace: Nason Hospital, Roaring Spring
Birthdate: 3/22/1911  Birthplace: Klahr
Father: Charles Musselman
Mother: Elizabeth Musselman
Spouse: Russell Walter
Married: 4/7/1928, in Claysburg
Spouse Died: 12/12/1986
Surviving Children: Charles F. Walter, H. Joan Doran, Peggy Wright, Shirley
Roudabush, Wilma Hainsey
Surviving Siblings: Betty Claar, Wilma Metzgar
Deceased Children: Darl T. (d. 1986)
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Upper Claar Church of the Brethren, Claysburg
Clergyman: Rev. George D. Ebersole
Funeral Home: Leslie Funeral Home, Claysburg
Interment: Upper Claar Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/20/2000, A11

Name: Walter, William C. Jr.
Address: 724 N. Seventh Avenue, Juniata
Age: 61  Deathdate: 7/16/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 12/13/1938  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: William C. Walter Sr.
Mother: Marguerite Balliet
Spouse: Bobbie M. Rhodes
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Terry L., Mark A., Sherri K. Steele, Beth A. Horton
Surviving Siblings: Vincent L.
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Funeral Home: Mauk and Yates Funeral Home, Juniata
Interment: Blair Memorial Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/18/2000, A9
Name: Watkin, Margaret P. (Perkins)
Address: Duncansville, formerly of Lansdowne
Age: 85  Deathdate: 7/22/2000  Deathplace: Presbyterian Home, Hollidaysburg
Birthdate: 8/2/1914  Birthplace: Waltham, MA
Father: -
Mother: -
Spouse: Frank G. Watkin Jr.
Married: -
Spouse Died: yes
Surviving Children: David G.
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church, Lansdowne
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Johnston Funeral Home, Lansdowne
Interment: Washington Memorial Chapel Cemetery, Valley Forge, PA
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/27/2000, A11
Name: Watson, Viola G. "Oakie"
Address: 318 Poe Place
Age: 75  Deathdate: 7/23/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital Center for Nursing Care
Birthdate: 7/28/1924  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Andrew Curtin Holdeman (deceased)
Mother: Jennie Maye Showalter (deceased)
Spouse: Ralph E. Watson
Married: 2/25/1949 at Fourth Street Church of God, Altoona
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Linda Raneri, Steve Watson
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: (last surviving member of family)
Religion: Fourth Street Church of God
Clergyman: Rev. John Neely
Funeral Home: Mauk and Yates Funeral Home, Juniata
Interment: Alto-Reste Park
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/25/2000, A7
Name: Weaver, Robert William Sr.
Address: East Graceville Road, Breezewood
Age: 51  Deathdate: 7/24/2000  Deathplace: UPMC Bedford Memorial Hospital
Birthdate: 9/6/1948  Birthplace: Roaring Spring
Father: William Weaver (deceased)
Mother: Geraldine Snyder (deceased)
Spouse: Shirley A. Clark
Married: 6/9/1969 in Henderson, NC
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Robert W. Jr., Sherry L, Stacey A. Greenawalt, Renee J.,
Robyn F.
Surviving Siblings: Donna J. Mowery, P. Dale, Duane A.
Deceased Children: infant son
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Clear Creek Brethren in Christ Church
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Dalla Valle Funeral Service, Everett
Interment: Breezewood
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A9

Name: Weber, Jay D.
Address: Daytona Beach, FL, formerly of Altoona
Age: 58  Deathdate: 6/24/2000  Deathplace: Daytona Beach
Birthdate: 7/11/1941  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Al Weber (deceased)
Mother: Retta Stine
Spouse: Judy Smith
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Barry, Brett, Bryan Weber
Surviving Siblings: Jake Weber
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Daniel R. Myers Funeral Home
Interment: Daytona Beach
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/21/2000, A9
Name: Welch, Ethel M.
Address: Imler RD
Age: 76  Deathdate: 7/20/2000  Deathplace: Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center, Johnstown
Birthdate: 4/27/1924  Birthplace: McKee
Father: Harvey Hainsey
Mother: Nettie Jane Wentz
Spouse: Ray B. Welch
Married: 8/30/1952 in Winchester, VA
Spouse Died: 3/14/1984
Surviving Children: Sissy Welch, Jane Benton, Regina K. Ridenour, Dorothy
Bohley, Sonny Welch, Robert Finnegan Welch, stepson: Harry Acker
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Queen United Methodist Churc
Clergyman: Rev. Curtis E. Cox
Funeral Home: Miller Funeral Home, East Freedom
Interment: Greenfield Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/22/2000, A7; Altoona Mirror, 7/23/2000, A9

Name: Weldon, Beatrice I.
Address: Newport, NJ
Age: 75  Deathdate: 7/22/2000  Deathplace: Cumberland Manor
Birthdate: -  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Miles A. Stewart (deceased)
Mother: Florence Hunt (deceased)
Spouse: Albert Weldon II
Married: -
Spouse Died: yes
Surviving Children: Robert M. Weldon Sr., Dawn E. Leatherwood
Surviving Siblings: Mary J. Ellis
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: John Stewart, Robert Stewart
Religion: Newport United Methodist Church
Clergyman: Rev. Clyde Bradway
Funeral Home: Padgett Funeral Home, Cedarville, NJ
Interment: Newport Baptist Cemetery, Newport, NJ
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/24/2000, A7
Name: Welsh, Margaret "Marge"
Address: Irvona
Age: 61  Deathdate: 7/6/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 6/21/1939  Birthplace: Spangler
Father: Andrew Marinin (deceased)
Mother: Mary Getsy (deceased)
Spouse: Donald Welsh
Married: 12/28/1960 in Roanoke
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Carol Kuhn, Melinda Litzinger, Carrie, Charles, Robert,
stepson: Donald J.
Surviving Siblings: Betty Chordas, Anna M. Morgan, Mary Peadon, Rose Shevock,
Paul, Joseph
Deceased Children: infant daughter
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Gibbons Funeral Home, Coalport
Interment: LaJose RD
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/8/2000, A11

Name: White, B. Jane
Address: 112 W 12th Street, Tyrone
Age: 85  Deathdate: 7/1/2000  Deathplace: Tyrone Hospital
Birthdate: 8/5/1914  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Levi Porte
Mother: Josephine Hummel
Spouse: King W. White
Married: 4/27/1940
Spouse Died: 2/4/1995
Surviving Children: Patricia L. Walters, Marjorie I., Sharon K. Duda, Gary L.,
Gregory K, Jeffrey L.; stepchildren: Robert J., Anna L. Umholtz, Dorothy E.
Surviving Siblings: Margaret Griffin
Deceased Children: Susan (infant daughter)
Deceased Siblings: Clarence, Mary
Religion: Tyrone Christ United Methodist Church
Clergyman: Rev. Dr. Dennis N. Reedy
Funeral Home: Derman Funeral Home, Tyrone
Interment: Blair Memorial Park, Antis Township
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/3/2000, A7
Name: Willey, Harry V.
Address: Madera
Age: 77  Deathdate: 7/6/2000  Deathplace: Clearfield Hospital
Birthdate: 12/20/1922  Birthplace: Smithmill
Father: Benjamin W. Willey (deceased)
Mother: Bertha M. Walburn (deceased)
Spouse: Margaret Poshedley
Married: 9/27/1944 in Houtzdale
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Harry J., Karen Olson
Surviving Siblings: George F., Jerry W., Benjamin T., Lucy Hollabaugh, Myra E.
Lolas, Emily M. Hyle
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Madera Methodist Church
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: -
Interment: Madera
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/7/2000, A9

Name: Wilson, Mary Martha
Address: Burke, VA
Age: 90  Deathdate: 7/18/2000  Deathplace: Cameron Glen Care Center, Reston, VA
Birthdate: 1/22/1910  Birthplace: Logan Township
Father: Alfred L. Beinert
Mother: Annie Cassel
Spouse: James Albert Wilson
Married: -
Spouse Died: yes
Surviving Children: Michael, Gordon
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Adams-Green Funeral Home, Herndon, VA
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/26/2000, A9
Name: Wise, Doris V.
Address: Beverly Healthcare-Hillview, formerly of IDA Tower
Age: 76  Deathdate: 7/21/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 2/12/1924  Birthplace: Punxsutawney
Father: William McDonald (deceased)
Mother: Bessie McDonald (deceased)
Spouse: Charles Z. Wise Sr.
Married: 10/31/1961 in Coudersport
Spouse Died: 7/1/1990
Surviving Children: Joy Glover, Virginia Myers, Debbie Graham, Pamela Wise,
Rhonda Gordon, James Wenner, Wayne Wenner, stepdaughers: Janet Reed, Shirley
Rhine, Deborah Stevenson, Peggy Stiver, Patty Gorchef, stepsons: Bruce Wise Sr.,
Charles Wise Jr., William C. Wise
Surviving Siblings: Lula Haslett
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Riggles Gap Bible Church
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Mauk and Yates Funeral Home
Interment: Grandview Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/23/2000, A9
Name: Wise, Homer E.
Address: Greensburg RD 6
Age: 81  Deathdate: 7/17/2000  Deathplace: Westmoreland Regional Hospital, Greensburg
Birthdate: 6/3/1919  Birthplace: Hempfield Township
Father: Grant Wise (deceased)
Mother: Blanche Rosensteel (deceased)
Spouse: Dorothy V. Herrod
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Roy R., Nancy L.
Surviving Siblings: two brothers, one sister
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Beatty-Rich Funeral Home, Madison, PA
Interment: Middletown United Methodist Church Cemetery, Hempfield Twp., PA
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/19/2000, A13
Name: Yablinsky, Romayne
Address: 164 Sterling Road, Elmora, Bakerton
Age: 79  Deathdate: 7/12/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 9/14/1921  Birthplace: -
Father: William Holland
Mother: Ellen (Windows) Holland and Sarah Blake
Spouse: Felix Yablinsky
Married: 7/20/1940
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Phyllis Hendrix, Carolyn Mauck, Helen Gardner, Vicki Baker,
Francis W. Felix Jr.
Surviving Siblings: Wahnetah Worthington, Gilbert H. Blake, William Ott
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: -
Clergyman: -
Funeral Home: Stevens Funeral Home, Carolltown
Interment: -
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/13/2000, A13

Name: Yarnall, Paul J.
Address: Greenleaf Lane, Osterburg
Age: 82  Deathdate: 7/13/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 1/6/1918  Birthplace: Windber, Somerset County
Father: George Yarnall (deceased)
Mother: Emma E. Myers
Spouse: Zelphia Yingling
Married: -
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: Allan, Barry, Jerry
Surviving Siblings: Marie Hillegass, Elvin
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: United Church of Christ, Osterburg
Clergyman: Rev. Bruce Whalen
Funeral Home: Jack H. Geisel Funeral Home, Pleasantville
Interment: Osterburg Community Cemetery
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/15/2000, A9
Name: Yingling, Mary E.
Address: Box 435, Tyrone RD 2
Age: 84  Deathdate: 6/30/2000  Deathplace: Altoona Hospital
Birthdate: 1/19/1916  Birthplace: Spangler
Father: Roper Houston
Mother: Mae Kinter
Spouse: Kenneth A. Yingling
Married: 5/19/1986 in Altoona
Spouse Died: no
Surviving Children: William L. Fetterman
Surviving Siblings: -
Deceased Children: -
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Bible Baptist Church, Tyrone
Clergyman: Rev. Jack Park
Funeral Home: Jon C. Russin Funeral Home, Bellwood
Interment: East Ridge Cemetery, Burnside
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/2/2000, A11
Name: Young, Cleo E.
Address: 1211 W. Chestnut Street, Bellwood
Age: 46  Deathdate: 7/23/2000  Deathplace: at home
Birthdate: 7/28/1953  Birthplace: Altoona
Father: Eugene W. Houser
Mother: B. Marlene Welch
Spouse: William R. Young
Married: -
Spouse Died: divorced
Surviving Children: Candice L. Kissell, Sara A., Annie E. Young
Surviving Siblings: Robin E.; Karen J. Kustaborder, Kelley J. Greene
Deceased Children: Shane R. Young
Deceased Siblings: -
Religion: Abundant Life Assembly of God Church, Altoona
Clergyman: Rev. Richard H. Maher
Funeral Home: Jon C. Russin Funeral Home, Bellwood
Interment: Blair Memorial Park, Antis Township
Reference: Altoona Mirror, 7/24/2000, A7