OBIT: Frances V. (GALBRAITH) AKERS, 1933, Hollidaysburg, Blair County, PA

Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Michael S. Caldwell

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Wife of Erastus J. Akers, for many years a resident of Hollidaysburg, 
died this morning at 2.15 o'clock at her home at 520 Montgomery street, 
death being attributed to a complication of ailments with which she had 
suffered for a year. She was the daughter of William Jackson and Susan 
Hassler Galbraith and was born at Woodbury, Bedford county, on July 28, 
1854. Following her marriage with Mr. Akers, she became a resident of 
Roaring Spring and later moved to Brookes Mills where her husband was 
engaged in the milling business. After some years at Brookes Mills, the 
Akers family moved to Hollidaysburg where they have since resided. She 
was a devout Christian and a member of the First Methodist church of 
Hollidaysburg. Surviving are her husband, Erastus J. Akers, and three 
sons and one daughter, Miss Margaret Akers, at home, Dr. A. S. Akers of 
Harrisburg, Dr. John W. Akers of Hollidaysburg and Dr. Polk E. Akers of 
Chicago. Two sisters, Mrs. E. A. Feight of Frankton, Ind., and Mrs. O. 
W. Branden of Tima, Ariz., also survive. Funeral services will be 
conducted at the home Saturday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock in charge of 
her pastor, Rev. B. H. Hart. Interment will be made in the Presbyterian 

Altoona Mirror, Altoona, Pa., Wednesday, November 11, 1931, p. 1, col.