Franklin County GaArchives News.....Ex-Slaves To Meet At Macon Fair. September 24, 1909
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Alisa Dunn July 4, 2023, 2:29 pm

The Carnesville Herald September 24, 1909
A reunion of ex slaves to be held in Macon in November, as a feature of the negro 
state fair, is being planned by N.F. Bailey, a well known Georgia negro, who is 
president of an association known as the Benevolent Brotherhood, whose object is 
to found a home for the care of ex slaves in destitute circumstances.

A number of well known Georgians friends of these ex slaves, are interesting 
themselves in the movement with a view to making it a success.  November 17th has 
been set apart as ex slave day at the fair, and all those who were born in slavery 
are asked to attend.

There are many Georgia negroes now living who served as slaves and they are among 
the best examples of the race. Their life which the white folks taught them how to 
take care of themselves, and they are no only long-lived but frugal and 
industrious, and many of them are wealthy citizens--Athens Banner.

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