Franklin County GaArchives News.....Courtesy Wasted on Girl Stenographers October 15, 1909
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Alisa Dunn July 4, 2023, 2:43 pm

The Carnesville Herald October 15, 1909
Correspondent Concludes from Much Experience That They Prefer Brutality
By E.Z. Mark

According to Professor Starr of the University of Chicago, woman remains "the 
eternal savage because the fundamental nature of woman is barbaric."

Savages as a rule appreciate kindness, and even the mongrel dog craves sympathy 
and respect, yet in two years I have been compelled to discharge seven young 
female stenographers. In each case, when engaged her hours were plainly stated to 
be from nine to five, I myself seldom arriving before ten.

Being of an easy going and kindly disposition, I treat my stenographers with the 
upmost courtesy and consideration, never criticise, scold or condemn, yet without 
exception each and every one, after a few weeks, would report about ten minutes 
after nine and  a little late at about half-pasted nine, and then when they lost 
their jobs they wondered why.

And the old crank in the next office, who comes in any time from eight to eleven, 
who growls, who shows his teeth and swears a little, and never smiles, often has 
his clerks in harness before nine.  They jump around like monkeys at his beck and 
call, ever fearful of incurring his displeasure, and they have the greatest 
respect for him, although hardly daring to breathe or smile in his presence.

Therefore, I have come to the firm conclusion that the average young woman 
employee prefers brutality to courtesy in a business sense, and that to treat her 
kindly is equivalent to feeding raw meat to a very young animal.

Additional Comments:
I doubt this arrogant fellow was as "easy-going" or as "kindly as he claimed, just 
goes to show what women were thought of and treated like at the time of this 
article, it's enough to make my blood boil.

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