Franklin County GaArchives News.....Honey-Haired Blonde is Named Campus Queen at Royston High November 7, 1946
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Alisa Dunn June 23, 2023, 6:06 pm

The Carnesville Herald November 7, 1946
Honey-haired Josephine Craft, of Royston Route 1, was recently named Campus Queen 
in the Royston High School Beauty contest. The petite, blue-green eyed 16 year old 
blonde won over twelve other contestants.

The students elected three contestants from each class in High School and  the 
faculty made the final decision of naming Miss Craft the Queen.  Her portrait will 
appear in this year's annual.

Miss Craft stated she was speechless when informed of her selection. "I didn't 
expect to win. because there is a lot of other prettier than I." stated the 

The popular Miss Craft lives with her grandfather, Mr. T.G Craft in Harrison 
District. She loves bicycling  and hates cooking, because she says "I just don't 
know how."

The unassuming Tenth Grade student likes Biology and English in school. She 
expects to enter a stenographic career after finishing high school. When asked if 
she expected, Miss Craft stated, "I suppose so. If the right man comes along."

"I am very grateful to the faculty for selecting me as the Campus Queen, but I 
don't think I'll ever enter another contest 'cause I'm just not pretty enough. 
stated Miss Craft. But there are plenty of people who do not agree with the last 
part of that statement.

Runner-ups in the contest are 11th Grade, Dorothy Adams; 10th Grade, Sue James; 
9th Grade Helen Carroll Dean; and 8th Grade Hilda Brown.

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