MARRIAGE: I. Marcellus Staub to Mary Genevieve Bair, 1913, Adams County, PA

Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Kathy Francis

Copyright 2009.  All rights reserved.


A very beautiful wedding was celebrated at a nuptial mass in St. Mary's church 
at 6:45 o'clock this morning, when I. Marcellus Staub, was united in marriage to 
Miss Mary Genevieve Bair.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. L. Aug. Reudter, 
rector of St. Mary's, McSherrystown.

They were attended by Miss Cecilia E. Staub, sister of the groom, as bridesmaid 
and Brook F. Yantis as best man.

Mrs. Peter F. Smith, organist at St. Mary's church played the Mendelssohn 
wedding march as the bridal party entered the church.  During the ceremony The 
Sweetest Story Ever Told was played and at the close of the ceremony, a march 
from the Rose Maid was used.

The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Staub of North street, his father 
being proprietor of the Royal Caf and he is employed in the cigar factory of F. 
X. Smith Sons & Co.  The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George B. 
Bair of Main street.

After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served in courses at the Royal Caf, 
on Main street.  The dining room was beautifully decorated in orange blossoms 
and roses for the session.

The Hanover Herald  Saturday, June 14 1913