MARRIAGE: George W. BEAMER to Blanche E. DECKER, 1939, Gettysburg, Adams Co., PA Contributed and transcribed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Kathy Francis Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Luther Decker, New Oxford R. 2, announce the marriage of their daughter, Blanche Elizabeth, to George William Beamer, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Beamer, Gettysburg R. 4, on December 10, 1938. The marriage took place in The Pines Lutheran parish at 6:30 p.m. by the pastor of the couple, the Rev. Kenneth D. James. The ring ceremony of the Lutheran church was used. Mrs. Beamer graduated from New Oxford high school in 1935 and is employed by the Standard Garment company of New Oxford. She is active in the work of The Pines church, being a teacher in the young peoples' department. Mr. Beamer graduated from Gettysburg high school with the class of 1932 and is active in the work of The Pines being secretary of the Sunday school and a member of the church choir. Mr. and Mrs. Beamer will reside at their respective home for the present. The Star And Sentinel Saturday, February 18, 1939