OBIT: Clarence O. BANKERT, 1978, Littlestown, Adams County, PA

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Clarence O. Bankert

Clarence O. Bankert, 80, formerly of 47 Prince St., Littlestown, died Saturday 
at 5;45 p.m. at the Golden Age Nursing Home.  Son of the late George and Martha 
Dutterer Bankert, he was married to the late Lillian Lemmon Bankert, who died in 
1939.  He was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Littlestown, Brotherhood 
bible Class, and Church Council; Door to Vortue Masonic Lodge No. 46 and Carroll 
Royal Arch No. 31, Westminster, Md.; Bethel Commandery No. 98; York Forest No. 
30, Tall Cedars of Lebanon POSA Littlestown; IOOF No. 124, Gettysburg; 
Littlestown Senior citizens, and AARP No.669.  He is survived by his wife, 
Esther Rudisill Bankert; one daughter, Mrs. Marion b. Michael, Bloomington, 
Ind.; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Jean W. Nafzinger, Fairfax Station, Va.; four 
brothers, John A. Bankert, Westminster, Md.; Paul E. Bankert, Silver Run, Md.; 
Robert N. Bankert and Charles D. Bankert, Hampstead, Md.; one sister, Mrs. Mabel 
(Edward) Felgenhauer, Hampstead, Md.; and two step-grandchildren.  Services will 
be held Tuesday at 10 a.m. at Little's Funeral Home, Littlestown, with the Rev. 
Robert C Camac officiating.  Burial will be in Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Littlestown.  
Friends may call at the funeral home this evening, where the senior citizens 
will hold a services at 7:15 p.m.

The Evening Sun  Monday, Feb. 13, 1978