OBIT: Leona May (FAZENBAKER) ALBRIGHT, 1981, Somerset, Somerset County, PA

  Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Meyersdale Library
  Transcribed by John C. Oester.  

  Copyright 2005.   All rights reserved.

  Leona May Albright, 65, of 230 Winner Lane, died May 20, 1981 in Frostburg
  Community Hospital, Md., where she had been a patient three weeks.  She was
  born in Barton, Md. and was a daughter of the late Arthur Fazenbaker and
  Lilly (Whitefield) Fazenbaker.  Her husband Nelson William Albright,
  preceded her in death.  She was a retired licensed practical nurse from
  Maryland General Hospital, Baltimore, and was a member of Frostburg
  Brethren Church.  She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Edna Llewellyn,
  Rawlings; Mrs. Shirely Ruby, Carlos; two sisters, Mrs Roy Albright,
  Garrett; Mrs. Mary Margaret Brown, Cumberland, Md.; 12 grandchildren and
  four great grandchildren.  Friends were received at the Hafer Frost Mansion
  Funeral Home where services were conducted with the Rev. Everett Spence
  officiating.  Interment will be in Laurel Hill Cemetery, Moscow Mills.  
  The Republic May 28, 1981