Submitted by George M. WHITE, Houston, TX,

As it appeared in 1937 on page 5 of the Abilene (TX) Reporter News, 
this is the obituary of George Washington WHITE, born at Peach Orchard,
Lawrence County, Kentucky.   Birth records of  Lawrence County list
his birth as 25DEC1855.  He is listed with his family, the
Francis Jackson WHITE family, in the 1860 Lawrence Co. KY Census. 
Burial was at Cedar Hill Cemetery in Abilene, TX.


Abilene (TX), December 14, 1937 

Long in Ill Health G.W. White, 81, Dies at Home Here

Funeral for G.W. White, 81, veteran Baptist minister, will be held
at 10 o'clock this morning at the Laughter Chapel with the Rev. C.A.
Powell, University Baptist Church pastor officiating.

Burial will follow in a local cemetery.

Mr. White died Sunday night at his home, 1358 North 19th Street.
He had been in failing health for several years but his condition
had been serious only a short time.

He was born at Peach Orchard, Kentucky, January 3, 1856.  Coming 
to Texas in 1877, he settled in Wise county.  He was married to
Mary Faulkner in 1882 in Decatur.

He was ordained as a Baptist minister 42 years ago at Bonham. 
Because of ill health he was not active in the ministry during 
the latter years of his life, the last 14 of which he spent in Abilene.

Survivors are his wife, five daughters, three sons, 20 grandchildren 
and two great grandchildren.  Included in the immediate family are
Mrs. Jean Fuller and John A. White of Abilene.

Pallbearers will be J.W. Ely, H.J. Bradshaw, Charles Logsden, Hoyt
Smith, L.R. York and W.P. Bounds.


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         Archives by:       George M. White