July 08, 1990
 Jack W. Steiner III, 23, of 12310 Brookgreen Drive, died there Friday.
He was a chef for Ferd Grisanti Restaurant, a student at Sullivan Junior
College, a Navy veteran and a former member of the Boy Scouts of America.
Survivors: his father and stepmother, Jack W. Jr. and Laura Steiner; his
mother and stepfather, Francis and James Duff of Georgetown, Ind.; three
sisters, Jennifer O. and Courtney L. Steiner, both of Middletown, and Holly
Duff of Georgetown; and his grandparents, Reva Steiner of Prospect, Evelyn
Smith and Orl Stringer.
Funeral: 10 a.m. Wednesday, Middletown United Methodist Church,
11700 Main St., Middletown. Visitation at Willhite-Ballard Funeral Home,
11507 Main St., Middletown, from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Monday and Tuesday.
Expressions of sympathy: Boy Scouts of America Old Kentucky Home Council.

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