Obituary of Jeffery Allen McDowell

Submitted by:

McDowell, Jeffery Allen
Big Sandy News

Graveside services for Jeffery Allen McDowell, 2, were conducted April 3
(1987) at Sparks Cemetery, Blaine by Rev James Kelly Caudill. He died
March 31 (1987) at Humana Hospital-Louisa.

Jeffery was born December 16, 1985 at Paintsville, son of Jeffery
Earland Pam Caudill McDowell of Blaine.

Surviving in addition to his parents are maternal grandparents Sam and
Joyce Caudill of Blaine, Kentucky; paternal grandparents Earl and Sarah
McDowell of Blaine, Kentucky and a great grandmother Mae Edwards of
Blaine, Kentucky.

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