The Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, WV

Funeral services for Mrs. Glenna O'Daniel Litton, 35, of Huntington,
were to be conducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 30 in Klingel-Carpenter
Funeral Home in Huntington by the Rev. William G. Thompson, burial was
in Rose Hill Burial Park.
     Mrs. Litton died sunday in the University of Kentucky Medical
     She ws born Sept. 13, 1942, in Ashland, a daughter of Mrs. Charlene
Copley O'Daniel, Lawrence County Library librarian, and the late Elbia
O'Daniel.   She was an elementary school teachaer in the Wayne County
school system, teaching remedial reading.
     The graduate of Morehead State University was a member of Johnson
Memorial United Methodist Church where she was Nursery coordinator.  She
was a member of the junior department of the Woman's Club of Huntington,
where she served as the departmen second vicepresident and a member of
the board of diresctors.
     Mrs. Litton was MYF director of the Louis Methodist Church prior to
her marriage and a member of the Louisa and Westmoreland woman's clubs.
Additional survivors include her husband, Garland Selby Litton, Jr. of
Huntington; one son, Bryan Selby Litton, at home;  one Brother, Robert
B. O'Daniel of Flemingsburg, Ky.

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