Big Sandy News
29 June 1979

Bishop, Henry

Funeral services for Henry Bishop, 87, of Columbus, Ohio, formerly of
Blaine, were conducted July 2 (1979) at Old Hood Baptist Church.
Ministers were Homer Adams and Hubert Cantrell. Burial was in Sparks
Cemetery at Blaine.

Mr. Bishop, a retired farmer, died in Columbus, Ohio, June 29 (1979).

Survivors include six daughters: Mrs. Ray Kazee, Mrs. Jackson Cordle,
Mrs. Gladys Byers, Miss Myrtle Bishop, and Mrs. Henry Kazee all of
Columbus, Ohio; and Mrs. Royce Mills of Houston, Texas; four sons: Jack
Bishop, Delaware; Elmer Bishop of Fallsburg, Kentucky; Junior Bishop,
London, Ohio; John Bishop, Black Lick, Ohio; three sisters: Hazel Bishop
of Connecticut; Lottie Dixon, Ashland, Kentucky; Pearl Bishop, Florida;
three brothers: Conn and Clifford Bishop of Ashland, Kentucky; Gus
Bishop of Adams, Kentucky, and 21 grandchildren and several nieces and

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