Cobb-Cherokee County GaArchives Obituaries.....Day, John Reuben April 3, 1936
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Meredith Clapper January 27, 2016, 10:38 pm

Marietta Journal 6 Apr 1936 p 1
County Man Dies Of Self-Inflicted Wounds Friday

Final rites for John Ruben Day, who died from self-inflicted wounds late 
Friday afternoon at his home on Roswell road, were held Sunday afternoon 
from the Marietta Camp Ground with Rev. J. L. Verner officiating. 

Mr. Day, according to county officers' reports, shot himself late in the 
afternoon while in front of his residence.  Only motive as far as officers 
could ascertain was his failing health which had made him despondent in the 
past few months. 

He is survived by two sons, Clyde and Guy Day, of Marietta and Atlanta; one 
sister, Mrs. Betty Taylor, Canton. 

Mayes Ward was in charge of funeral arrangements. 

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