Cobb-Cherokee County GaArchives Obituaries.....Avery, A C March 1894
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The Marietta Journal, March 8, 1894
On last Saturday morning at his late home near Hickory Flat, Cherokee county,
Ga., Mr A C AVERY, aged 87 years.  He was deacon of the Primitive Baptist Church
about 60 years, and stood high in the esteem of all who knew him as an upright,
honest man.  He was buried at Hickory Flat Sunday morning.  He leaves six
children - Mrs W R TURNER of Marietta, Mr Gus AVERY of Hickory Flat, Mr Floy
AVERY, Mr Judge AVERY, Mrs Sallie RUDICILL and Mrs Amanda HARKNESS of Fort
Buffington.  We tender our sympathy to the bereaved.

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