Cobb-Cherokee County GaArchives Marriages.....Hudgins, Clarinda - Pace, John P. August 13, 1885
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Meredith Clapper September 5, 2018, 1:27 am

The Cherokee Advance 21 Aug 1885 p 3
A young man and lady got off the down passenger train, last Thursday evening, 
and came up hurriedly to town.  At the low-price store of Holland & Burtz the 
young man left the young lady while he went to the Ordinary's office and 
procured a marriage license.  On his return the services of Rev. N. N. Edge 
were procured and the twain were made one.  Their names were John P. Pace and 
Clarinda Hudgins, from Cobb County.  Bud Holland says any other runaway 
couples coming to Canton to marry are welcome to come to their store, where 
they can be supplied with all the necessary adjuncts for house keeping. 

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