1906 DEATHS, Lawrence Co, Ky
From an unpublished manuscript by David May <davidm1942@aol.com>

NAME                   AGE                 PARENTS                       PLACE OF  PARENTS        PLACE OF  DATE OF         CAUSE OF
                       SEX                                               BIRTH     BIRTHPLACE     DEATH     DEATH            DEATH
                       MARITAL ST                                                FA       MO

Boyd, Elba             5y/F           Reubin and India Boyd              LAW    KY        KY        LAW  February 11, 1906   Diphtheria
Castle, William        87y/M/M/fr     Elizabeth Castle                   KY     VA        KY        LAW  May 26, 1906        Blood poison
Price, Judd            2m/M           Thomas and Ina Price               LAW    KY        KY        LAW  December 20, 1906   Croup
Russell, John          1y/M           Dave and Nora Russell              LAW    LAW       LAW       LAW  October 1906        Spinal
Simpson, Liddy         18y/F/M        Dave and Nora Russell              LAW    LAW       LAW       LAW  October 18, 1906    Consumption
Smith, Jeremiah        71y/M/S        Essey and Martha Smith             KY     KY        KY        PKE  September 1906

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