1874 DEATHS, Lawrence Co, Ky
From an unpublished manuscript by David May <davidm1942@aol.com>


NAME                           AGE/SEX              PARENTS                     PLACE OF        PARENTS       PLACE OF       DATE OF               CAUSE OF
                               MARTIAL STATUS                                     BIRTH         BIRTHPLACE      DEATH          DEATH                 DEATH
                               OCCUPATION                                                        FA    MO                      

Adams, Susannah                  2y/F           H F and Elizabeth Adams            LAW            VA   KY        LAW       February 1, 1874         Worms
Adkins, Burwell                  3y/M/S         William and Martha Adkins          VA             VA   VA        LAW       October 13 , 1874        Congestive Chills
Bailey, Harry D                  1y/M/S         G  W  and Sarah Bailey             LAW            LAW  LAW       LAW       October 15, 1874         ?Catarrh???
Bentley, Mary                    5mts/F/S       Babbitt and C Maranda Bentley      LAW            KY   KY        LAW       February 17, 1874
Berry, (not known)               ??/F/S         Rubin and Martha Berry             LAW            Fld  LAW       LAW       July 15, 1874  
Berry, Prescella                 26y/F/M        George and Nancy Holton            VA             VA   VA        LAW       October 18, 1874         Consumption
Blythe, Jane                     4y/F/S         Abraham Blythe                     WIS            TN   WIS       LAW       October 15,1874
Borders, Jane                    44y/F/M        (not known) Cartmill               VA             NC   VA        LAW       March 13, 1874           Diabetes
Borders, Malisa                  1y/F/S         Henry Borders                      LAW            LAW  LAW       LAW       September 17, 1874       Croup
Bowe, Mary                       10d/F/S        Thomas and Mary Bowe               LAW            VA   LAW       LAW       December 24, 1874        Croup
Caines, Hiram                    64y/M/M/fr     Thomas and Candes Caines           LAW            KY   VA        LAW       October 8, 1874          Fever
Carter, Minny                    44y/F/M        Johnathan and Elizabeth Cooksey    LAW                           LAW       July 24, 1874            Bronchites
Chaffin, Clary                   83y/F/W        Jordan and Elizabeth Caines                                      LAW       March 2,1874             Typhoid fever
Claire, Emaline                  1y/F           R B  and Susa Claire               VA             VA   VA        LAW       March 28, 1874           Congested.Lungs
Clark, Ira B                     21y/M/S/lum    Guy and Mariah Clark               VA             VA   VA        LAW       July 22, 1854            Shot by boy
Compton, Hiram                   74y/M/M/fr     John and Jane Compton              LAW            VA   VA        LAW       May 12, 1874
Compton, Samuel                  30y/M/S/fr     Hiram and Margaret Compton         LAW            VA   VA        LAW       January 8, 1874          Drowned
Deboard, H                       ??/F/S         William Deboard                    LAW            LAW  LAW       LAW       February 10,1874
Deboard, Harrison                15d/M/S        Wallace Deboard                    LAW            LAW  LAW       LAW       September 15, 1874       Hives
Evans, Benjamin                  80y/M/M/fr     David and Nancy Evans              VA                            LAW       December 3, 1874         Gravel
Fannin, (not shown)              ??/F/S         Isaac Fannin                       LAW            LAW  LAW       LAW       March 25, 1874
Ferguson, Henry H                ??/M/S         Rebecca Ferguson                   LAW                 LAW       LAW       November 1,1874          Croup
Foster, (not known)              10m/F/S        William S and Elizabeth Foster     LAW            VA   FLD       LAW       October 18, 1874
Fruse, Clary                     9m/F/S         Milton and Kate Fruse              LAW            OH   LAW       LAW       October 1874             Spasomodic Fits
Gartin, (not known)              ??/F/S         W  and Elenor Gartin               LAW            VA   LAW       LAW       April 22, 1874
Griffith, Elizabeth              65y/F/M        Marida and Susan Edwards           LAW            KY   KY        LAW       March 6, 1874            Dropsey
Hager, Nancy                     3m/F/S         Anderson Hager                     LAW            LAW  LAW       LAW       June 1874                Flux
Hall, Lilly                      4y/F/S         Samuel Hall                        LAW            PKE  PKE       LAW       September 28,1874
Hatcher, James A                 1y/M/S         Lonza and Nancy Hatcher            BYD            BYD  LAW       LAW       May 23, 1874             Scalded
Hays, (not known)                10d/F/S        B and Sloina Hays                  LAW            FLD  LAW       LAW       November 28, 1874        Croup
Hays, Virginia                   4m/F/S         Samuel and Fannie Hays             LAW            LAW  LAW       LAW       June 8, 1874             Croup
Hinkle, Manoah                   1y/F/S         John W  Hinkle                     LAW            LAW  OH        LAW       January 10, 1874
Hodge, William                   10m/M          James H. and Jemima Hodge          LAW            LAW  KY        LAW       November 11, 1874        Burned
Isaacs, Elizabeth                55y/F/M        William and Mary Johnson           RUS                           LAW       March 28, 1874
Jobe, Lindsey                    1y/M/S         Elisha and Jane Jobe               LAW            LAW  LAW       LAW       June 22, 1874            Inflamed Stomach
Johnson, Dock (BLACK)            17y/M/S/fr     Joshua and Joan Johnson            LAW            VA   VA        LAW       September 1, 1874        Consumption
Jones, Sarah J                   38y/F/M        James M. and Jane Rice             Louisa         KY   KY        LAW       October 2, 1874
Jordan, Sarah                    80y/F/M        John and Nancy Adkins              VA                            LAW       September 30,1874        Insanity
Judd, I  S                       71y/M/M/fr     not known                          MA                            LAW       August 23,1874           Consumption
Judd, Tyrns                      10d/M/S        Elijah and Fannie Judd             LAW            VA   LAW       LAW       December 13, 1874
Kise, Minerva                    25y/F/M        James W  Preston                   LAW            LAW  LAW       LAW       July 12, 1874            Disease of womb
Lucas, L                         23y/M/M/fr     William and Elizabeth Lucas        KY                            LAW       February 16,1874         Consumption
Lyon, Sarah                      1y/F/S         Reson Lyon                         LAW            LAW  LAW       LAW       February 25,1874
Marcum, (not known)              ??/M           James and Lydia Marcum             LAW            VA   VA        LAW       November 23, 1874        Deformed
Marcum, Fleming                  8y/M/S         James and Lydia Marcum             LAW            VA   VA        LAW       August 20, 1874          Cholora Morbus
Marcum, Masiona                  8y/F/S         Henry F and Manerva Marcum         WAY            VA   VA        LAW       December 25, 1874        Typhoid fever
Marcum, Peter                    23y/M/S        Peter and Manerva Marcum           LAW            VA   VA        LAW       January 1, 1874          Murdered
McClure, Corrilda J              35y/F/S        Strander and Jane McClure          LAW            VA   VA        LAW       April 1, 1874
McCormick, Ruthia                63y/F/M        Joseph and Catherine Morehead      MRE            VA   VA        LAW       October 25, 1874
McKinster, Catherine             16y/F/S        Andrew and Elizabeth McKinster     LAW            LAW            LAW       July 15, 1874            Typhoid fever
Mead, Thomas F                   9m/F/S         Ambrose Mead                       LAW            LAW  LAW       LAW       July 14, 1874            Inflamed brain
Mullins, Isom                    67y/M/M/fr     Booker and Sarah Mullins           PKE            KY   KY        LAW       February 24, 1874
Murphy, Charles                  19y/M/S/cl     Martin Murphy                      OH             IRE            LAW       October 31, 1874         Enlarged heart
Music, Stella                    34y/F/M        David and Sally Prophet            VA             VA   VA        LAW       October 15, 1874         Child bearing
Newcomb, L  M                    15y/F/S        Abraham Newcomb                    LAW            OH   LAW       LAW       October 22, 1874         Consumption
Osbourne, James                  5m/M/S         M  Osbourne                        LAW            LAW  LAW       LAW       February 10, 1874        Consumption
Osbourne, Lucy                   34y/F/M        Lewis Lyons                        LAW            NC   LAW       LAW       July 22, 1874            Consumption
Pack, (not shown)                1dy/F/S        Anderson Pack                      LAW            LAW  VA        LAW       October 10, 1874  
Perry, William H                 17y/M/S        William and Eliza Perry            LAW            VA   LAW       LAW       June 10, 1874            Croup
Pollard, Green F                 23y/M/S/fr     H D  and S Y Pollard               BYD            GRP  GRP       LAW       March 18, 1874           Typhoid fever
Preston., Mary E                 3m/F/S         Hall Preston                       LAW            PKE  PKE       LAW       February 14, 1874        Croup
Queen, Joseph B                  18m/M/S        Walter and Julia V Queen           LAW            VA   KY        LAW       May 10, 1874
Rice, (not shown)                ??/M/S         R  H  Rice                         LAW            LAW  LAW       LAW       March 25, 1874
Rice, Charles W                  25y/M/S/fr     William and Mary Rice              LAW            KY   KY        LAW       December 6, 1874         Consumption
Riffe, (not known)               ??/F           Jeremiah and Maranda Riffe         LAW            KY   KY        LAW       October 13, 1874
Rigsby, Sarah                    1y/F/S         John Rigsby                        LAW            LAW  KY        LAW       December 14,1874
Scaggs, Lisa                     2m/F/S         D  W  Scaggs                       LAW            VA   NC        LAW       April 15, 1874           Whooping cough
Shannon, G  L                    24y/M/M        Thomas Shannon                     LAW            VA   VA        LAW       February 2, 1874         Boiler explosion
Shortridge, John                 57y/M/M/cptr   Robert and Ester Shortridge        VA                            LAW       December 2, 1874         Heart disease
Smith, Jemima                    28y/F/M        Thomas Smith                       LAW            NC   NC        LAW       May 28, 1874             Consumption
Stewart, Almira C                16y/F/S        Absolom and Anna Stewart           LAW            VA   VA        LAW       March 5, 1874            Consumption
Taylor, (not shown)              ??/F/S         William Taylor                     LAW            NC   NC        LAW       September 25, 1874
Thompson, William S              2y/M/S         Wesley and Sarah Thompson          OH             KY   LAW       LAW       May 28, 1874             Measles
Wellman, (not known)             3d/F/S         Wayne and Margaret J Wellman       LAW                           LAW       February 1874
Whitt, James                     21y/M/M.fr     William and Nancy Whitt            MGN                 VA        LAW       August 20, 1874          Shot accidentally
Workman, (not named)             3d/F           William C. and Jane Workman        LAW            VA   LAW       LAW       April 3, 1874
Workman, Flora                   11y/F/S        Harman and Sarah Workman           LAW            LAW  LAW       LAW       June 10, 1874
Young, James M                   6m/M/S         Abraham Young                      BYD            LAW  LAW       LAW       August 22, 1874          Croup

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