Lawrence County KyArchives Deaths.....Fyffe, Malinda March 18, 1945
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Deanna Meeks October 23, 2021, 6:54 pm

Name:                Fyffe, Malinda
Date Of Death:       March 18, 1945 Time: 3:10pm
Place Of Death:      Lawrence County, Ky
Residence:           Lawrence, Kentucky
Gender:              Female
Race:                W
Age:                 80
Marital Status:      Married
Spouse:              Fyffe, Stephen H
Date Of Birth:       Unavailable
Place Of Birth:      Ordinary, Kentucky
Mother's Name:       Unavailable, Unavailable
Mother's Birthplace: Unavailable
Father's Name:       Mabry, Andrew Jackson
Father's Birthplace: Virginia
Cause Of Death:      Chronic Myocarditis
Hospital:            Unavailable
SS Number:           Unavailable
Occupation:          Housewife
Funeral Home:        Family
Doctor:              J. Carter
Coroner:             Unavailable
Informant:           J.J. Fyffe
Date Of Burial:      March 19, 1945
Place Of Burial:     Fyffe Cemetery
Date Recorded:       April 1, 1945
Source Of Record:    Kentucky Death Certificate
Certificate No.:     6303

FYFFE, Malinda (Mabry)

Mrs. Malinda Mabry Fyffe, 80, died at her home at Martha Sunday at 3:10 p.m. 
following an illness of 3 weeks. She was born at Ordinary, KY, a daughter of the 
late Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mabry. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 3 p.m. at her 
home at Martha and burial was made in the family cemetery there. She is survived 
by her husband, S. H. Fyffe, 2 daughters, Mrs. Clyde Skaggs of Barnrock, KY, and 
Miss Annie Fyffe at home and 2 sons, Jack Fyffe of Louisa, route 4, and Henry 
Fyffe of Six Lake, MI. Big Sandy News. Mar 23, 1945

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