Lawrence-Pike County KyArchives Deaths.....Derefield, Elizabeth January 24, 1941 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Deanna Meeks January 16, 2022, 1:20 pm Name: Derefield, Elizabeth Date Of Death: January 24, 1941 Time: 4:07pm Place Of Death: Lawrence County, Ky Residence: Lawrence, Kentucky Gender: Race: Age: 79 Marital Status: Married Spouse: Derefield, Daniel Date Of Birth: October 28, 1952 Place Of Birth: Pike, Kentucky Mother's Name: Adkins, Orpha Mother's Birthplace: Pike, Ky Father's Name: Roberts, St Clair Father's Birthplace: Tazewell, Va Cause Of Death: Pulmonary Tuberculosis Hospital: Unavailable SS Number: Unavailable Occupation: Housewife Funeral Home: H. H. Cutright Doctor: D.J. Thompson Coroner: Unavailable Informant: Daniel Derefield Date Of Burial: January 26, 1941 Place Of Burial: Derefield Cemetery Date Recorded: February 6, 1941 Source Of Record: Kentucky, U.S., Death Records, 1852-1965 Certificate No.: 2410 DEREFIELD, Elizabeth (Roberts) 1852-1941 Mrs. Elizabeth Derefield, 78, wife of Daniel Derefield, died Friday at the home at Cadmus after an illness of 2 months. Funeral was conducted Sunday afternoon at the home with Rev. Fred Vanhorn officiating, and interment was made in the family cemetery. Mrs. Derefield was born in Pike County, Oct 28, 1852, a daughter of the late St. Clair and Orpha Adkins Roberts, and had resided in the Webbville and Cadmus section since early in life. "Aunt Lizzie" as she was affectionately known, was a member of the Methodist Church. Surviving besides the husband, are a daughter, Mrs. Fred Robinson, of Holden, WV, a son, B. F. Roberts, C & O agent at Paintsville, 2 sisters, Mrs. Martha Segraves, of Marmet, WV and Miss Tilla Roberts, Lexington, KY; 3 brothers, Perry Roberts, Blair, WV, C. B. Roberts, Williamson, WV, and John Roberts, Buffalo, WV, an adopted son, Arlan Derefield at home. Mrs. Martha Roberts of Cadmus is a sister in law. Big Sandy News, Jan 31, 1941 This file has been created by a form at