Lawrence County KyArchives Deaths.....Chaffin, Alma August 13, 1931
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Deanna Meeks January 28, 2022, 5:47 pm

Name:                Chaffin, Alma
Date Of Death:       August 13, 1931 Time: 3pm
Place Of Death:      Lawrence County, Ky
Residence:           Lawrence, Kentucky
Gender:              Female
Race:                W
Age:                 28
Marital Status:      Married
Spouse:              Chaffin, Okie V
Date Of Birth:       December 2, 1902
Place Of Birth:      Kentucky
Mother's Name:       Carter, Cora Mae 
Mother's Birthplace: Kentucky
Father's Name:       Kitchen, David
Father's Birthplace: Kentucky
Cause Of Death:      Eslorpain following birth of twins, Pulmonary edema
Hospital:            Louisa General Hospital
SS Number:           Unavailable
Occupation:          Housewife
Funeral Home:        H. H. Cutright
Doctor:              J. Carter
Coroner:             Unavailable
Informant:           Okie V Chaffin
Date Of Burial:      August 15, 1931
Place Of Burial:     Chaffin Cemetery
Date Recorded:       August 31, 1931
Source Of Record:    Kentucky, U.S., Death Records, 1852-1965
Certificate No.:     20148


Mrs. Alma Chaffin, 28, wife of Okie V. Chaffin of Twin Branch, died last 
Thursday afternoon at a local hospital following the birth of twins at the home. 
Hoping that her life might be saved she was rushed to the hospital. The body was 
removed to the home by H. H. Curtright. Funeral services were held Saturday from 
the home with Rev. Roland Hutchison and Rev. Spillman officiating. Burial was in 
the Chaffin Cemetery on Twin Branch. Besides her husband she leaves 2 sons, 
Vaughan, Jr. and Don and one daughter, Dongene; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David 
Kitchen, Gladys, and 6 sisters, Mrs. Henry Hillman, Detroit, Mrs. George 
Cornish, Detroit, Mrs. Howard Burton, Elwood City, PA, Mrs. Charles Chaffin, 
Twin Branch, Mrs. Violet Kitchen and Miss Beulah Mae Kitchen, at home; 3 
brothers, Nolan Kitchen, Overda, Nigel Kitchen, Yatesville, J. W. Kitchen, Twin 
Branch. The twins, a boy and girl, which were born Wednesday night, are doing 
nicely. Big Sandy News-Recorder, Aug 21, 1931

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