Orange County, VA Marriages 1747-1810 - Shifflet
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                        Catherine L. Knorr 
  Jan. 18, 1795   Stephen Shifflet and Rachel Hicks     p. 36
                  Rev. George Bingham  Ministers Return III, 134

  June 22, 1795   Pickett Shiflett and Lucretia Powell  p. 37
                  Sur. Francis Powell, Wit. James Taylor, Jr.
                  Married June 25 by Rev. George Eve
                  Marriage Bonds Vol. 3 p. 116

  Oct. 27, 1796   John Shifflet and Susanna Davis       p. 41
                  married by Rev. George Bingham 
                  Marriage Bonds IV, p.176 

  Aug. 1, 1797    Powell Shifflet and Catherine McMullan p. 44
                  dau. of John McMullan who consents
                  Consent Book IV, p.66
  Sept. 15, 1798  John Shifflet and Ann Hicks         p. 47
                  Rev. George Bingham   Ministers Return IV, 119
  Dec. 29, 1798   John Shifflet and Rhoda Shifflet    p. 48
                  no witness or bondsman
                  Rev. George Bingham Ministers Return IV, p.119
  Nov. 17, 1808   George Aery and Elizabeth Shifflet  p. 73
                  Rev. George Bingham
  Jan. 19, 1809   Overton Shifflet and Sally Herring  p. 74
                  dau. of William R. Herring  
                  Wit. Charles Parrott & James Herring
                  Marriage Register I,   Marriage Bonds 7, p. 11
          This is an old orange book in the Orange County Court 
House Archives Room.  
          Research: 11/23/92       Orange, Virginia
          Transcript of a handwritten document in the Archives Room 
of the Court House in Orange County, Virginia.  
                     MARRIAGE  BONDS   X  p. 291
          I hereby Certify that on the 15th day of January one 
thousand Eight hundred & twenty four I joined together in holy 
matrimony Matthew Knight & Nancy Haney agreable to the rites & 
Ceremonies of our Church ------
          January 20th joined together Jonathan Twyman & Lucy Rucker
          February 5th joined together Elisha Turner & Polly Goodall
          April 15th joined together John Morris & Fanny Shifflett
          May 6th joined together James Cave & Elizabeth Beddo
          July 23rd joined together Mordica Brown & Sarah Shifflet
          September 21st joined together Jacob Newman & Carroline
          September 28th joined together Turner Shifflet & Mildred
          Likewise Jeremiah Morris & Peachy Shifflet
          October 20th joined together Joseph Shifflet & Melissa
          October 24th joined together John Frazier & Selly Going
          November 10th joined together Thomas Smith & Polly Cave
          November 11th joined together William S. Cave & Frances 
          November 18th joined together Edward Williams & Mary 
          December 14th joined together George Williams & Anna Via
          likewise James Chapman & Polly Thompson  
          December 28th joined together Thomson Riddle & Mary Powell
                                                    George Bingham