ORANGE COUNTY, VA - VITALS - Marriage, John W. Gibson to Mary C. Landran
			      27 Oct 1863

Augusta County Marriage License and Certification, 1863
Certificate No.:     Marriage License # 1438, Drawer 217, 1863 Marriages

I hereby authorize the clerk of Augusta County Court to give a license for the 
marriage of my daughter Mary C. Landran with John W. Gibson, her father being 
dead . Given under my hand the 26th day of October 1863. Nancy J. (looks like 
Riggs - hard to read.)
Date of Marriage: October 27, 1863
Place of Marriage: Augusta County, Virginia
Full Names: John W. Gibson and Mary C. Landran
Age of Husband - 21 years, 2 days
Age of Wife - 16 years, 2 months
Condition of Husband - single, Condition of Wife - single
Place of Husband's Birth - Orange Co., Va
Place of Wife's Birth - Orange Co., Va
Husband's Residence - Augusta Co., Wife's Residence - Augusta Co., Va
Names of Husband's Parents: Burwell Gibson and Mary Atkins
Names of Wife's Parents: Charles D. Landran and Nancy J. Gibson
Occupation of Husband - Farmer
Given under my hand this 26th day of October 1863 John W (his X mark) Gibson
I certify to the Clerk of the County Court of Augusta that on the 27th day of 
October 1863 I united in Marriage, John W. Gibson and Mary C. Landran un 
authority of a Lecense issued by you.  B. Davis


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