Orange County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....Madison, Robert Willis September 22, 1868
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Angie Rapids March 26, 2023, 1:14 pm

Native Virginian 13 November 1868
Died, on the 22nd of September, 1868, in Caddo Parish, La., after a painful 
illness of five days, Mrs. Roberta Willis Madison, daughter of Wm. T.W. and F. 
B. Taliaferro, formerly of Fauquier County, Va.

The subject of this brief notice, at the age of 16, embraced religion at a Camp 
Meeting, in Fauquier County, and ever afterwards, in all the relations of life, 
illustrated the virtues of the true Christian, thus adorning the doctrines of 
God our Savior.

As a daughter, she was dutiful and affectionate; as a sister, fond and 
confiding; as a mother, loving and devoted; and as a neighbor, kind and 
obliging, thereby endearing herself to all who had the happiness to know her; 
and so conscientious was she, that as a wife she discharged what she believed to 
be her duty, regarding no sacrifice-not even that of life itself-too great, 
should it interfere with the performance of the obligations resting on her in 
this respect. Her's was indeed a life of suffering to a degree known only to God 
Himself; but the principles of our holy religion sustained her in all her great 
and sore trials, enabling her to set a bright example in her life and securing 
for her a peaceful and triumphant death.

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