Orange County Virginia USGenWeb Archives News.....Murder. June 26, 1868
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Angie Rapids March 25, 2023, 2:55 pm

Native Virginia 26 June 1868 June 26, 1868

We learn that on Wednesday last, a highly respectable young lady named Miss 
Fanny Wright, residing near Pea Town in Bedford, left her home to visit her 
brother-in-law, living a short distance off, for the purpose of collecting money 
due her. Her relative paid her $300, and she started on her return home; but not 
arriving at nightfall, search was made, and her dead body found in the road, 
about a mile distant from home. When found there was no money on her person, and 
the supposition is, that she was first murdered the robbed, although no marks of 
violence can be seen on her body. The next day the foot prints of a man were 
found near where the body was discovered but no clue has been obtained as to who 
the perpetrator of the deed was. The neighborhood is in a state of great 
excitement, and every effort is made to clear up the mystery. - Lynchburg News.

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