Orange County Virginia USGenWeb Archives News.....Herndon Chained to a Rock August 14, 1868
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Angie Rapids March 26, 2023, 10:04 am

Native Virginian August 14, 1868
Chained to a Rock. -The local editor of the Lynchburg News says:

He (Herndon) was at once taken by his captors to Orange Court House and lodged 
in jail, where he is now heavily ironed, and chained to a rock weighing two 
tons, rendering any further escape impossible.

Yes, and his chain weighs 300,000 lbs. "neat."


Herndon has become so "peart" since he returned to the jail and its excellent 
and abundant fare that he has turned artist and adorned his cell with a charcoal 
cartoon entitled "Herndon in the Woods," which is said to represent to the life, 
ludicrously yet painfully, the terror and anxiety the poor creature endured for 
days when the rustling of a leaf, the breaking of a stick or the falling of a 
rotten limb threw him into an agony of fright. The jailor is said to be thrown 
into convulsions of laughter every time he sees this picture and Herndon himself 
enjoys it.

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