Orange-Culpeper-Princess Anne County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....Land, John W. December 30, 1864
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Gregory Land July 7, 2012, 2:26 pm

Madison Courier, Jan 3, 1865
Died at his residence in Shelby twp, Jefferson co, Indiana on the 30th of 
December John Land age 77 years. He was born in Orange co, Va. in 1788 and at 
an early period in his life he moved to Culpeper Co, Va. He lived there until 
the age of 19 when in the fall of 1807 he moved to Garrard co, Ky where he 
married Nancy Storms Sept, 10th 1822. He lived there until the Winter of 1831 
and then moved to Shelby twp, Jefferson co, Indiana where he lived until he 
died. His health had been good until about 8 months ago when he was sorely 
afflicted and never has left his room. He has 13 children who have grown to 
manhood and womanhood. All are living but one. He bore his afflictions with 
christian patience and fortitude. 

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