Orange County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....Brown, Henry November 27, 1866
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Angie Rapids March 24, 2023, 1:49 pm

Native Virginian 6 Dec 1867
On Wednesday, 27 ult., a white man named William Thompson, living at Goochland 
Court House, met near his room door Henry Brown, a negro, with whom he had had a 
serious quarrel some months ago. Thompson accosted the negro immediately, and 
demanded to know what he was doing hanging around his house. Brown muttered 
something in reply, when Thompson drew his pistol and attempted to shoot, but 
the cap snapped. Brown then exclaimed, "The next time you shoot you will kill 
me!" Without noticing this remark, Thompson shot again. This time the ball 
struck the negro in the heart. Almost instantly he fell, and in a few moments 
breathed his last. -Thompson was soon arrested and lodged in the county jail, 
where he now awaits his trial. It is said that he was almost deranged by liquor 
when the deed was committed.

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