Orange County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....Schaffer, Laura  July 2, 1868
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Angie Rapids March 25, 2023, 3:20 pm

Native Virginia 3 July 1868
Miss Laura Schaffer, daughter of Christian Schaffer, residing in Alexandria, on 
Fairfax street, died yesterday morning at 11 o'clock from the effects of burns 
received the previous evening. She was running down stairs on Saturday evening 
about 8 o'clock with a lighted coal-oil lamp, and from some cause or other she 
fell, the lamp breaking into fragments, and the flame igniting the oil, set fire 
to her clothing, burning her in the most frightful manner. Her mother was also 
severely burned about the left arm in endeavoring to help her daughter.

Miss Schaffer was about twenty three years of age, and engaged to be married to 
Mr. Charles Tennison, of Alexandria, who was so effected by the death of his 
intended that he attempted to commit suicide yesterday afternoon. -He went in 
company with Mr. Green of the firm of Green & Denham to their store, on King 
street, about 2 o'clock, and while Mr. G. was absent for a moment to draw some 
water, Tennisson shot himself in the head, the ball penetrating the brain back 
of the left ear, -He was removed to his fathers residence corner of Cameron and 
Fairfax streets, where Dr. Lewis examined the wound; but no hopes are 
entertained for his recovery. National Inteligencer.

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