Orange County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....Carsello, James July 1868
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Angie Rapids March 26, 2023, 8:08 am

Native Virginian 10 July 1868
Fatal Accident. -We learn, says the Lynchburg News, that Mr. James Carsello, 
Section Master at Mitchell's Station, in Culpeper County, while out hunting 
squirrels, Saturday afternoon, accidently shot himself, and died from the effects 
of his wounds in a few hours. He had sat down to rest, laying his gun by his side, 
and in taking it caught it by the muzzle, when the hammer of the lock catching a 
twig, the gun was discharged, the whole load entering the right arm, near the 
wrist and comin out above the elbow. Assistance soon reached him, but before a 
Surgeon could be had to stop the flow of blood, he died from is loss.

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