Orange County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....Bailey, William July 1868
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Angie Rapids March 26, 2023, 8:03 am

Native Virginian 10 July 1868
Fatal Accident. -On Thursday evening of last week, Capt. Wm. Bailey was thrown 
from a wagon and, falling on his head, received such severe injuries, that, after 
lingering in a state of entire unconsciousness until Monday, he expired at 4 
o'clock that evening. He was a bachelor, in his 68th year, and unusually hale and 
active for one of his age. For some years past, he has lived with his uncle, Dr. 
Peyton Grymes. An exceedingly quiet and polite gentleman, he was esteemed by all 
who knew him, and his sudden death cast a gloom over the community.

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