Spalding-Pike-Colquitt County GaArchives Obituaries.....Patterson, Henry Thomas March 21, 1905
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Columbus Daily Enquirer, March 22, 1905

Henry T. Patterson Dies At Moultrie, Ga.

Griffin, Ga., March 21. - (Special) - Mr. Henry T. Patterson, a former citizen 
of this county, died yesterday morning at his home in Moultrie, Ga., of 
typhoid fever. Mr. Patterson lived in this county up to six years ago, when he 
moved to south Georgia. He had many friends in this county and was beloved by 
all who knew him. He leaves a wife and several children. Among those who live 
in Griffin is Colonel Thomas Patterson, Mr. Zed Patterson, Mr. Frank Patterson 
and Mrs. B.H. Moore. The remains were brought here and buried in the family 
burial grounds at the old Patterson homestead, near Sunny Side, in this 
county, this morning.

Additional Comments:

Henry T. Patterson was married 4 times:
1st - Anna E. Martin, m. 6 June 1865 in Spalding County, Georgia
2nd - Sarah E. Powell, m. bef 1880
3rd - Tonnie C. Ford, m. 18 Aug 1897 in Pike County, Georgia
4th - Annie Miles, abt 1899

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