Grady-Colquitt County GaArchives Obituaries.....Cooke, J. H.  November 21 1918
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The Cairo Messenger, Friday November 29, 1918
Dr. J. H. Cooke Passes To Great Beyond

The many friends of Dr. A. B. Cooke, of Cairo, will be grieved to learn of the 
death of his brother, Dr. J. H. Cooke, who died at his home in Doerun, last 
Thursday morning at nine o'clock of heart failure.  Although 80 years old, Dr. 
Cooke had been in vigorous health until a short time ago.

The deceased had been a resident of Colquitt County for a number of years, 
living at Hartsfield and Moultrie before going to Doerun.  He was among the 
earliest settlers when Doerun was established in the late nineties.  Although a 
dentist by profession, he had not practiced for several years.  He was at one 
time engaged in the newspaper business, publishing the Colquitt County Courier 
of Moultrie.  He was also at one time postmaster at Moultrie.

Dr. Cooke is survived by his wife and one son, J. H. Cooke, Jr., an attorney of 
Doerun, besides three brothers, R. M. Cooke of Villa Rica, Dr. T. R. Cooke, of 
Atlanta and Dr. A. B. Cooke of Cairo.  The deceased was a member of the Baptist 

Funeral services were held at the grave in Doerun at two o'clock last Friday 
afternoon, being attended by a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and 
friends.  Dr. Cooke of Cairo attended the last sad rites.

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