Marion-Colquitt County GaArchives Obituaries.....Bruce, Spencer J. J. December 1937
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Joan B. Hill February 26, 2005, 1:20 pm

Moultrie Observer Weekly,  27 December 1937
J. S. J. Bruce, 102, Dies At Funston; One Of Two Surviving Veteran Of '60's

 Jasper Spencer J. Bruce, 102, Colquitt County's oldest resident and one of the 
two surviving Confederate Veterans in the county, died at his home at Funston 
Monday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock.  He had been in feeble health for sometime 
and had been confined to his bed for the past three weeks.
 Mr. Bruce was born in Marion County on February 26, 1836.  He lived there 
until about 1900 when he came to this county and had made his home in Funston 
section for about thirty-five years.  He engaged in farming and continued 
active and mentally alert after he had passed the century mark.  He served in 
the Confederate army for three years having enlisted in Company I of the Tenth 
Regiment in 1862.  When Lee surrendered at Appotomax he was stationed at 
Durham, N. C. and he was discharged from the army there.
 Surviving are his wife, four sons and four daughters including Sidney Bruce, 
Tampa, Fla., M. Bruce and Bud Bruce, Plant City, Fla., Jasper Bruce, Funston, 
Mrs. Katie Bell Weeks, Mrs. Fannie Hart, Plant City, Mrs. Dora Lee Murphy, 
Valdosta, and Mrs. Emma Simpson, Moultrie, He also leaves seventeen 
 Funeral services were held at Funston Baptist Church Tuesday afternoon at four 
o'clock and were conducted by Rev. W. C. Willis.

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