NOBLE COUNTY OHIO - BIO: Eleazer Spooner (1887)

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Date: 14 July 2002

From the The Ohio Biographies Project
a part of The U.S. Biographies Project

Transcribed by Deb Murray.


Eleazer Spooner was born in Oakham, Worcester County, Mass., June 28, 1794. A
number of the early settlers of Brookfield were from the same county. In
company with Clark E. Green, William Watson and Cyril Richardson, he came to
Brookfield Township in 1816. He was a shoemaker, and brought the tools of his
trade with him. He worked at farming in summer and at his trade in winter. He
entered 160 acres on section 3, and in 1818 erected a cabin. In the following
year he married Isabella Beach, who is still living at the age of eighty-six.
They had one son and ten daughters; five of the daughters are yet living. Mr.
Spooner sold a part of his farm quite early, taking his pay in installments,
some of which were as low as twenty-five cents. He died April 19, 1884. He
served as township trustee nineteen years.

History of Noble County, Ohio Published by 
L.H. Watkins & Co. of Chicago 1887