NOBLE COUNTY OHIO - BIO: William Rice (1887)

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Date: 18 July 2002

From the The Ohio Biographies Project
a part of The U.S. Biographies Project

Transcribed by Deb Murray.


William Rice, a blacksmith, set up a shop near the site of Freedom about 1832.
He was an excellant workman in both iron and steel, and made hoes, axes and
other tools which were considered the very best. Such a reputation did he gain
that he and his two sons were kept constantly busy in their shop. Reuben Wood,
his son-in-law, came at the same time. He was a carpenter, but not finding
much work in that time - log cabins being the style of dwelling most in use -
he turned his attention to farming with poor success. (Rice died here and the
family sold out and removed).

History of Noble County, Ohio Published by 
L.H. Watkins & Co. of Chicago 1887