NOBLE COUNTY OHIO - BIO: Ezekiel Farley (1887)

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Date: 18 July 2002

From the The Ohio Biographies Project
a part of The U.S. Biographies Project

Transcribed by Deb Murray.


Ezekiel Farley was born in Greene County, Pa., in the year 1810, came to this
State with his father, in the year 1815, who settled about three miles south
of Summerfield. On the 17th of September, 1861, he volunteered in Captain
James H. Riggs' company, under the leadership of it's gallant colonel, J.A.
Garfield. He was with the regiment in its battles and marches one year, when
his health failed him and he was honorably discharged from the service on the
17th day of September, 1862. He returned home, but his health was so broken
that he died in a few years. He had two noble boys that lost their lives in
ther service - Henry and Sylvanus.

History of Noble County, Ohio Published by 
L.H. Watkins & Co. of Chicago 1887