MIAMI COUNTY OHIO - OBIT: BASHORE, Benjamin S. (d. 1902)
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by
Bruce McCrea
June 21, 1998

Phyllis Crick recently found an obituary for Benjamin S. Bashore in a 1902
Versailles Policy and mailed me a photocopy.  This obituary answers some
questions and raises others.  A transcription of the obituary, including
any spelling errors that are in the original newspaper obituary, is below.
I will list some questions the obituary raises in my next message.

Bruce McCrea


Many of our readers being relatives and old acquaintances of Mr. Bashore,
whose death at Covington was mentioned here last week, we give a more
complete obituary here:

BENJAMIN S. BASHORE Was born October 1, 1824, near McAllisterville, Juniata
county, Penn.  In the year 1840 he removed with his parents to Green county
and located near Yellow Springs.  Two years later he removed to Darke
county.  In 1846 he was married to Christina Deeter and located in Miami
county.  This union lasted one year, when his wife died.  On January 9,
1848, he was united in marriage to Susan Martin and seven children were
born of this union, three of these with the mother, who died May 9, 1896,
preceded the father and husband to the better world.  Three sons and one
daughter, six grandchildren, and one great-grandchild are now living.  On
March 27, 1898, Mr. Bashore was married to Mary Allen, who survives him.
For a number of years he was a member of the German Baptist church and at
the time of his death was a member of the Christian church of Covington.
Sunday, May 18, he was stricken with paralysis and on Friday morning, May
23, he died, at the ripe old age of 77 years, 7 months and 22 days.
Funeral services were held at the Christian church, Sunday morning, May 25,
Rev. James McAllister officiating."


Questions raised by the Benjamin S. Bashore obituary

1. His birth date - I have had a couple of different people give me an Oct.
24, 1824, birth date for Benjamin.  The obituary says he was born on Oct.
1, 1824.  Perhaps someone placed the last two digits of the year in place
of the date and came up with the October 24 date.  Does anyone know the
original source of the Oct. 24, 1824, birth date?

2. His third wife - I was given Mary Ann Miller (May, 1839 - ?) as
Benjamin's third wife.  The obituary states that her name was Mary Allen
and that they were married on March 27, 1898.  Could one of these last
names be her maiden name and the other her married name in a first
marriage.  Are records available of this March 27, 1898, marriage, probably
in Miami County, that would give more information on his third wife and
their marriage?

3. His children - The obituary states that he had 7 children, 3 who died
before his 1902 death.  I have identified 6.  They are:

John M. Bashore (Sept. 17, 1849 - July 12, 1927) married May 18, 1871,
Sarah Jane Moist (May, 1853 - Sept. 2, 1933)

Mary Ann Bashore (March 17, 1852 - Oct. 8, 1871) married Sept. 15, 1870,
Levi L. Landis (1848 - Aug. 11, 1925) (He married (2) Mary E. Reeser.)

Sarah "Sallie" Bashore (Dec., 1853 - ? (between 1910 and 1927)) married
Oct. 26, 1871, William R. Dorman (May 1, 1847 - June 21, 1879)

Susan Bashore (July 3, 1855 - Sept. 17, 1783)

Levi O. "Lee" Bashore (Nov. 29, 1856 - July 4, 1931) married (1) Feb. 28,
1878, Caroline "Callie" Maier (May 7, 1856 - Feb. 28, 1912), married (2)
March 16, 1914, Lillie M. (Martindale) Freshour (August 30, 1868 - 1930)

Simon B. Bashore (Dec. 13, 1863 (or 4) - Oct. 25, 1942) married Jan. 19,
1888, Carrie B. Hartle (1867 - April 8, 1949)

John, Sarah, Levi, and Simon were the 4 children who were still alive when
Benjamin died.  Mary Ann and Susan were 2 of the 3 children who had already
lists 7 children for Benjamin in the section on pages 879 to 881.  That
list includes the 6 above plus Daniel Bashore who marred Mariia Keister,
listed between Levi and Simon.  I believe that it was Gale Honeyman who
gave me the information that the Daniel Bashore who married Maria Keister
on May 1, 1851,was a brother of Benjamin S. Bashore, not his son.  Their
father was also named Benjamin Bashore, so it was an easy mistake to make.
Since there is no Daniel Bashore or any other child other that the six
named above who were living with the family in either the 1870 or 1880
census, and John M. Bashore's 1927 obituary states that "He was one of a
family of six children, his three sisters, Mary Anne or Mrs. Levi Landis,
Sarah or Mrs. William Dorman, and Susannah Bashore preceded him in death.",
I suspect that the seventh child died at a very young age.  Any information
on this seventh child would be appreciated.

Bruce McCrea