Miami County OhArchives Obituaries.....Abbott, Nicholas September 29, 1871
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Elizabeth Tilton October 16, 2007, 7:09 pm

Lafayette [Indiana] Journal
Dr. Nicholas Abbott died on yesterday afternoon, having entered his 73rd year 
on the 18th instant. His death occurred at the residence of Dr. Luther Jewett, 
a brother of his wife, with whom he and his estimable lady, to whom he was 
married forty-two years ago, have been residing since spring. It was the result 
of successive strokes of paralysis, the first which occurred six years ago.
Dr. Abbott was born in Newbury, Vermont, and removed to Troy, Ohio, in 1834 
where he had a very large practice as a physician, and acquired a large 
property, and had a large circle of friends. He was characterized by a generous 
personality and an open-handed liberality. He has three sons in Nebraska--one a 
physician--and a son-in-law in St. Louis. His funeral will be attended at the 
residence of Dr. Jewett on tomorrow (Sunday) at 3 o'clock.

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